Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1161

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exii mnnx. Hina Bunau, Intmbr Department-Contd. P••¤· Hhmapolis Saint Paul and Sault Sainte Pace cue ears bopdquarteés .. 458 may bidz? Kpoun egtpktrul and 681 aoeepunoe ousted, author- enne Coun . ... ind ,.,... ? 458 Saint Croix Biver, Wis. andllinn .. 14 in rent. .. . .. 399,:76 River, McKenzie County, 680 ¤peuguemovmg‘ lgboratori .. 76 . . . . . delziency appropriation for Gegrlge W. ‘fHi·m•azpolQ•," U. S. 8:, _ , z . _ .. Z . 609 appropnatmn for repairs . 347 for mvengatring mane accidents 621 K•nn¢sotp, _ amount for testing coals, ligmtes, etc., re- apportionment of Representatives. ... 1 dosed .,.. . ...,... . .: .. 37 appropriation for eompleting field notes of aaployeu ui enhtledvg u_ snssys in. .., .. t . 457 ounpmnhm myunes rece: mmsom Inca-nanonalkadoay pong, tberin 74 budge' 'Bi ,BHll1d1,‘ qhblimmtd. . .., 681 my Kimi . .. 1...Yg 74 director to he appointed by the President; I'u»w•o!a_ National Forest, llirm., -::2 . . ... 681 for maintenance, ete.,o£. . 284, 840 §!P¤*! -:!PUH¤§Wl\:‘1¤Q·:-·;;&» 681 " ¤••¤o¢¤,f’- U3:. S., _ » 905 mq nrvengatnns mming appro rhtion repaus . minsal industris .. 661 Einar (gba, o|·min¤a1fnek,etc. iortbeussof the riationfo reoomsge` f . ... 431 United States. . ... 681 fosreeoinege of. . 915 sep¤t•snd t0bemasle Hmonty _ ,Houssof Repr¤aztah1¤sé6 in cn W of accadenls. . . .3%. 681 uappropfntmn for ... 7, 745 www ... ’ .. Z ’ 682 mourned énnon pmt m . mm

pevmdon ofmine $2   . ( ;l;..._ ... k 60

- ... Haus Assay pim ses Director o

dentolnveinterestin mines, the liint), _ _

etc ... 682 aprupr1a¤onf¢>rD1rector, exammenetq. 379, 767 toreput•stovaluation,etc.,o£p1ivate or nlariesand expenses, CIIEHICIIY, """°""'E.',$¥’.$.$’ ‘‘·‘·‘·‘‘‘ °““ N“°'0.t., ······· ···‘·‘·‘·‘·‘‘‘‘ *" @6% temporary toiexperts_ w . 682 . .. ,7 fees buts, etc.; deposit of re- 682 Cal. ... cen ts . me . . , laborat{)m:;s,f¤:tg:., in Pittsburgh, 886 Charlotte, Né . $84, , m . Deadwood, . . . . . . construction d limit of costs. . 886 Helena, Hunt .. t .. 384, 762 tranqer of land to secure site; condi- Seattl Was}: .. . ... 384, 763 · mam, etc", .. 886 S•ltl:(koC1ty,Utab ..,... 384,762 oice scoommodatnons to be provided for, Denver, Colo .. 384, 761 in new b nare 143, D. C. . 880 Pluladelgua, Pa .. 384, 761

 , 1§ewYo ,N.¥., . I   385,762

may ot §.§andy River, deficiency appropriation for Philadelphia, W' ° W. Va. 56 ‘ an oommmmn expenses- 914 lingo Greek, 8. d ms for Ban Band cistgo, regncsgryhpxpenses 914

 1mprovenm' t ... .., coiner, an me r an r, 'tio

lin NaHonalForu¢,IdoJ•oav¤dUtah, abolished . 384

 for maintenance, etc., of. . 284, 840 duties to devolve upon superintendents. 384

llimng _ _ employees to be appointed y Secretary of lands xw; for _ the.’I`ressury .. 384 etc., under, for n labels stating fdlse curative or therapeutic als .. I  : 497 effect ol articles declared ... 417 Hinirurs Plsnipountmy, Ensoys Edwards- Hisbrapdccf, ctc. Grass Seeds, may end, {publication oi name of dealer selling, etc. . 835 appropriation for 95, 688 Ifoods, Drugs, etc., Himwapolis, Minn., appropriation for expenses preventing sale ' 'on for public building .. 422 ew., of .. . ... 289, 844 ag dge authorized across liimisippikiver. 1012 lliwcllongow Expenses, Umled States Cburh, 1; imioostincreased, public bm ding 867 restncuon on paying salaries from appromsy bridge Misisippn River, Nineteenth prhtion for 462 Avenue to Tenth Avenue ... 57 Jlisdemscnora (see Crimes and Misdemeanors). Wadgngtou Avenue to Thirty-seventh 57 Erpilliing Rjmioml., venue. .. . ... ropuauo vement 2 pre1iminaryexsminationu>bemadeofhar· u2££m1mw$,5¤iTPm ° °5·“°" um .}_ S .. _.-:.,.., 825 delicienfy appropriation for support, etc., e extend or n g Mismssxp 0 ... . . §;Lr.;BNinet»eenthd§lxi1enue Y0 Tung 669 1fi¤1bnt; (cs:•; Diplomatic and Con- 936 Plymouth Avmue to-Eighth Avenue. . 57, 669 Xiaiuippi, I Tlurd Avenue to First Avenpe 58, 669 apportionment of Representatives 13 Wadungton Avenue to 'l‘lurty-seventh reservation of Choctaw Indku lands, to Avumt ····--·· · ·..·-. · ·-·----···· 670 ’l‘homas Wall, mugmgd ___________ 189