Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1657

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2998 INDEX. Ixiche·n.s—Continued. P¤8¤· Inyht-House Bureau, Department of Commerce 1*8% on free list, crude, drugs not specially pro- and Labor-—Continued. vided for ... . .. 75 appointment of commissioner, and deputy, Inkhty, Levi, _ salaries z . . . 537 . pension increased 1615 chief clerk; dut1es ., 537 Liwnbe, inspectors, clerks, etc: ... Z .. 537 dutz on extracts of ,. . . ... 14 chief constructing engineer, superintendon ee list, root, unground . .. 76 ent of naval construction; salaries. . . 537 Inddle, John B., comm1ssioner to make annual report .. 537 nsion increased ..,. · 1536 to adjust damages from collisions with P9 Loeb, Sarah H , (amldow), light·h0use vessels .. 537 pension increased 1589 transfer of employees from Li ht-House Lulrig, Ludwig, Board and Light.-House ilstablishpension increased . ... 1670 menta . E .. .. gig 7] tein y an avy officers excep L articlpls {rdm, admitted at minimum tariE- 1637 commi§ioner];o perform duties of Light· 538 ima mitime ouse . al1<iwe;1mEa·sins furnishing repairsb mate- to have control, etc., of Light-House - IB , etc., to foreign or domestic ves- 604 to hfervlce . f .. 5 38 se ...; ... ve chargeo 'ves etc. o L1gh` t- presnmption of authority for orders . . 605 House Establishmenti , . . . 538

 pugrnitted; other remedies not 60 to make contracts for mater1a1s;]proposa1s 5533

a ec . . .. 5 minor purchases in open mar et .. State laws su rseded . . . 605 to purchase sites for l' hthouses . 538 Liens, Miner’e Laggr, to employ temporary iiaftsmen on plans provisions for, in Alaska . 848 for niw vessels .. Egg Diem of Werrehouaemen, D. C., to prescrn e administrative regu tions.. exte t d ff t f ...,...,.., _ _ _ 305 to rearrange districts; inspectors ,,,.. 538 DQ/`e·S¢:1v€7T;1$_;v§, %'rea.rury Department, 1DSpQCt0IB' B:lB·;’l€S§ extra ({011} third gistrict. appropriation for General Superintendent, *I¤¤I8¤III€II Q Y IIII _ °I;V>f 0 _€€E$··· clerks, etc . 491, 1193 AI'II}Y ?II8III°€¤ for MISSISSIPPI RIVBI · for superintendents .. . .. 710,1387 _ dmmcts , .. 539 for keepers .. 711, 1388 details from Army Engineer Corps to superfor crews, expenses, etc . . 711, 1388 VM ¢0¤¤t¤1¢t¤o¤, ew ·----..--.. 539 {Or establishing new Stations _________ 71], 1388 unexpended balances transferred to . . 539 deficiency appropriation for. . - 219, 809, 813, 1321 laws fepéaléd ---··---...--. . .. 539 appliances required on motor boats . . . . 463 3; §q9€1»c·;\IlY I ·--- _--_-uk ·--·· 1 - - ; ..--·-·- ggg L,€fc_Sa,',, ing Stations, ’ 01811 3.Pp!`Qp1'13 1011 Ol' B8. 81188 ... telephone service directed between Twin L"ght'H°"""” D”m°t’· . . , Rivers point lighthouse, Wisq and to be rearranged by Commissioner of L1ght· Two Rivers _______________________ 194 _ ht H housgsiééiéh ,,...,_.,.,.,. 538 I’V*S""‘”9 T”“m0m:ab’ · - Lisp -rogi:g;tioi1 for suppliés etc, ,,___, _ _,,, 753 appropgiatxoizafor rescuing slupwreckgzgo 1031 £,,,,,epai,,S’8m·mm__:_______u"__“ .,54 . mm . D suimm ’'`’°°`‘ ’ for keepers’ salaries, etc 754 I·v'¤*><>¤¤ and LV¤·~$·¤¤¤a .A7¤7>¤rs¤¢¤»·7 :57 uga vmis _.__,__,___,,,___________ 754 on free list, for life-saving societies ... 76 gm- buoyagih 754 1>$¤¤i¤¤ i¤;¤¤¤·¤¤·I 1629 rm iigtiigna r‘°· °‘‘‘'`` it `‘°°‘``‘’’’°°‘‘‘ $5*; ··-····-·-··-·---- · —·-·· mg o rivers, e ,.,. L"gg“•. ‘r°"[”‘°* Olleasing of sites. ..,,,.,,._,,_,,_,_ 754 P°n$°° mcmucd ‘‘‘‘‘‘··‘‘ ‘ ········· · · · - 1596 for maintenance df tenders ..,,_ _ ,,_,,_, 755 Mgwuz H"l"’°y* for repairs to tenders ,,,,,..,,_________, 755 I/igggmon Incmaaed --···-· · ~·······-··—-··· 1480 §or clpiks in office of inspectors, etc . 755 s¤¤·,=;1~¥·;,~g·;¤¤f"M¤¤¤~" ----·---.·- 1696 ££i’£g5§§`¥i°2a;,3;;,;7g‘;,1‘(>.;:5;.7‘7;,;5.;,g;;;; Z22 Mah; ***8 “ ‘m"a9’ Tax"; Neebish Channel, Saint Marys River- 755 re und °f* BBS Based im ccrtmn lake bugesv for Pointe au Pelee, vessel ,,________ _ _ _ _ 755 . Gm ‘‘‘'‘'‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘· · · · · 1879 repeal of indefinite provision for light IM'·¢» Gwcve W-- , vessels ..,._____ _ ,____.,.___________ 755 Ligzzngguégmwl B ················· · ···-·- 1762 detailedl estimates for all objects re- 1»<¤·¤¤¤¥·i¤¤r¤¤¤~·=¤? ·----------·----—-·---· 1853 d55ci5?,‘é"‘Z.g,5;4,;;;;;7;,;‘7,;:;,;,;.,;1;,55; 755 Mgzggggggh M"! 2103 i f kDelaware Fiver _______,____________ 126 ········· · ·············· or eepers’ sa aries .,,., 224 I/ight-Home B0<¤’d7 { 1‘ ht, 1 ________________ _ ________ 224 appéoprgratiring for chief neéplrtlj; gk-zrks, etc. . . 526 fg; ,§,,,i§?z$f ________________________ 800 a on 7P -7 ual-isi? Omml$l0H€T or Supp ___________________ _ _ _ _ _ ____ 814 °i I¤sI¤tI¤¤u¤·=¤ · · ·--· ; ---·-··~ · -—-··- 538 custody of archives, etc, transferred to employees m¤¤f¤rr¤<1 to Light-H<>¤¤¢ Bu- Commissioner or Lxineisomos . ssa _ mu —······-·-·-···-··--- : -·-- ‘ --·· 537 employees transferred to ight,·House Bu- Laght-Houae Bureau, Department pl! Commerce reau .,,,.,,. _ _,,,,,,. 537 and Labor (ue also Ligh ouses, Bu- Light-House inspectors, _ _reau of), appropriation for salaries, etc .. 1432 established ... 537 or employees in omces oi, etc ...,.. .. . . 754