Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1058

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INDEX. xi Armg·—Cqnt:inusd. Pate Army-Continued. rsp. appropriation for Army War College 585, 717 apirmpriation for armories and arsenals . . . 438 orrent,QuartermasterCorps, D. C-.. 585,718 ormilitnryposts ,.. 438 contracts for storage space for execu- for equipping transports with liiebosts, tive dgpgrtrnents, etc ..,... 718 etc ..,.,,..,,. 133 for paying damage claims, ew., target for quartermsster and commisaary sup- P|'|¢¤¢¢·-_ --··-- - ···- - --···-. y 586,718 pl.1BSt0!e1iev¤£00dsuAerersml{1s»- for lands, etc., included in Fort William sisippi and Oliio Valleys .. 633 H. Seward Reservation . 586 for encampments of Organized for out, etc., in iighting with . ..- .. 689 forest . .. : 586 deficiency appropriation for Fort Mason for Medical Deparhnent; ni lies, etc. 586, 718 supply spat, Cal .,,,_ _ ___________ 3 preventing spread ri ..,.. 586, 718 forarzearsoi y, etc ..,. 48 employees, etc 586, 718 war with ..,,. - ..,_____________ 49 Hot Spring, Ark., Hoqiital 586, 718 for wireles ts hone . _ 601 for Medical use¤m· library . 587, 719 for Subsistence t . . ...,, 001, for one ot inane liilipino and Porto 619, 323, 919, 935 Rican soldiers ... . 587, 719 for psy .,... dll, sm, 623, 919, 995, 993 iorEngineerDepsr¤i1ent; expenms, etc., for mileage to o&:ers and contract eur- _of depots ... 587, 719 (gone 1 .. 601, 619, 935 for mstruments for isue . . . ; .. 587, 719 fu pt. F. A. Grant ..,... 601 ' for school, Washington, D. C.; resuic- fu Lieut. Col. D. E. McCarthy . 002 { tion ‘ E Q 77;: ;::gsi.Jsmes9u];tis ... 602 or equ1 mento tzoops.. t. George . ... 602 forservigeeotcivilisns ... ..:2 588,720 fotLi1§)ut.GeorgeRuh1en,jr--; . 602 for contingencies m the Philippines". 588, 720 for Lieut. Ssnderford Jarman. , 602 for Ordnance Department; current ex- fotM111tsryAesdemy. - .;. .. 602, 819,935 penses ... : . ; 588, 720 ·for con¤§ . 619 reimbursement for arms issued to Post for Gene Stni . _. 619 Omce Depertment . . ., .. 588 for rmlitis encempments .,... 619, 623 for ammunition for small arms, etc 586, 720 for Quartermastefs Depertnient .. 619, 623 price of powder limited ... 588, 720 for Hediml and Hospital Department. . 619 for small-arms target practice; marks- . for ordnance and ordnance stores ... 619 men’s medals, prizes, etc . 588, 720 for pensions . 621, 925, 936 price of powderjimited ... 588 for commutation of quarters, poymnsters mue to mstitutmns, etc- ... 588, 720 clerks . 623 for manufacture, etc., of arms ... . 589, 720 for transportation . 628, 935, 938 for repairing and preserving ordnance for water and sewer systems at militsry stores 589,720 .. . 623, 935 for ordnance stores 589, 721 for eer Department ... 623 for Infantry, etc., equipments 589, 721 for commutation of quarters, psy clerks. . 919 for annual rife contests, trophy, medals, for relief of suderers floods 919 etc . 589, 721 for Lieut. Col. William S. Peirce and for purchase, etc., of automatic machine · Maj. ’1`. L. Ames ... 920 rides . . .. 589, 721 for Capt. D. L. Stone .. 920 for Field Artillery material for Organized for Capt. John I . Clark . 920 Militia. . 589, 721 lor Capt. J. E. Normoyle .. . . 920 psgment for stores transferred to other for Capt. J. A. Cooper ... 920 ureaus, etc .. 589 lor Cegt. Briant H. Welles .. 920 for ammunition for Field Artillery, Or- {or men, extra-duty psy . 935. 938 gnnized Militia. . . ... 589, 721 lor Quartermaster (‘orps . . . . . 935 royalty on automatic rides .. . 721 for_bsrr\cks and quarters ... 935 use of tents, etc., at Ohic Park appointment authorized of Robert N. Campto Grand Army and ents hell, as iirst lieutenant, Coast Ar- Veternng,". . ,,.. , ..,,. ..-. 721 ’t1I]qH;‘ii . .. 1 . 1{D8 for purchase of Belvoir tract, Virginia Charles Daly as first lieutenant, from District of Columbia; use oi Fnld lery . _ .-. 1008 fun.] ____,,,, . ...,,, _ ,_,,,,.,,,,,.., 539 shepler Ward FitzGerald, as second lieubounty to honorably discharged sol- tenant, Coast Artillery., . .. . . 188 diersree ' intimeofwsr . 590 Lloyd L.R.](rebs,a¤m•1or,lIedl¤l enlistment extended to seven _ Gorge, retired ..-. _ . . 187 years; Army Reserve privileges 590 Gibbes ykes, as second l1eutenant,Oav- Quartermaster Corpe created; compo- th'! ···--···--·- · ·--· _ -···---······· 697 sitiouy ey; ________________, _ ,_,,____, 591 Robert H, Peck, ns csptexn Infantry. . . 192 General Staff Corps, composition, etc., Willhm W. Prude, second lieutenant, modiiiod . . . 594 Infantry, retired ... , ...--. 865_ cadet service not to be computed as Alden George Strong, ss second lieutenlegfth of service of .. 594 ant. Com A-¤¤1l_¢'fY -··--·------- _ - - - l88` use amounts for departments in con- Harold Hancock 'Damtor, as second benqylidgtgd corps .,,,,_,,,...,.., 594 tenant ... . . . . . 188 present gmk. etc., of officers not at- bottle oi Gett:ysl>1ng,arrangemgnts for comfecwi _____ _ _____________ _ _______ _ 594 onemoniting iiltxeth amuvunty cf. - 625 forinrtijcujpus ..,,_ __ ,.,.,,,,,, ,125,67], eashrewnrdsmbeiigdkxmggutedhng,,,.gim,,,y Acgdgmy _____ , ,.._,,... 251,856 pwvements. y Ordulnce Deputfor pensions. 311, 736 ment employees; condition 193