Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1711

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3052 mnnx. Officers, Army-—C0ntinued, PHKG- Officers, Navy—C011tinued, Page deficiency appropriation for transportation 220 performin engineering duty on shore only, for pay .. _ . . . z .. _ ... , . 1300 to ie additional numbers of the additional pay for, dying in service, avail- grade . 1267 able for beneficiaries .. . 123 retirement benefits at rank held 1267 assignment of retired, on active duty as retired, to receive commissions for adroad_ commissioners in Alaska, au- vanced rank when promoted ... 1354 _ thor1zed_; pay, etc .. 1052 Officers, Organized Mzlma, _ details for service under Cuba and Panama, position, rank, and precedence of, serving _ permitted; limit, etc ... r _ 3 24 _ with Rzgulars . 234 details for instructors, etc., of Organized Ojicml Gazette, atmt Ojiee, Militia on request of governors .. 1045 appropriation for printing and binding, 768, 1446 vacancies from; number limited 1045 Ojimkzl Postal Guide, proportion of detached officers; filling appropriation for publication . . 522,1224 vacancies in second lieutenants . 1045 Oyicuzl Reporters, Engineer Corps, number increased 957 appropriation for House of Representahorses of mounted, ordered to distant sta- tives ... 477, 1180 tions may be purchased; price .. 254 for Senate .. . _,.. 473, 1175 Medical Reserve Corps, retirement at 70, deficiency §>propriation for extra servctc _______________________________ 530 ices, ouse of Representatives . 128, promotion of line, who lost lineal rank by _ 805, 1317 regimental promotions pnor to Octo— for extra S€1’VlC€?, Senate 127, 804, 1314 ber 1, 1390 ________________________ 1058 for extra month s pay, House of Repre- Quartermastefs Department, number of ¤9¤l38·1i1V€¤--7 ---·------·----· 127, 804, 1317 Omcem increased _________________ _ _ 1045 for extra month s pay, Senate- . - 127, 804, 1317 readjustment of stoppages, etc., for pay- 0m“°i‘”• G°"’”'?m””t·. . ments for Exercise 9f higher c0m_ punishtrpent opt bribery, etc., of, in cus- 103 · me beween APM 2°» *8**8- ed activ? i§‘.it§§“eig"seu¤it;ig egg; is oe.£‘“t‘§“ i$:}°3’ ‘‘‘‘·· “""" Ogden Haig ’ " ‘° re , r iv commissi or - • · vanced rank when promoted 347, 1354 O wrgsgf °9}“1 $1- · ···· 1 ·········--—···-· 1127 second lieutenants, Hlling vacancies in ·0;(gnéi0:?Itz,Z0?,81g; °rj1m’ 1958 g¤‘d° --·-·-----·--·--·—······-·--- 1045 Ogden William H. '```'`` `````'```````'`` separated from authorized number of Pgngion iucwaseh ____________ _ _ _ _ 2027 hlprse; not deprived of forage, etc., 252 ggd,,,_,bu,.g, N_ K, ``'``'`' t ere or .. . · · { · to be dropped from mus if absent three O;gpp`;gp;;i.t;1on or improvement of harbor- . 635 months without leave, or in confine- péusion incrkased ________________ 1834 ment by civil court . . . . 894 Ogun it Mh ```` · ```` r¤¤p1><>i¤¢¤¤¤¤¢pr¤hibi¢<>d ----·--------- - 894 prelUriii£¤my'ersm1¤st1o¤ of nsrsor to be Officera, Marine Corps, made . . ...,.,,,_,,,___ 671 appropriation for pay; longevity .. . 624, 1284 O’Hara, John, - or retired; longevity ... 624, 1284 pension increased ..,,_ _ __,___ 1933 for mileage . 625, 1284 O’Hare, James, for commutation of quarters without pension ,,.,,,,, _ _________ 2102 troops ... 625, 1281 O’Harnett, Charles H., with troops ..,. . . . 627, 1286 pension increased .,.,,,_ _ _________ _ ______ 1563 for trlagiiporting remains of, dying Ohio, _ _ ab . . ._ .. 619, 1278 assigned to sixth judicial circuit __________ 1131 limit of expenditures for quarters for. . 618 Ohio orthem Judwinhl Dismbt, retired, to receive commissions for ad- additional judge allowed for ,____ _ _ _ 202, 1087 vanced rank when promoted ... 1354 deliciencgr appropriation for additional 0 cers, Nm: , l\1 S9 --·- ; ·--·----.-·. _.._ ... 799 `gipproprigigqn fop pay _____ : ___________ ’ 605, 1265 COUHUBB C0H}P9§1D§ $$319111 (11V1$10H -----·- 1121 or tramrziiporting remnms of, dying W€St€1'¤ d1VlS10D ... 1 .. . .,,,.,__ 1121 ab __________________._____, 619, 1278 terms of <>0¤r¢ ~-·-··.·--- . ---- · ... 1121 deficiency appropriation for mileage to; Ohm RW"} . { . _ d1,,a110w,,_uc€S _______________________ 1303 ¤PP1’0P¤¤:;1<5¤ °¤‘ 1mPfoV€m€¤;t of, by 100kS accounts oi volunteer, war with Spain, to ggutmgltgs to Secure 9` °°t °h°·m1°%54 946 be r°°p°D°d* °t° ‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘···‘‘ 1266 sites for Locks and Dams Nos. 9 10 7 complete schedule of all pay and allow- 12 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23· 24¤ ances to be sent to Congress . 606, 1266 25* 2., ’ 28 *29 ju gm (1*48 * · · · 654 detail of line, under staff, in manufacturin cousiruétmé and and repair departments at yards ang 7 9 10 12 19 20 21 41 and 481 stations __,_,____ _ ______..,________ 614 ’ ’ ’ ’ ° ’ ’ ’ ’ . . . contracts . . _.,_______ 654 1406 to HY<11'<>gmP1¤€ Omw hmiwd to two- - 508 for improvement of and maintenance , to marine schools as instructors, etc., Working plant aéthorizad _ 654 _ _ ““th°“”f"1 ······-~~··- ; ---· ;---;;·· 1353 completion of Locks and Dams Nos. hailing pmmotionfrom physical disability 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, and 11 654 contracted in lme o duty, to be re- for im rovement of below Pittsb P , mg- 111196 ¤¢ Pfqmvbvd --··- 1267 Pa., Locks and Daum Nos. 13 and 1 . 729 pay. etc, qi. servgng ss chiefs of bureaus. . 607 Lock and Dam No. 26 729,1405 comm1ssionsto1ssne.,, ,...,__,___, 608 Lock md Dm Nm 31 ___________, ,,, 7W