Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1834

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INDEX. 3175 Public Printing and Binding—Continued. _ l’¤8¤- Public Schools, D. C -i(`ontinut·d, Ymreserved se_ts of documents and reports dns- other employees allowed leave with pay; P cpntusgiedi . .. f . . . . 868 P br Hprrivision for substitutes ...l 1395 re or e . nves rga ion o n error u it- 'or ii. _ Departmentand Forest Service . 2136 appropriation for medical examination of tzmff bill and report ... 2129 employees inj ured on .. 526 transfer of appropriation for Weather Bu- Publications, reau, toGovernment Pr1nt1.ngOffice. 891 on free list, issued by individuals for gra- Public Property, Old etc., tuitous circulation .. 73 statements of lproceeds of sa.les of, to be l2Y S$‘¤€¤llll°_8§¤0°l¤¥l**“$~ elf-‘ -----·- 73 ggpgratg 31 c0P]HéuD;{c§,;§] to (TOD- P l)Il.\9‘l0'lI, D(pGTU7l¢‘lII of .‘ly7'I¢‘ul- ,an t ti te .. 773 U", _ Public §5:;Sm!,,t_,,?0 m 00 0 S ma S apipropriatron for salaries .. 435, 1259 on free list, works of art, etc., for .. 81 E" gfmeml °xp°ll“?s· · · 2, ············· 43% 1259 Publrb Roads Office Department of A '- Puéltcqzlow of me Slam"! i'Y0ngr°'”‘ culture ’ gn dnstnbunon lot', to reunng Members, re- - · ’f - _'__' ,. __peale<..._ _ . _ 182 ¤pE;_¤g;1}?;;;1;S Gm · • _ _ _ U pi.1izmlyT;;rg;imgi;;;0nifor blccnon of Ren

  • 0* Held ·=¤v<·=¤¤·¤¤*¤ m md ¤<>¤=¤¤¢- _ politics mmmiiim ntiiisi, mei. N-

mm cm ````‘``‘`‘`‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘········ 12*** quired ,.__,,..,._.. 822 Public Scltools, D. C'., treasni-ers' duties ... 823

  • "’l"°p{t‘;‘“§’,1‘,,‘°' °§°°” ·······-- · ·-···- ggg· ggg maps for tiiitiuiiiiiiiini., ,,,.,,,,,,,,,

°"" “ °° ° °°” ·--··-· · ·------ mi. _,__,,___ _ _____________,... ses for wmhgm '`°‘°`‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ · ····- · - - · 392; 983 treasurer tp be given tlemilod statements for hbmmius md clerks ‘'°‘' ‘ ‘ ‘···· · · · 393, 984 of all contributions .._..,,.. 823 for l011g€VllY P¤·Y· - -_ -··-···-··--··- 394, 984 to file statement of all recei tsand dis-

°r “U°lx“‘§1° lfspngciglfif --·-·—- · ---- gig, gg; d iiiiiremeiigih Clerk tigris House. 323

0* ¤!° Sc °° lm _ °l’S*·*`l·°¤S--- etai srequ .. 23 for lnhglergarten supplies., ._ . 394; 985 statements required of expenditures made f<>r1=>·mtp¤¤ and care of bmldmgs .-.-.. 394, 985 by others ttm political committee. . 824 §0r magical lD;P0ct'0m ‘°° ‘ •··· tz--- · 332, personglwdtmvehng expenses, etc., cx- 824 crren e . mporafy r¤0m¤ 6 ce f°¥` ¤'6P£i¤'¤ mad i¤1P¤’°V6m°¤l·¤·’ -·--·-- · 395:987 legal exgenseo in contested elections glfor plumbing repaus . 396, 987 lowed . . ... 824 gor rplanuauginming expenses- · x, P pcigghgirint épr violating provisiom .. 824 or e, ,an power . u , on . for furniture, newbnildings, etc .. 396: 987 pension increasbd ... 2 1944 for contingent expenses ... 396, 987 Pucblo, (`olc., for pianos ,... . .. 396, 987 terms of court at .. INXS for textbooks, etc.; flags, playgrounds, Pueblo Indians, .ll¢.r._, school gardens, etc .. . 396, 987 npproprintion for special attorney . 278, 1067 for apparatus, etc . . .. 397, 988 Puget Sound—L¤h* lltwhrnylvn ll'¤le·ru`¤y. _ . ger Eorgglsllgsscallloéilgipgtlsegié nppniriziitpgtiri for improvement ol; limita- GM 0I' 111 . , . . .. , 0 ., . . . .. . . . additions to Business High School 397 use { water power .,,. 666 additions to Western High S:·hool.. Z 397, 983 for irniimvemont ot; lmjl:. eu-. . ,... 1406 additions to McK1¤l0y ltmltll 'l`I‘¤1¤— Puget Sound Nury litre], Hush , im: School ..·--- · ----...··.-· 397.963 tip iroprliition for pitbliv Mrk: .,.. , 010. 1270 ngmml school si. 397,988 I lor nnvi;l amzliiei. ... . . . . 617. 1277 a d`t.i nt Arm tron anna rainin ‘ tSo nt ’ .,

 . T. . . . lg  . . gill, gllli :%`p|•s»p;l3[l0n {nr in5prr•\1-umn! nf llnm.

site for new Central High School .. 988 morsloy lnlot .. . . . . . 685 normalschoolforcolored pupils _. 938 for improvement of, and tributary manual tmining school, twelfth dl\"l· waters ... . ..,..r I (165,952 sion ... . ... 989 for impmvernont of waterway connecting M Street High School .. . . . 989 Lakes lfnion and Washington with. for tireproof stairway, etc 398, 989 for lizhting ·... . .i...~,. wl sites and buildings not to exceed limit preliminary examination of ship c-mal. Port of cost ._..,... . .. 398, 989 Townsend Bay, Oak Harbor, and, to municipal architect to p!‘€p&l’0 pl8¤-*3. be made ... . ,.. 676 t ,, fb `ld` 398,989 pn Ii, Albwrt G., exlitcdogrs tl•;i1opL;fi>utW211‘d._ . _ ...- 398, 989 i pznsion increased . . . , .,.. 1451 amount for sites and bmldmgs mime- Pugh, John W, __ diately available ..·. 398, 989 · pl•;r;lsn¤>r;_r¤<‘mi¤~?*d..} ..-- — —--.~»--»... L15 ' ' f rtabl Pu S. mem "mm . _ _ deacmgccliroolligriggsvliggggmqf. é 122 Q deticiericy appropriation for complermg toiaiiios Western High School . ig; , MMM =·;e<};y~‘¤·*¤·#= ¤=“¤* nf -·-—--——-—-——- 2*** for compulsory Gduqxuon exp'} [L i i l _ a I . miiiiiri-ii¤¤itiii’.»r public building authorized payment eightypewnting PBY Y0 °· ¤P· ms 2 at ~ 633 · , | wd; A P lub, la.. , _ ““b’“`§‘il$°°°h°” . , . . . 1395 zppropriation for public building ...,., mso leave 6; days; payment dur- 1395 acquinL1klg¥;s;fiif•¤r public budding at, an- 692 ing absence . . - · -·~-·· · ·-·- ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘' '‘‘'‘'``'’‘ 8874l°-vox. 36, rr 2-11—--1:23