Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1678

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INDEX. 3019 Melvin, A{fred, Page. Mmompmjq Wq;$_, Page. MP€1}S10H 1H01'€¤S€d --.-----... . 1721 construction of public building authorized elmn, Jofm, New York Volunteers, at _______________,__________,_____ 684 MPGIQSIOH 1I1€1'€¤S<‘{d -..--·· . 2051 Mequillet, Josephine (widow), elmn, John, United States Navy, pemiqm increased ______,,,_______________ 2097 Mpenmon increased 1833 Mercer, Joah W., ‘ embers of tfbe House of Representatives, pension increased _,____._,.______,,,,_,__ 1730 ap;>r0p1j1at1011 for compensation 473, 117 5 Mercer, Pembroke, or mlleaifg . . . 473, 1176 pension increased ..,,.._..,,, 1514 for clerk H6 478, 1180 Mercerized Cotton Cloth, for stationery ... 183 duty on ..,.,,_,.,,,.,..,._,_, 47 publicity be contributions for elections of . . 822 Merchandise, Abandoned, pu11ish(1§§nt: for practicing in Court of 13 from sunken wgzmcls in Aéncrica.11 waters, ims 1 6 may be rought in ec of duty ,. 88 unpaid bills for speeches, etc., to be do- Madwm Himm ducbcd from salaries of delinquent- . 1446 peusioé increased ________________________ 1836 Members of the Sixtieth Congress, Mg,c;mm JGW3 B_ distributiprx of documents, reports, etc., to Gusioé incmasmf ________________________ 1940 _ Y°tm“g» I'€P6u·l°d-- ········-······-· 183 Mgrchants and Manufacturers Exchange, M¢"”;°""'»?l» _ _ articles solely for exhibition at, may be Pnming urdcmd of P*`°c°°dm8S et d°d1c9·' 1mp0rtcd free of duty under bond. . 1357 HOD. of Stefheuson Grand Army 2137 88]% for future delivery _____ ___ _________ 1358 Mewwrwl Arch, Va ley Ferfqc, Pas _ pa mr sr duty on articles withexpenditure authorized or coustzructmn. . . 822 gsm ____________________________ 1358 Plans, €{·c·_ -·---------·--· ; -····-·-·----· 822 no im lication of invitation to make exspprqpnat1011for construction .. Z . 1402 gibjts ______________________________ 1358 Mgnggal 9ftP•;·r%’s Wntgryagén I€gk;8Ege, M extension of time permitted ,. 1358 p pm no or, an n nm , ~ M h_ce¥bmm.¤ at pumsay Island 1081 Meeheeryogregyeg; Nami B··e’=· New mp 1*8* "m‘* redemptioxfcf {ost Bond ...,.. 1862 Mmgi?°m er ················‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ 1125 Merchantir gaticmzl Bank, Paughkeepm, appropriation for public building .. 1376 ‘ " - ecqrurieg ere fer public breldreg er ee- "“£{$§§3§£‘“1§£}3§°.f§n'2?.’3\‘}§d’T?{‘}.`?Y .‘.’. 111; E3 I hth;,l;"d· · ··········· · ‘·‘·‘···‘‘‘ 688 Mercurial Mezzkrinal Preparahkms, ..,,»·»·ei<¤·:3;;·,;m¢¤1 -——----—-—·--—--— — ·--— we M;‘;2,$L?.‘;z;;s.;;z;‘1si‘ez;‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ “‘ paymmit of damages, collision betweerx ¤<=<1¤ir}¤g1=¤¤df<2r. a¤¤h¤d¤§r1;_19c%e¢i¤¤¤_- -- 7 00 United States ship umaydowm. ·¤ cost, apprepnatxon aut 0nz , texmand _____ _ __________________ 1872 bursemant. of one-half . . 700 Mdmazz, ‘C;.arzgg 11fj ¤¤¤i¤¢er¤¤¤@e -·-—·-·--··— . -··-- z -··-·-··—-· 700 mon increased _______________ _ ________ 1756 condemnation proceedings of purchase ’g·’r<*’·e"» Sm'; S· <w“°w>7 1653 m¤JiL"¥i§°?¤“[?‘§¥?§$”§{4;g; ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ A;m0m3;}`}}Q}1]Zy}`(§}.]1`}f5§;Q},' °'`````` paymiut on acquiring time ...,,___ Eg} appropriation for improvement of . . . . 656 °°'?t"° · ere ····· z · ·. ···· ··········· :· · ' Menommee Indian Reservation, Wis., deficiency nppropnamon or condcmmng I cutting, etc., of dead and down timber cn, 1076 M , l, nleybier ······· · ··················· mw authorized . , · ., regulations to be prescx.ib0€L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ 1076 MEBQHS (§dCO}ll‘T1};E . . .. . . . . 1116 1189 of green timber in logging ..,,,______ 1077 67`Wly! w‘m 1789 mnxlmum amount, etc ,,_,,_ , , _ _ _____ ]()7y MPCHSIOD lnirease ,,,.,__. constructing roads, expenses, etfc _______ 1077 ernwncay,t_ a.,f te f F kr fol'0St investigation, etc., on Indmu rgger- 3PP!‘0L;¤3 l0l1 0l’ Wa rway rom ran m 648 M ·“t}‘3.Z? “°‘ %EP"°‘“"° ‘° ‘‘‘‘· " 27* ‘°“° cmge»°‘s.£1&i1aLi;ea‘ 2;; `1H1§}{(i ‘ ewwmmee uma, as., · ~ . testimony in claims against, to be taken by M froni muglm t° ··‘··············· 942 €<>¤r¢ of Chime ---·------·-----. 287 mmav {ne? sr, t { 648 Gipenses and findinvs, if allowed, to be a·PfP"°P"? mu 0; “§Pg9"°‘§€u 0 ——·· 648 wid here rribii f¤¤<1¤ --------.-.». 287 gr we emv e. eurre t ¤g=r— - - H - · k-- 955 if rejected, by claimants; bond required- 287 3})*** ‘m*5“;]Y iixamma °“ ° ° me ° ° · · claims of logging contractors 8g2¤`|I1St, rc- ”°""9» .0 " 2115 ferred re Court of Cleimr ---------. _ .. 287 vergeree r¤¢re¤— ·—-—·---~ · -———---------- settlement by Secretary of the Intenor Memagn, Charles W, M uu mutual agreement ·—·-—-·---- --- 287 pengsnou increased . . .. 1¤14 Menominee, Mich., _ _ I M¢T7'Wk, R- Q-, bridge¤¤¢heri¤e<1eer<>¤¤Me¤¤mr¤eeR¤vcr, · pay-men: to .. 1811 by Marinette, Wis., and-  : . 868 Merryiqld, _.Iamcs E., my bridge Me¤<>r¤i¤ee River¤>Me¤¤em>, Mpex;s1ou1¤qre2sed ... . 1987 \ViS _________________ _ _____________ 350 ernll, Wzllmm S., ymomime Rivgyv peqsion iqcrwsed ... . 1575 bridge authorized across, Marinctte, Wis., Memvrmc Baier, Mags., @0 M€¤0m—i-¤8€. Mich -····-··-··. . . 350, 868 appmpnauon for xmprovement of ._,, 632