Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1247

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cxcvm INDEX. Uncmnpahgre Indiana, Uhh, · Plv- ‘ United Stqteg Cou:to—-Coxgtinusd. P¤c¢— appropriation for allowed lands of 537 sptpmpnauon for sppplxss .. . . 466 Uncompahgre Natsbnal Fvmt, Cola., or support. of pnsonsrs . 466 appropriation for maintenance, ew., of. . 286, 841 for pemtenhiary, Leavenwqrth, Kam 466 Underwood Strut N W, D. C., Atlautp., Ga .. . . .. 467 condemning had for extending. .. 194 McNq1l Islandnwash .. . .. 468 appmpristmn for eipenaes, cu: .. 194 for Nauonal Tmming School for Boys, ””'“’" "“°"‘° “§“’°‘§‘»6...°.§""“"’.z,.,6.6 6 6 6 - M ‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘=‘ ia ‘‘‘‘ 6;,; ""“ conve ces y, 0 s on 0 way, e cxency a pm on c ]u , ¥:;¤lized .. 138 N cw gcxigglg .. 611 rgggnts of adverse claimants . 139 for widow of Justice Iolm Emahsll Hulan on abandoned right of way granted to ... . 611 abutting owners .. _. . Z . : . 139 for mnscellaneous expenses. . . 611, 634, 927, 937 right of way on main track not dxmmmhed . 139 for marshals .. 611, 622, 926, 937 no mcogmtion of succeminn of Umou for Creighton M. Fomker W. R. Forbes, Pacific Ra.i1w¤;Company .. 139 gn Charles A. Overfock ... 612 nuccsnion to Union agzilic Iganlgaéi Com- for dmtrict attorneys . 612, 62g, gg? y not mmgmzed y c legal- orassistant attorneys ... . 61 , gizg conveymces on right of way . . 139 for fees, clerks .. . 612, 622, 937 may bridge Mimouri River, Omaha, Nebr. . 494 for sup lies ... . .. 612, 622, 927 Union §prmg2, Ag, bu _ _ t {or bufris, gftc . . gg, gg; u nw u c u. , au- or su rt riscncrs ... , “°‘* uthulgorim H ... ... 6 77 fo!‘p6¥l¥&11T.iBl€® ... {@66, 622; 927 Union Swjiop Plum, D; C., _ for judgments 617, 933 appmgguon for paving mutnl mhmd 148 for ees, comxmsswuem ... 622, 926, 937, 938 Unum ¢ Ggmpan¥, ctc., _ _ _ for fees, jumrs 622, 927 suit. for forfe1ture_0 cerhun had gums m for fees, witnemen ..., 622, 624,926, 937 Oregn against . 321 for Commerce Court until June 30, 1913. . 926 Umbmgi{le, jg to bu _ _ t judicial districts. . 698 acquu-mgm rpu cbm1dmga,¤.u- m1 BdlStl’I` 'ct, er cartuiucases tlmriwd ... 878 to southern division ... · .. 58 Unfud Kingdom vga: Great Britain). Iowa judicial districts. .,. 735 United Spanish ar Veteran: Maine district . 51 designation of Charles W. Newton as Misimppi 'udicisl districts .. 59, 118 sentativs of, Memorial Agnphn ea- Missoun yuéicial districts . . 51 ter, Arlington, Va., Commnmon 882 New Hampshire district. . 357 Uniud State: Court for Qlnina, New Jersey judicial .. 674 appmgriatiou for anime: md expenses. . 101, 694 North Dakota. judicial dmtrict .. . . 60 Umbd une: Cmarh, _ _ Pennsylvania ]udic§sl districts 730 appropriation for Cluei md Amcmw Jun- Rhode Island gudicul dmnct 59 ticec ... . 411, 789 South Carolina judicjal districts .. 60 for marshal Suprpmn Court. .. 411, 789 Tenncsee judicial dmtncts 314 fur clerks to iusuces . 411, 789 Texas southern district, Corpus Christi for circuit judges. ...,... . . . . 411, 789 division created 120 for clerks, circuit courts of appeals 411, 789 Texas western district; new divisiom. . . . . 663 for messenger, eighth circuit .. 411, 789 Vermont judicial distnct . 59 for dietrgct judges .. z: . . . . . 411, 789 West Vixginiaagxdiciml districts ... 76 for diagncgcourt, Hawsu . 411, 789 circuit court cial: may be appointed to for renmdzudgea .. . .. 41], 789 district court positions; restriction for court 0 appeals, D. C. 411, 789 removed .. 46 iorsuprerpqcourt, D. C . . 412, 789 circuit judges, allotment, appointment, forcommnnswuer, Yellowstone Park. . . 412, 789 duties, etc 53 for law books, etc., judicial otHcers, cir- depositions in antitrust proceedings to be quit court; of gppeglg, etc ..,.,,,,_ 412, 789 taken in public .,,_,___ _ ,,,,,,.,,. . 731 for Court of Customs Appeals . 412, 789 district courts Indian allotment suits, for Commerce Qourt .. . .. 412 effect of, decrees; lands excepted; for Court of Cham; .,.,.,.,,,. 412, 790 appeals .,.,..,..,..,,,. 46 for salaries, etc.,  ; advances . 465 docketing judgment in State office refor salqnes, etc., distract attorneys and stnctiou repealed . 311 Qsvwtentq -..·--··· . . 465 handwriting of srgmtures, etc., may be for fees, d1stnct attorney, D. C . 465 proved by admitted handwriting. . . 683 for payment tq regular assistant, attorneys 465 interlocutory injunctions based on alleged for special assnstants ... 465 mzcoustituticnality of State laws employment of foreign counsel 465 etc., restricted . . ... 1013 for fees. clerks -·.···-- 1.- -_ --··-. 465 jurisdigtivn in larceny. etc., of articles in q·q$5;lp(?tion, clerk, Illmms northern 465 c txgterstaqe or fgrcign commerce .. 6.. . . . . . no nm for fees, commiaicuers .. . .. 465 etc. . . gf. 670 mm . . . gig msudamuqe;;'smchi)ed11;gs tf: comaal common} asses . _ m for gang? ¢¤¤:cr¢ moms ·-...·..·--·-- :65 valuation prgvisignlg. . . . 103 or :1.1 S, e . . .,.. 66 mz.rghgl’ · · §m· expenses, jpqges, enc ... gg I triztéy. . 1 I 6 . . 79 or; commmsmnem . · · _ for £66u66.66..6; .616666.. . 466 "“'°°66"£.6{’§{‘i°K‘i'?.?f‘2"f‘¥‘E‘? “3.¥”°."°" 666