Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1668

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INDEX. 3009 M6-mmey, 76856, Page- I Mc Morrow, Wlllam, Page MP6l1$10l1 1BC1'€¥1$9d --.-··-.--. . 2073 i nsion increased_ _____, , , _ ________,_____ 1835 oI6neie, George W, 11£BMullan, Kate (widow), Mpension increased ,.,.,,.. , ,,_______,_____ 2099 i pension _______________ _ __________________ 2063 cKn·ight, Lafayette L., i McMullen, George WY ‘ military serwice allowed .. 1877 pension innroosodj _____ _ ________________ 2012 McKnlght,_ Mathew, alias Thomas McKnight, McMullen, James W., MP€¤S}0¤ 1¤€l'6¤S€<1 ----·------- 2117 pension increased ...,...,,___,...__,_ 1839 0Km,9h1,_Rufh8 D-, McMurphy, Archibald H., MP€11¤1°11 111c1'€as°(1 ---··--·-·--—··——-··--—· 1739 pension increased ,,,,.._,____,_,_ 1497 oK;;% H 2074 Mc Mamie, John H., 9 11 , -—-·- _ —·—·----·---------- pension increased _,,_______ ; __,.__,__ 1626 M1)léol;li·lon, Coehenne <wn¥ow>, 1617 McNabb, Robert, OU ·--· — ---·~·----··-·-·----------- — ension increased .,,..__,,___,,,_ M£Lo!iin, Eudora (www), i MENalght, John c., 1581 Mpension increased 1521 ! pnnsrnn increased ________________________ 1541 cL'11”·» A1*m1"'·d” , { McNair, Eugene, pension incfwwd ---··--—----------·-—-·- 1886 pension increased ,.,...,. 1975 Mollone, John, McNally, John, pension increased ...-.------. 1588 pension increased .,,,____.._, 1545 MoL<w41hZin, John, McNally, Mary (wwklow) Mpennron increased -·-·---------~.-.--.---- 1738 pension increased ____ ’ __,.._______________ 1645 <=Lonyhlin, John L,. McNamara, Cornelius MP°1m°11 _111°1’°”°d ----•·---------·---··—-- 1547 pension increased. ., . . . ... 1489 °L¤”·9h11I¢, 77*0m08 ·I·, McNamara, John, ` Mpension increased ... . 1923 pension increased ________________________ 2038 CLG1lI'i7t, Anselm, J., late a Senator, ycNa,;,/, Wa,-rm deficiency appropriation for pay to widow pension iucreaggd _________ _ ______________ 1896 of -··--—--·-·----------·- - ·--··-··- 802 McNeal, Ann (widow) ` HOLMES/, Willhm E-, pension increased. . 1722 Mpension increased .., . 1856 yCNm;, Robert, oLoewe, John, · ension increased ..,. 1478 Mpeneion --·- - -·-·-----·---·- = --·-·-·--·- 1814 M1:)Nees, James H. B., oLeon, Mary M, (onion), pension increased 1991 Mpension increased .. . . 1923 ycydly Andrew, oLeod, Sophno I- Awww), pension increased 1679 Mveneion meme --------—----·--—··-—-·· 1723 Juozvea Island, Wash., ¢M¤}l1m,_G¢0?`9€ No appropriation for penitentiary, maintension increased . - .. 1693 Dance _____ _ _____ _ _ _ _ 752 1429 M§e:‘1{InSl;g;,igg;¢:aSI;H 1964 McNeil, James, - l I · v . _ · , · _,,,,,.,,... ° .--··_--..---.·-_-.··`-• youom, rznhom, °“‘?'°“ ‘“"‘”"‘¥ 1 pension inereeeed ---------—-——--------·—- 1732 2052 M·=M¤nne, When, nrlinw, mum, P€l1$1°11 moreneed --·~-·· - ·····--········· 1637 ension increased . . . 1477 McManus, Mary (widow), Mgparhmd Hug}, ` MP°11$1°“ 1?1'°“°d ········· · ·············· 1635 cnsion increased 1467 cnonn, oben, M¢7l’hn·son, mance o., Mpeneion inorooeed ·---—···-—· · ---··-—··--- 2***7 onsaon inoroooou ... . ..., 1667 ¤Meen, Done W-, rrgphmon 1,,,,,,, Mpension increased ... . 1886 ,,810,, {m.r€m,,fd_ _ _ _ ____ _ ______________ 1514 cMillan, Assistant Pa master E. A., Ag;h,,,._,,,,,,_ John II. ` credit in accounts 1/or suspended naval ,,5,0,, i,,cmm,_.d_’ ____ _ _____ _ _____ 1935 ration money allowances 1352 MEEMSOHV K,m_,_’ ` ° ' ` McM1llan,_J0hn W, appropriation for public building .. 1376 MP°11$1°11 1“€1`°$$€d ··---·-- ~ -··—-·········· 2047 acquiring site andp erecting public building cjlillan, Juretta R. (widow), _ at authorized _____________________ 685 Mpensiion incrlpased . . .-,.-. 1700 Mc1,he,,w,,,’ Place VW D C cMi lan Par , D. C., _ _ · ~ i " " appropriation for site, etc., for fountain in. 717 ww; 3% 012 gtreetr b€tw°°“ I 325 ger sidewalks and curbs ... . -·-- 978 .,l I5 b ° ```` '`````` M 1% 1,,,,,;,,,1,,,,, @.0,,,,,1,, _____________,,__ oss Mgligiggeeiizfér o en, 1596 c. l an, omas, ······· ‘ ················ nsion increased ,,,,,.,. 1784 McQueen, (fharles E., Jdgjllillin, Prosser, pension increased . . .. 1912 pengign increased ______,__ , ,_____________ 1799 ]f(·Qug.?tg7p,, Orlando Q_, Molfilhin, Willinm L., pension rnore-reed -,,---·—--·-,-,··--·-,-- 1916 Mpension increased .,.. . .. . 1533 1{cQuujn, John H., _ cjlinn County, Term., _ O Mpension increased- ,. . . _,...,, 1900 bridge authorized across Hiwassee River, cStrau·. Robert W., by Bradley County and - .. 187 vpepsion increased 1510 Mcjlonigal, Henry, __ » 61*13/; A12"'11’a”r _ pension increased ,,,,..., 1480 pensnon increased ,_,,, . _____.. . .,._ _ _ 1:179 Mc Morruks, James, Mc Ward, Qastcm Q., pension increased ,, . . 1700 pension increased ._.. -- ._,_,...,, 1790