Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1442

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INDEX. 2783 Page. . page, Alabaqna_Ri1:er, Ala.;-—Cont.inued. Alaska-Continued. ‘ preliminary examination to be made of, for for yairsjo courthouse, Fairbanks . 1311 lock wd dam b€tW€¢11 M0¤€g0mery for ucatgon of natives ,..,...,.._,,____ 1323 Alabam“a§du§elmaI}1l;1%éi;12 .. 955 oddxtionailhsugls to navigation in waters of, 53 _ 0 _ *8 _ a 0 . 7 counties composing southern di\;is10¤ . 1106 cases inuwhich and writs of enmwfggthem d;Vi¤!0¤- ··---·-----..--.-... . . sg: slgzv direct tc.; Supreme Court 0 ¤<>¤ —---·------------·-----·- m 'trict courto ..._.. 1158 Alabamab Tennessee and Northam Railroad discringnutions against gvearers of United omptmy tate uni orms th t. , tc., may bridge Noicnbee River, in Noxubee in, a?nisdemenn0r;ypen;·hyt3tS. 963 County, Miss . . . 178 furlseggietc., regu1at;<;ns6 ... 326 Alabaster, inc u in census o 91 ..,...,,,_ _ , 1 duty QD, monuments, gtc ________________ 2] mineral lands, time extended for filing med adverse claims, etc .. . ..,_,_ 459 Ala a, Cal., . , labor 1. . . appropriation for public building .,_,_ 1364 mmm, 8 flea pmwgggiz ········ · ·-·· 848 Azam Nat1}onalFarest,`N. Ma., . °p°“ °"’““°,,mi,’,§ T‘;'m¥§,'“° °"“’“d°d °° 1360 appropriation for H;IAl¥1t•BD2BCG,Gi'»$Z.,0f.. 425,1247 right of my, etu, 1;% Agumkzhmguon mod1fying b0uud3!'l68 of . 2755 imdB§aviggtio¤ Igompany, Control: 360 _ er y Bermg' 'ver, etc . 1 appropriation for salaries, government Sitka Naticnai Monument, set aside ... 2601 { 1B.tH1§·-g .·... ·. %, time elnteuded for building Alaskn Short or con cu expenses . ine .. 459 for hxilitary cable and telegruléii'5, 1038 white slave t.mHic provisions applicable ` es to .. . ..., 827 for constructing military roads, etc., ’ Alaska Criminal Code Amendments, in . 1 257,1052 Sec. 173.-Pumishment for unlawful killservice oi retzued officexs as road com- ing of fur-bearing animals in Alaska; missioners, authorized . 1052 regulations . . .. . 327 for native pupils brought to Indian Sec. 176.-Pribilof Islands docluod a. schools . 271, 1060 splecial government reservation ...,. 327 for surveying and marking boundary punis ment for landing on, etc . - . . 327 with Canada ... . . . -_ . 343, 1033 Sec. l77.—Unauthorized killir:5 of seals on for relief of shipwrecked American sea- 103 I{ribil0f1slands¥un;(s:0v;af ...,., 327 m in .. 346 6 rivi ege to natives or , etc 327 for emgigeucy mail service in .. , 361 Sz};. 178.-Killing female or young seals for star route mail service iu; emer- unlawjful; exception .. . 328 { g:5cies._ .. of @2 any mol an wutcmmodkiaacent to Piibilot 3% or rn equipmen or 1 . s nm s, or on · , e c L for agricultural oxiierimont stations. . 438: 1262 punishment for . . 328 forsurveyorgcnem ,clerks, etc ... M7, l2l9 Alaska Diazricy (tourz, _ for surveys in . ii . . ... 741, appellate )n¤p»<\i•;23u of ninth circuit, office ex mesa ow ... vourt 0 up s in <·n.•·t~s rom ... II34 ¥or int·¤pe¢}ti)tfg mal mines, etc., iu. . 4 gg to be hggrmi lin iden l"|’1\X1t'i2$l‘U, Portland, or care o insane persons 74 or t m. c ... . .. 1135 for education of natives .. 744: 1420 Alaska Fiaiwrws Diri.rion, Fisheries Bureau, restriction on expendipiées 744 appropriatiopéog chief, clerks, etc- 1439 under Commissioner 0 ducation. .. . 744 or ur sea s eries, agents, etc ..,., 1439 for reindeer stations, etc 744, 1420 for salmon fisheries, agent, etc ... . . . . 1439 for protection of game 745, 1420 for wardens, etc. . ._ 1439 for suppressing liquor tratlic among na- Alaska Fur Qeal Fuhenes, tives .. 1420 aptpropriemon for agents, etc ... 763, 1439 for incidental expenses, court om- h5 I I Lor§»r?tecu1;_g - .. 711, 1389, 1441 °ls ..., ---.74814" Aas·a amem ' for tgieling expenses, court officials. 748; 1425 , appropriation for agent, inspectors, etc. . 763, 1439 for miscellaneous court expenses . 750, 1427 · or protectuqg .. _ Z . . : . . I . . 1441 for lighting waters of ...,.. . .: .. 754 I Alaska Short Ixme Rmlway and Aamgatwn for aids to navigation in waters 01 . , . 1431 V _ Company, _ _ for salmon fisheries ,,,_.,,,. 763 5 time extended for constructing nulroad _ for protecting seal fisheries in  : . 763 _ by ... : _.: .. 4::9 for protecting seal fisheries, etc., ID ..,.. 1389 * Alaska-Yukon-Pam_/ic Erposmon, _ _ for hospitals for temporary detention of deficiency gsppropriation for addiuonsl the insane at Fairbanks and Nome; 80 f delectflfill €quip¤§¢nt-.-E 130 c [mgm, etc ___,,,__._.,..,___ ’2 re un of erroneous c arge or engraving for jog; committee to investigate condi- and printing ... finns in _______ , _,_,,. : . _ . ,____ 1444 Alaskan Sgal_F18§enes, _ deficiency iplpropriation {for mvestlgatingu S90 appropiimtion ;or protecting .. 711. 13253, ’ resources o _,,,... . ...,__ 2 or sa aries 0 agents, etc. 7 ‘ , ‘ for tirgjrlging expenses, court officinls ._t_ , 214 for food, etc., to natives.: i. 763 for incidenta} expenses, court officials 214, 1310 killing of fur seals on Pribnlof Islands unfor support of reindeer ... 222. der regula5t1{»n;(0f Secretary ox Com- we f f ge thex nses ..,., metro an ,o xr .. L fg; (eigiigt. oi, and Clark Exposi· confined to officials and natives ... . 328 tion, Oreg .. . ... 810 limited to adult males .. 326