Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1231

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clmii mpmx. Sixty-Second C , First Session, P•¤•· Snohomish River, Wash., · Pucappropriation gr legislative expenses . 35, 86 appropriation for improvement of 447 Shout River, Wash., preliminawexamination of to be made.. 230, 825 appropriation for improvement of. . 221, 820 Snoqualmie atémal Forest, Waals., . S examigiatjpn of, to be made 230 S apprxpdriptiori) fo; maintenance, etc., of. . 285, 841 kawa Creek, . now oe, . ., l1m1nary' xamma' lib of,tobemad ... 230 `tinf remvmg' hom streets, SrE‘.S1,,..1., uf, “ ° °‘°"'°".€‘.i‘.,.$.11.‘f',,..t111‘I., so 151, on construction of public building authorized street railroms to keep tracks and at,,,f,,,? .,,,,,,,.,.. 871 crodngsfreeirom . 152 Slate, deficiency appropriation for removing 599 duty on ... S Soairl Inariszurrnoe, {ntenwtronal Cppgress on, meal on rooting .. , on or expenses meetings, Slzceiiler Clreellétylliii, spPmpWashington, D. C. 477 appro riation for improvement of .. ». . 206 Soda Ash, _ Slave fade, Afnban, . free of duty when nmtpgrtned from Canada.. 10 Slggiciencz applropriation fo§suppre;1;ngk; 619 Sor$i|g_r1p;nllye‘§_empt duty in Canada;. 11 pruiing African, free of dut when imported from . . 10 appropriation for anndutl ctgntributionoi. . 100, 692 reciproc.3’ll;· exempt from duty in Can- 11 na n or share ex- » » . - e cwncZse??r? ... ‘ 595 Soils Bureau, D?art1n¢n¢ of Agriculture, slum, J., appropriation or mlaries ... 290, 845 deficiency sjppropriation fm ... 611 or general expenses--:-..: ... 290, 845 Small Arms, ooy, for potash, etc., mvesugauons. ... 290, 845 S appropriation for . 336 for rpiappmg, etc., results of investigaéw M5 , ons. ... . . .. , T ixriation for prevention of idemic.. 436 for administrative expenses. . 291, 845 Pier grevention, etc., among . 519 for rent . . 297, 850 { xanuna of valence of Solau U S S ' tion re , am " ," . . ., or elndians 519 propriation for repairs ... . . 347 Smitg, Addison T., _ I Som: Home, 0. de ciency a propriatron or service. . 615 appropriation mstalhng' water meters S {l],J0h1\1g lea: John Wagner, ~ in . . ... 155 ndeiiciengly appizopriation for amount due. . 619 Soldkrf Homes, Volunteer (see National Smith, S. ., late a Reprgaeritatwe in Congress, Home for Volunteer Soldiers). deticrenpy appropriation for pay to widow 931 Soclergudit|;glrgca‘r:?tdLi;; uma of 788 0 __,,,,,.,.,,.,-.,,,,,.,.. • •••.·-.·-os S r2I••o¤n` I t 'tution., Solrhilor, Department of Apru:nL tppropirliztitiirl {or exchanges. . 436 appropriztion for, low c erks, etc D ... gig, gg A - ,., - , , .,,... 436 or ren ... . . . , ix IIr:lt.ern(;iI;»$ia.l (gautgiogne of Scientilio Solésitorfor tlgpartment of Labor, 738 'osmtim . 436 office cm ; salary .. .. .. E2? $B.°°"’“""" ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ " 232 "’°.{‘,1‘*'§.'1£.’¥.t‘}I»$.'}.T£"""""" ""°‘“"’ to 781 for u1ti¤111g ZoolEica.l.i;a§.::::;:§i:: S grr azimnu. .,. . ... Z..Z. 372,750 r core n mam nance grotmds . . fgrprinting and binding lor . _ . . . 481 appropriation lor .. .. ... 404, 781 dehcrcncy appropriation or Astrophysical So , {Vary Department, for Ngmwéug .· . gg Soappropgnfapon for}, clerksxtc . 890, 767 appointment of Charles on appropriation for . . 404, 781 Bgardhof Rogepdts . Yiéda .. 639 Soldwrgbtg Department of Commerce and G ’ iugton emoria in to , wmpe 1:der control oi Board of Rogints 881 appropriation for, assistant, clerks, etc. . . 405, 782 reappom tmerg of George Gray on Board of 1025 dwcrexygpmngtxan for assistant solici- Regcn .---------··--·.-...-·----. r, w . 611 Andrew D. White on Board of Regents. . 637 Sohkitor of the Treasury, mgley Smokelese Powder, Navy, appropriation for, amistant, clerks, etc. . . 405, 782 gppropriaziop for purchase and manufacéss 896 to or aw bogks .. ab .. 405 , 782 tu . . - , cr to f exchissripe or potasium umm opuhand 335 S Agiculture fl. mo f r ium nitrate to used omerut, y., Sysop]: Compernyhalx AE! 918 Sgppfxgiw fg publ§: building .. 424 e c n<·y a ro on ... wr , . ., Snake River, •OI1l%..pv!i1|h., and 1% to ¤¢q¤il'iDtih sifiedfor public building at., tr n or rm rovemen , u au on . 8

)pi;:0pPn;t4l;‘l;urg€dI4n•iing,}§)rog. .. I?. 221, B?) Soprrlr National Forest, Cob., 78

' t acrom. , oreg..-- 1 aprnriaf f `te ,etc., f., 286, nbeiizzgn °€€u11 Walla yiiix mmm s0urii1ziZi1.11i;iii, (}i:j°°° °°°°° ° 8*1 SME Ryouuges, Wash .. . . 54 constmcitnon of public building authorized e wer. ., a construction Zi; bridge arms in Jackson South Boston, Va., 872 Hole, authorized from reclamation construction of public building authorized fund . . ... 730 at. . . - 873