Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1503

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2844 nmmx. · page, · I Page. Cherington, Clement J., Cheyenne River and Standing Rock Indian Resnsion increased .,,,,,_,,_,,.,,_.,.,,.._ 1901 ervations, S. Dak. and N. Dak., Clggokee Tlnldiagw (see also Five Civilized sectionlsi 16ha]ngk32 gigantedl tolBSouth and 196 ri es , ort otas or sc oo .. appropriati for expenses, leasmg' land f 281 urchase price increased 196 gu- gzhools ii 282 apgropriation for purchase of school secfunds arising from sales of lands, etc., of, tions; amount increased . : -- 196 may be deposited in banks . . . . 1070 for expenses of appransmg, etc.; reunapproval of Secretary of Interior; use of bursable  : .. Z -: . 196

 ,.,. . .,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,, 1070 sale, etc., of mtoxicants prohibited for 25 197

. ., years ..,,,,,., appkr;pgiaMt;¢;p git éndian school 279, 1067 Cheyenne Iliner Indian Dah., o , . ., appropriation or ne t o 18118 on, dam authorized across Savannah River at. 922 from tribal funds ... 284, 1074 Cheroots, - sale of lands to Milwaukee Land Company duty on, tobacco . - - . .-: .. 35 on, for towrpaite . ... ggg Cher-rm, ayment· use o proc s ... duty on, green or ripe ..,. 37 rlieservatidn for raublic uses .. 602 Cherry, John, construction of uildings, etc ... 602 nsion increased. ..,.,,,..,, 1889 time extended for pgging mstallments for Cgrg, John W., _ lands on open portion of . 266 'on increased ...,,._,,,.,.,,,..,,,,,, 2093 forfeiture on failure . 266 c1i::;1.ru4a, commutation allowed .. 266 duty 0;:32 ..,.,. . . 41 d fees, et? reqmdissue of patent . Cherry ,8 ‘ , 1 ISPOSSO l o unso .. · duty on, or Mazkzzrd . . 37 · unallotted lands on, ogened to homestead 2500 peake Potomac Te ompany en . deficiency appropriation for .. 798 Cheyenne, lggo., Chesapeake Bay, grant of public lands to; payment . 291 report, etc., to be made on proposed canal term of cucmt court of appeals at . 1133 ‘ from Anacostia River to ..., 956 appellate proceedings from Colorado, Cheshire, James A., Utah, yoming, and New Mexico to chrgznsion increased .,,,,,,. 1671 t l?2dheard at Denver or . 113% Balls, erms o 1Sl’»I'1CE court at . . 11 duty on, ivory, bone, etc ...--... 66 Chicago and Western Indiana Railroad Com- Cheahare, Samue P., pany, _ _ pension increased . . ----.-.. . . 1707 mgay bgdg? (g]_al\;m]$tRRi;rer 3tCCh1cago, Ill. 180 , eago rea es _ _ at roa ompany Chcguty on ivoiydbone, etc - ·... . . 66 may brggge Mississippi R1ver at Saint Iiaul, 907 ster R' er ., _ mu . . appro iiation for improvement of .. 639, 937 Chwago, I ll., Chester giver, Pa., appropriation for assistant treasurer’s of- Breliminary examination of, to be made 675 _ fice 495, 1197 tnut Tree Bark Dweaae, for improvement of harbor. : ._ .. 657 appropnéiation fo;) study, etc., of .. 1264 for w%t<i1iLray_to hiésslassippn River by grvcay Chewing obaeoo omestic, o uois an ep annes rivers m packages, marking, etc., required for line Lockport . . 659 out ... - ... _ 108 for electrical burglar alarm, public buildlng ...,,..,... 109 ing at . . 708 inggmal-revenue tax on  : ... _ .. 1 09 for marine hospital, elevator . , . _. . 710 giving lottery ordiari, etc., with, forbidden- 110 for ir£¢Lt1rng anchorage regulations $2 1389 Cheyenne and Ara oe Indian Reservation, - -······-—··-··-·--- - ---· 7 OHL, for Confederate Mound, Oakwood Ceme- _ { d t _ . . .. . . 7124, 1400 °“'°°‘$;;{.;§.i"t;}.3T’ff’H.‘?T'T{‘?'t}T’T-f’T 533 r¤r,p·ii»imb·¤i¤i¤g ... . . me prmgegds to cl-edi; of Indians ___________ 533 deficiency jtppropriation for assistant treaspayments; issue of patents, etc . 533 , PNY P °mc° --·——·-·--···- - —-·~ ; ···- 1292 P°*e¤*‘*;,{°°‘°’am°¤ F- Rm"---*` --··· §§$ t$?&§.§’£§ti‘§%£23‘?.2i‘O§‘*€:‘Qi,?$;&“ir‘§°"“°§" $23 _ _ ________ _ _ _ _ ______ _ ________ g _ S VB? 8 . prggzmatibg, Opening to may agency, em, = contra<3p0gg;€15np§<;;¤g;ment of harbor at, au- 947 I d f 2716 , _ 1 ---·-- - ·-----·--··-- an 8 on Ormer . cred1t allowed ’B8BlBt3I1t treasurer at .. 1464 Ch°ym"°N0°;:°}?€mAr°pm'°° I"dwm’ M°mt" appropriation for amount of shortage.: . . 1465 sppmgznuon sie running treaty with. 277, was d“‘“P"‘}§,‘ff"S°,,_";)(§·1?2}‘l‘€3}I’°m8°¤ ¤PP·>¤¤*=» 593 ° ° I · · • · · · --·-·— - • • ~ • gm ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ j‘"_‘ ‘‘‘‘ 277* 1066 paymegt $1; damages to Chicago Avenue 863 , _ r ·r . H . . . ---.. 1 spprgpnsmn for support, ew-. ¤f ·---- 2801069 term or circuit com of appear at ,, ... use Nb ”·8°¤0Y @*1 B0 wl l¤¤d8, El Bene, terms of district court at .. 1110 f<§ 0¥Pl1¤;K¤. ¤¤$h°¤¤€d·· 190 Chwago, Indiana and Southern Railroad Comennc s yon panyr proclamation trmsf ’ part of to Medi- may brid Grand Cal et Ri t East cin,eBow Nam orest.’...J. 2726 Chggago, Ind...i1H] . .. 178