Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1064

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INDEX. xv Baeon—Cont:inued. - Pap. Bangor Ma., Owtonw Collections Dixlnbt, ran. reciprocal duty in Canada on, not in tin or 8 {001:1,3 made subpatéaf entry . 110 jars, .. w town, may isco tm ed 110 Bad Are, Hull., _ _ _ _ Bankers Elcdri: Aaliodeiltinna, acquiring site and erecting public building 875 B doiic1e1;_cyappr¢;p1uatnon for ... 597 au . . ... amiosk , , Badgs•a1n¢l’R€bbon•,Naoy, ap `tinfrfulEllmg' trea `th . 524 deliciency appropriation for inue to oiii- Bur lle.,0 ty m cern uandw men serving in engage 004 B breakwater at . . 447 men e . cna Bafing Bay, Tex., _ _ free of dut;gwhe¤1i‘im§ed from Canada,. 10 prehmmarydexaminauon tx be made oi Bar:x:1pro<a.l6ly Exempt duty in Canada. 11 mlan waterwayiromtlo usChnst1' bourvi ., * to . . 228 acquiring 'sitg for public building at, au- Bayuduoe River, Me., thoriaed . . . 878 Bpreliminary exammation of, to be made. . _ 821 _ _ mntaggage u on , . 4 punishment for stealing, etc., in intemtatel pot,`pearled, orpatent . 4 or faxing transit".- ..., ,· ,_,,... 670 reciprocal duty in Canada on, malt ..., , . , , 7 carrying su stolen aruclcs mw another pot, gearled, or patent . 7 State, etc ...,,.,,.._,,,..., 070 of uty when ingarted from Canada-, 9 B venue of prosecutions . 670 n mm duty in Canada,. 10 avr. •¤‘M·*¢’ Dmiyv, free Amrgrécan, returned filled 2 tnnizferred to former harbor improve- 2 ' ts ...,.., 1 men ... 11 _ proof;} Izwrsequired ,,.___,__ 12 use of appro riation for repairs, etc., to buy Banhje, as, Sum Cow-L., 466 B 211 all mma -·-----··--·-·····-— “"““d v. ·r . . . . " . B for ,,__,,,..., . . 612, 927 construziuon of public brulding authonaed 8 I ., a 7 exoharazgi lands with to be added to B¤r•¤=k¢•mdQu<¤¢¤. Army. Ely National liomst, 8. Dak 192 appropriation for, storehouses, etc, . . . 581, 714 Bakcrajielgl, C ., commutation of fuel or quarters not construcgiion of public building author- f allowed (f;·omtthF1e*0hm¢{"B . . . . 581, 714 iz at ... . . 871 or remount e , nt , 715 Baldwin County, Ala., for_ shelter in tg: Ifhilippines . al. . 584, 717 title of United States relinquished to deficiency appropriation or 619, 935 , z ., . Ball Bmgmljlqilinclmrd had grant mu i i i I e 684 Bfpiirolpiiiation for public building' 418 Libby, Cornish, and, may bridge Missis- credit in accounts of S. R. Jaco s, site for B I sippi Rilgrer, Aitkin County . . . . . 495 B dl public building . . . 596 a , Army ar, arr , . B alpproprisggn for purchase, etc. . .. . 570, 705 free adrniisipn ofAm¢;r(i1can, returned filled a zmore, ., wit oreign pr ucts ... 12 ap priation for improvement of harbor. 205, 806 proof of identity required .. 12 pro or assistant truisurer’s olilice . 381, 759 Barrels for Apples, _ condemned cannon granted to ... 1010 standard dimensions required 250 exchange of site, etc., oi immigrant station, brandingénrequirements . , 251 _ authorized .. . .. 196 misbran g defined .. . .. 251 limit of cost of new site 196 penalty for 251 gas buoys, etc., in harbor channels, au- in effect Jul 1, 1913 251 l_ t gorizedm- Z .. . ... 238 Barrocnéa, D. (Ee Excise Law, D. C,). 1mi cost immigrant sta- Barry . ., tion. Z . . : .. 888 appbinted on Board oi Manavrs, Nacontracts authorized; construction on tional Home for Dhbled oluntoer _ ground of Fort McHenry} etc ... 888 Soldiers . . . 38 preliminary examination of harbor, to be Burtholdz, Honorable Richard, · made, channel at York S it 225 deiciency appropriation for contested elecchanlriel indCugis Bay and Pat¤psc8‘ 225 B 2;: expenses . 931 iver; ep ... . ... artow, ., Bandages, _ construction of public building authorised duty on Calnaédianbsurgical, etc".: . . . 6 B Igt 871 reciprocal u ym anadaon, surgiml, e . 8 asia, yo., Bangkok, Bimn, construction of public building authorised appropriation for consul general . 95, 688 at 873 or interpreter to consulate general 96, 689 Ban Harbor Bar, Me., Bangor, lla, _ _ _ _ appropriation for improvement of . 801 construction of public building authorized Bastards, D. C'., at; limit of cost ... . 23 provisions for supportand maintenance of. . 134 appropriation for; use of balance for old Bastrop Bayou, Ter., building _ ... 23 appropriation for improvement of ... 214, S13 sale of former building site, etc , 23 Batavia, I Il., Brewer aud, may bridge Penobscot River. 358 acqurring site and erecting public building terms of court at . . .. 51 at, authorized .. . .. 874