Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1105

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1vi mom. Didn}: of Cbhunbie God: Asrandnntk PIO- Domestic Violcncr, _ P*¤ . ,d'ofp¤1n'tmd•nt m¤¤·' - ·dupp'° arms,tc,prqhil»gtedtoany

 mquirementalrom 58 l;gmeri¤sn¢‘:orriitrymtrme0fe¤et- 630

c¤mp¤¤i¤¤ -.-.---.---·--... mg -······..-·»·-·· Sec. 647 m¤mnco` companies, annual t for 830 staiemeute; mquiremsntsegtenrled- 22 Rypublic, 8ec.65$,hesltln,acc1dent,and_h@u¤¤¤ appropnsuonforminiaterto . 95,688 \II¢0(!¢lIl§¤£|l‘ l»¤IB§!0• orsecmtaryofl tionandcmuulgenuiremen licenseetc .. 16 0!\lI$SIllt0B0mlW0 -····~···--- 96.688 Sec. 836'b t for unauthrnmed ]’o.,_ _ _ use .. 656 acquurmguteanglorectingpublncbuildnng Bug, 336., ta: bringing stolen 6 at, gthonrfeili . Z ------- 876 gmportymto eDi·x;t ... ... Doorbecpn, ourco cpneentoéwu Sec. la, puuhment hr cnbeaalemmt, appropriation for, special employees, meeetc.,0f¤maI1v|lue -. ·. 727 U|'C¤ll,0t¢ ···---·--·······-- 366»7$5 Soc. 851b, punidunant for inudulent con- Dortoua Oreck, S. C'., ‘ veraionoitruatprnxty  : ... 721 timeextendedf¢>rdamsecro¤8avannah Sec, asso., punilunent miunnus do- River near ..·---- · IN po¤¤inPouunsc River,etc 656 Dothan, Ala., District o_/_Cqh¤r;:, of the, In we tenzegf courtTat . . .. 699

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and mm doin- ’   for improvement ol .. 214, 813

` tc. ' mumc1p•l` Doug , ria., du _ pldut .. Z. . . lg of public building authorised, 871 inaugural eeremnmee, . .,. a .. . . igring etc., Douglar, Ga.,_ _ _ _ on¤ecun¤os,otherd¤nby acqnuringsiteanderecungpnblicbuilding _ _ ... 2 Z . 667 apiautlioriaed. 874 ·] Creek Drive, etc., Park, 178 for public building . ... uarderredto .. --.. Domg•ae' ,H•d•‘ ., public'utilitiescomm1¤q¤i",powe1eax¤d conatrutionoi blicbuildingauthoziaed bm-kduthsveyedgn ... Eg"., .. 95 a€..E&..l?ll, . . 871 ggg, ctc., inaugural lm condemned granted to, forG¤nd 510 ¤J";,,.,,.““".fQ‘f'.Yl‘° ****2 .,4...,* bcyon_ d School for White xrls  : . 171 limits of United hte! to avoid lawonc¢;t, etg., ofuingvacantbuildingeat _ fully orderedailgi, . . 356 adialfhm Asylum municipal Dromogriueuncnta, .,

 .   ... ·  1 70 approval and (payment by_8ecr%tary of In-

Ditdgetc., ’ terior ,onc•rtamIndianallo0- construcLio¤;n£f,§:rJ¢}mm¤n,etc., 234 _ ¤;entr._. . .: ... _ 194 m anthrnaed . .. Drcmoge nvnhgohom,

 appro tion orexpeneerof ..  2$,852

appmprmtmubrmamtemnc•,etc.,of.. 282,840 ,C§uto•u _ _ Document Room, Home of Reprrrenaumgea, renmporhtmn proihibited of articles paid, approprigcion iormpermtendent, annstantin M5 excepxgron payment of duty . 13 e .. . .. Dmn Coumy, ,, for Joel G\'I!lll.` ... .-.. . 367: 745 bridge authorized ecmes Bayou Bartholo- Documme Room, Senate, _ _ mow in ... . . . 20 approprimion for mpenntendent, ametent, Drill:. Agricultural, etc . ,... 361,739 dutyon Canadian 5 Documentary Stcmpc on Foreign Billrlqf Ez- Dnrocipmcajlduty in Canadzon. . .. 7 I gl, ’ ·r D' '! deticiegcy appropriation lor refunding 618 livce'rie€§k1;!ot1';1;.¢md€;lcmgulatio¤s, eu: Z . .. 653 time extegileld 626 appropriation fo;hl;;$egL1;ndg. etc . 277, 835 ph! .._ ... .. _ ¢ g' D0¤¢1rrmLg, QL appropriation for purclmee and dinribuappmpggguzogf for salanee and expenses, 482 titobn of, through Great Plains areeh <> c ·---------·----------·---- ‘ e . 6 837 Dollon, Ill., pm · _ p_ __ ' condemned cannon granted to, for Gauge gn seles of· liquors &Vg£‘p¢¤¢¤rG¤¤¤d Armypwt ------ 508 by 1001 consolidation into one document. of enroll- mum mn cmuv, 0, qmnpeudc {Dent U-ld hceilsa lined VJ VBQIB efect of, declared misbltnding Im- ¤¤ --·--··----·· . -····-····-······- 70 dor pure food Act ,. 417

 ,'°’“"’ ‘""‘;..d develop- """'· "“'¤“?.i‘g',;“'i· °“~

. ¤ Pm 1*18 Xpcmee, proven ' mg --·---- · —····—·······—-- · -·~-- 40% 784 P pale, etc.,<oll..? . . ., ,_,,g¤g89,844