Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1830

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· INDEX. 317 1 Publtb But {dings, Omnibus Act—Q0ntinued. Page- Publtb Health and Marine-Hospttal Service- Page- Boston, Mass., exchange of site for immi- Continued. grntion station authorized . . . . . 702 appropriation for medical officers and Oklahoma, transfer of Federal jni]5_ _ ____ _ 702 phannacigtg __,____,__ _ ____, _ __ _ 7],6, 1393 Public Bujldinggflnd Grpundg, 1), Cf, for other employew, , j ________,,_ , _ 716, 1394 appropriation for additional pay, officer in for fright, transportation, etc . 716, 1394 charge . 249, 1043 for fuel, lights, and water, etc ... 716, 1394 for supermtendent, clerks, etc . . 504, 1207 for Supplies, em; depot __,___________ 716,1394 for foremen, gardeners, etc .. 1. . . 504,1207 for Hygienic Laboratory ..._.,,_,,,,__ 716,1394 for watchmen ·-.·.···.-. 504, 1207 for maintenance of hospitals . . 716, 1394 fol’ watchman, W3$hiDgt0D’B birth- for outside treatment, etc ..., 716, 1394 place ... 505, 1207 for books, etc ... 716, 1394 tor contingent expenses . . .. 505, 1207 for medical inspection of immigrants. 716, 1394 for bicycles, arms and ammunition, and for leprosy hospital, Hawaii . 716, 1394 uniforms for watchmen . 1207 investigations by officers ...,,, 1394 amount from District revenues 505, 1207 for grading, etc., Hygienic Laboratory . . 717 for improvement and care of parks, for quarantine service . . 717, 1394 ctc 725, 1402 for_prevention of epidemics . 717, 1394 for Monument Grounds, etc . . . . 726, 1402 deficiency appropriation for. . . 219, 225, 808, 1320 for Potomac Park, etc . . 726, 1403 for quarantine service . 219, 1320, 1325 for grounds ofexecutive departments. 726, 1403 for glurveying depot ... 781 for trees, etc., Library grounds .. 726, 1403 for `ttsburg, Pa., marine hospital .. 781 Ca itol, the Senate and House Office for leprosy hoitgnital, Hawaii 808 Euildings tmds .. 726, 1403 for medical officers and pharmacists . 1295 for Executive gfgnsion grounds .. 726, 1403 for other employees . . .. 1295 for employing engineer, etc . . . . . 727, 1403 for maintenance of hospitals - - . 1295 for removing fence and wall around for outside treatment. ., . 1295 Botanic Garden, etc ... . . - . 1403 lighthousetender"W1stana"transferred to. 912 for removal of stable for executive office, Pub tb Health, Internatwm1l0j}Ecc o_/Q etc ,,,,__,,,,,,.,..,,,... . 1403 agilprolpriation for annual quota 344, 1034 accommodations to be provided by Pu to ns¢·itut1Za·ns, Qunrterrnngter General ,.,. . ..,.,.. 1404 on free list, works of art, etc., for presentaior repairs, etc., Executive Mansion. . 727, 1404 taxon to . . ... 81 for fuel, Executive Mansion .. . . . 727, 1404 Public Lands, for uhouses, etc _________________ 727, 1404 appropriation for surveyors-general and for Ergiiting; mgxjmum ,.., t 727 their clerks . _ ... 5 17, 1219 part from District revenues . . 727 for regxsters and recewers 739, 1414 for glgctyic li hw ___________________, . . 727 for contingent expenses .. 739, 1414 for lighting Egxecutive Mansion, etc 1404 for depositing moneys , ... 739, 1415 for lighting and heating public grounds; 1404 ior expéenses, t1il;`1b€;;ad€;I1P?di,It·;0!;;i--· maximum _____________ _ _________. . OI 1*0 C0 lng, H1 U U 9D D 93- , 0 ng contracts required ___,____________ 1404 for}§w3,p;p-ln,nd claims, etc _. _ , _ ,,,__ 739, 14],5 settlement of existing contracts for arc classificauon of lands 111 N0rthem lighting _________________________ _ _ 1404 Pgqlfic grant; _______ i ___________ _ _ _ _ 739 for Grant memo,-ia] _____________ _ ______ 728 for hearings in land entries .. 740, 1415 for unveiling statue of John Paul Jones. . . 1404 for reproducing plats of surveys . 740, 1415 for telegraph, Capitol, departments, for examinations of desert. lands . A0, 1415 etc _________ _ _________ _ _ _ _ _ ____ 728, 1404 fg]- pgstgrgng lands in ]mu4)ng[` fm-gg[g_ 740, ]4]5 for Washington Monument ... 728, 1404 for salaries, General Land Utheo . 1 740 for repairs, building where Abraham for opetun§ Indian reservations; num- F Lincoln died ..,.. ; . 728, 1405 bursab o .,. ,. . , .,.. N . . 740, 141.9 for improvements, Wakefield, Va- . . - 728, 1405 for survey, I·—ad Rosen ation, r {ont. 740 for unveiling statue of von Steuben . 728 for surveying; compensation 740, 1416 for Commission of Fine Arts . 728, 1405 resurveys, etc . .. 741, 1417 officer, to be secretary, etc 728 counties m Montana .. ;~l1 deficiency approprintien for monument in lands rn Idnhe -..-----...· 441 Count Eulnski ... : . 209 townships in Nevada, Oregon, and _ for monument to General lieecruezke ·--· 209 Uteb--_ ···- ;- H ··---·-------·---- {H lg} inventory of {;roEerty_ in Executive Man- · counties in 1 tnr . . .; ... . L41, 141;, “"’” "’ " ""‘ “‘ "'?»°"é’f ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘ 77* §3§ 2`33?§‘éiE‘i$‘E2f5“$Ot2`?€§fii}3‘§f4Stt; ’ Public Conveninnre Sfaliom, . ., _ r» — · v a pro riation for maintenance. . . , .. 390, 981 North Dakota, South Dakota, and:) egnncllsmrnent nf, near Dugent Crrcle, end Lernnqne .--·. _ . . md .-~--- ·=l~, on Ninth between and G Streets for cont1n•n1ngs\t;r:ltgs m 0 .~. All 1417 P I N W ·-----»-.-----·----------··---- 717 f¤r;i1;;i;;nlg,€;pegmeS -·-·--------—- · ,1417 u the, . _,’ ‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘’'‘‘`‘‘ on free list. issued by foreign gnvernmente-- 74 fer reenrveye rn nebraska ..-·..-----· éé 1417 · distribution to retiring Members of Six- for refunding te register; money enrn _ tieth Congress, repealed. . : ... 182 _ for issuing cnncellation notices. . 1301 publicationegf Monetary C0mmlSS10¤ to be 21_ d€f1€1€g;5 ?§;'g?l§132l<;¤ O1' 5111* 9} O1' g€¤· (M2 - """*° ”“" ‘‘‘‘‘ ¤ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ’ rr., mgem ,,,.1 ;,,,,,,,;r.;,g ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘ ggsgm {rio

 11g1(;;1T;?l:na;;;gi1Ez\;·i?}1;?é";‘sn;;1i?¢;l Service, for contingent expenses. _2‘22,810,814, 1323. 1326

a propriation for Surgeon General, clerks, for hearings in land entries .. 222, 810. 1323 P etc ,,,_,_,__,_,..,..,_, 492, 1194 for protecting, etc ...,.,, 222, 1323