Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/792

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CONVENTION—CONTRACT DEBTS. OcTOBBB 18, 1907. 224]. Convention between the United States and other Powers respecting the °°*°‘>°’ 18·*°°"· limitation of the empl%ment of force jbr the recovery of contract debts. Signed at The ague October 18, 1907; ratification advised . by the Senate April 17, 1908; ratiyied by the President of the United States Febru¢§<7·y 23, 1909; raggfication deposited with the ZV2therlands Government ovember 27, 1 .9; proclaimd February 28, 1.910. BY THE Pnmsmmzr or THE UNITED STATES or AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas a Convention respecting the limitation of the employment °°,,,°,,‘m’”“ ‘}°"‘°· of force for the recovery of contract debts was concluded aiid gigned me at The Hague on October 18, 1907, by the respective Plenipotentiaries of the United States of America, Germany, the Argentine Republic, Austria-Hungary, Bolivia, Bulgaria., Chile, Colombia., Cuba, Denmark, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Spiain, France, Great Britain, Greece, Guatemala, lllaiti, Italy, Ja an, exico, Montenegro, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, the Netherlands, Peru, Persia, Portugal, Russia, Salvador, Servia, Turkey, and Uruguay, the original of which Convention, being in the French language, is word for word as follows: [Translation.] l II. II. CONVENTION CONVENTION CONCERNANT LA Lm1TAT1oN mt nnsrncrmo THE LIMITATION or LIEMPLOI ma LA roach: POUR. THE EMPLOYMENT or Foxcm LE m·:coUvnE.MENT DE Dmrrms FOR THE RECOVERY or coN- CONTRACTUELLES. TEACT Dmrrs. _ SA MAJESTE L’EMPEREUR His Majesty the German Em- C°¤°¤¤¤¤8Y¤*¤¤¤ D’ALLEMAGNE, ROI DE Heror, King 0 Prussia; the Presi- PRUSSE; LE PRESIDENT ent of the United States of DES ETATS-UNIS D’AMERI- America; the President of the QUE; LE PRESIDENT DE LA Argentine Republic; His Majesty REPUBLIQUE ARGENTIN E; the Emperor of Austria., King of SA MAJ ESTE L’EMPEREUR Bohemia, &c., and Apostolic King D’AUTRICHE, ROI DE BO- of Hungary; the President of the HEME ETC., ET ROI APOS— Republic of Bolivia; His Royal TOLI(¥UE DE HONGRIE· LE Highness the Prince of Bulgaria; PRES DENT DE LA REPU— the President of the Repub ic of BLI%UE DE BOLIVIE; SON Chile; the President of the Re- ALT SSE ROYALE LE public of Colombia; the Provi- PRINCE DE BULGARIE LE sional Governor of the Republic PRESIDENT DE LA REPU— of Cuba; His Ma`esty the King BLIgUE DE CHILI; LE PRE- of Denmark; the President of the SID NT DELAREPUBLIgUE Dominican Republic; the Presi- DE COLOMBIE; LE GO R- dent of the Republic of Ecuador; NEUR PROVISOIRE DE LA His Majesty the King of Spain; REPUBLIQJUE DE CUBA; SA the President of the French Re- MAJESTE E ROI DE DANE- public; His Majesty the King of 887-11°-vox. 36, rr 2-11--51