Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/10

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xii PUBLIC AGES AND RESOLUTIONS. PIE- Ho¢8pri·np_, Ark., Loo NZ AnApt Autlmrizingtho Loo N. Hospital Anocmtinnto dconstru thuil fo theuaaofthoqorponuononlomnumlgered duns and icurcfivulgcyklgmbudcouo hdxxggedrmd fourteen, m the exty of Hot Spnngs, Axkmns. Ju¤c3,1912 . _ Z ... : . 121 Bridgc,RedRioa·of!Q•cNorth. AnActTo•ut.11onzothov1I]£`¢;fQ•lo,mthocuuntyofl{ndnsH,m tbs8t•teofMmm¤ot•,tocou¤tranctabndgeacro¤t1aa 1}1vegofghe1¥or[.\1. June 3,1912. 121 Inta·n•h·cveu¢,alcol•oltocolleg¢§. A¤ActFartherol1¤fof¤cumtn6cm¤txtuu0¤s0rcoHeg¤s0f learning hgving violstod sections gh.i.rt·§-two hnmdmd md uingty-oovan and thirty-two hun~ · dndmdmngty-sovansoith¤Rcv1s¤d tstgtcsmdtheregujsmnonwihuptzxinqm. 122 AlabuuC'»·e¢kI1nd¤anl¢¤nd•._ AnActTomli¤quu11,mloass,rem1nol:·:In qnaxd man kcixght, lc, •nd_intn¤¤t0f_t\g¤UnitedSg•t¤¤ctAmer1!:•m<\¤dgo_•11th¤ ds_he_ uu acc crco or d¤L1cbyipdw1dudsmpm•teon¤dupum¤nmpdonmh%':nematcg1mpbir§8tgw;o§ A1¤HWh1l!hW8IBlQfV£,I6¤iDBd,0f$tlw'¢100!foIuI8 kTnbeor $u0l'l' Indumnmdotorb v1rtu¤0Hh¤*In•ty¤nwrodmtobotwo¤¤t11¤Um§cdSt•tc¤ofAmnnca "*""°°'°:.?‘.¤?.."€° °{..£§‘¤1"°:m.-°‘ "‘..‘}‘a."“¤..g°" “"°“¤“'°“€»Y"‘%“*{‘;;.f§‘“.1..‘°°“¤“.““‘“°...3;‘} -two a can 0 m 0

k’1?ri41:a1:{2N¤:.tkmc{vInntims0ft\1cui¤ d•yo(A¤gu¢,eightacnhundmdandfour~ 122

tcm. .. 1 . -.·----··- - -·-··-~-- _ Dr·idp,.Ii••m:•!mBi•¢r. AnActT0mg0n:1•nActt0•¤thuig¤•bridgaatcrnearCouu¢:ilB1uf!n, = _Iurws,• prov¤dFcbg¤nryEr¤t,mnote¤nlm¤d!o_yisn¢lc1§1t,a••mc¤ded. Ju1;e5,1912 123 P!|bl1C'U\dl,El|I#E¢|\#\¢I. A¤ActT0am¤¤dnctwntwcntg·twuhundndmdm¤e§y-0¤cmd ncdmtwmty4wuhmndmdmdninety-¤vm<>fth¤R¤v1ndBhtuu•dth¤UmhodS¤bcs · mlatingtohomutnda. I1¤»6,1912 . ... .. ._ ... _.. 123 Ama-i¤nA¤¤d¢¤•ginRon¢. A¤ActToIp¤·mitthoAmui:anAc•dmnymBnm¤t0e1¤larg¤1¤ .p1npo•nq,•nd£¤rod¤cr£$:•uj1lA\‘;=’e6,191§ . E ... .. _ . _ .. 124

 umllottodlndimlmdn. Iu¤e6,19   . ... . 126
 ivcrof theNar¢h. AnActT0¤1thuinsth•co¤d:m:ti¢>not•pu¤t¢¤mbridg¤n¢¤osth¤

1 §’iv1:ud&•Nu&b$nmPmbha,NmthD•b¤,•ndSsintTmuug1H¤¤g9|§..;`,<iz5 Il`l\0 ... ··...J..-·.. .. . . .·-·-··· ·»··»··¤···e·»`·•¤·- Appu;;1¤t•o»m" , · . nmmhy .ppq.¤.¤...·· ummm- · iu


anrvxcc, QH)!. IIIIO . .. -- -·..·-· · ····--·~-·· 0u¢o•••,mb§whd’¤•01:tyh orllbahta. AnAc¢Tod¤igmt¤W•11nIh.1l•c1£¤,¤ndS•i¤tJol_)n, in the tatcofN Dskot•,mbJp¢rhcfc¤¤·y,•ndt0•xt¤¤dthnp¤vjlq¤•otthsg§:st•sc¤nu gfmt1;e7•cSiif2Co¤g:¤nsppmvcd unote¤t.h,ai§ntacn h¤ndnd¤d¤§h¢Y.¥¤¤¤6 ¤¤bP¤¤'¤· 129 » ma»· 1..4., ’Twm` irLiL§'1u». ` Idahnncerhinimdsfcr

 gums 7,L1:l12.L;.K&._i_ .. ..%.6%; . : ... ...& .   130

lads, , . oexcnp P c¤trio¤int\ncQhuch;•nzK;1lZy&Odi£u¤i•.tn{¥.c;¤?, 1132*; ... .. 130 M » • D I ¢itul§1r<?f;omth¤m:•mdc¤nomhmn¤h¤hc¥nt1,;idtyhr¤¤oetpurpme. Junolgt no =1!ld€fth0lIWl0{Ih8S¤tQ0fs0\1 cII’0uDt,30 ¥li;, Ibl'id¥

{12•ppm•cho•themto•cm¤G00••Gr¤ck,i¤Botkcl•yCounty,South ° . Jamal, 131

°{nd3&|;bom•Wouu¤Rd1uyCmpmywcms¤mt•Mupmu;)x:;1lnythm•1;!ncuui1I: PuM_pubhel1:rr;zd:;;";:‘d for other éutnzlxgi 191;.*.-}-BQ .. . . ... E . 131 wlunda, County . onnng cezumlmdg mm high¤cboo1di¤¤-i¢t¤um1*»emdo¤¤,ofNesPa¤coCounty, Im Jam 11,1912 ,,,,_,,,,,__ 132 Public bmdgé ciylurged An Act To ounofmtgzt ontit.1odh"AnA¢tto prov; e ornnanhged om ,”•ppro e ruaryuiueteen nineteen usdmdmd nine. J¤mc13,l9 ..·- . . 132 A umuporta, boon, . AnActT ’ throebundzedthunndd§> t;m¤quudmslTIHobm&l=:3;tf:c-;?•;§-

g¤osccommod¤&eoverypc1s0g1 orvrhichunusporutinufncilitienazsnowpnovidedou

0.,... I..»..."*“"’°3‘*.»...‘“'%°'°;l'¤°.1Z‘2"%~“?.L‘.?”.$";;i; £‘?.‘i,°“‘§¥’2 ‘‘‘‘ ;;.a11‘rm., ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1...1 1 ‘‘‘‘ m , . o a ‘ ‘ §’arb0r,iuthe§tnte0fI!1dism_. Jnmo 15,1912 .. .. 2 .. 133 Imm¢d£z¢m BayO¤¢g,H1¤&. A¤Act'l‘0mskeBayCity,liichigxn,ssubp•rtofe¤try, w 7 ••••••"•"*••••••"'•'•••"°'•••••••"°""••••""""""'••*•'••••••• 1 Redwood? l:,Calif Iandaodded. AnActGnm:mg’ cu·tun` land; t.b¤S Cg1i£¤·m;° _ Iunc1§t1%12...h%?f .. T 134 Daz:-wt oumbm,b•¤tu·d•. o mgm' umu, b,,md,·

{Aung.},  ..   ...   .. '{ { .   134

1cl¢mda,A.Zva, . ¤zmg' chi th Sccm of 1.nt¤mr' _ acerui¤lqtint.hecity0fA1`x:a,0k1ah0fI1la. Junzgg. 136 Bndgque., 1lob•l¢Boy, Ala. A1[ActTOIm8¤d"A11Ac¢.¢0I¤f)10rizeth6Dt11pbinI¤]n.ndRti]- w•ya¤dHnrbpzComp•ny,1hsn1cce¤¢>¤ora¤1gn¤,toconstmctmdmamtniusbridgo or bridges) or viaducta, scrum the near between the mainland, sfu: mar Cedar Point {nd ?i:m‘;‘“B.‘;'*.:€: {’»°;‘..",,»...‘<i"‘}‘i."¥"..l’.‘“.i.‘l‘4.°‘° "i°"g$ ° °*"f‘.‘>.:‘.f‘°‘:‘. “‘° °‘,..°°£..,.,,"""· °‘ , an mam dm; bgghL1¤]g;¤dBigD5¤phi¤];fgm]g_" ]u¤g]_8,]_9]_2__ ____ __ ____ T___j?_,_ ______ _____ ]$