Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/140

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SIXTY-SECQND concnnss. sm II. one 132-1.2,4. 1912. 117 CHAP. 132.-An Act To autho the Great Nortbe ° In 21, 11112. struct a bridge acres the Misouri Riser in the State of Nl>rIt:;lDw:k{>t(d?mP·¤y to mn- li °“°·] , gum. sam. 4 Bet¢enacted@yt7teSenateandHmiseqfR'f6;r·;esen¢ativesqft7w United I States of America in 0'ongreas_a.see1n1>led, t the Great Northern N§*}{*;;"n Railway Company, a corporation organized and exist' under the muws; comhptfa laws of the State of M.innesota, its successors and assignslflge, and they °'°' 1** are hereby, authorized to construct, maintain, and operate a brid e and approaches thereto across the Missouri River, at a point suitable I·°°¤**°¤· to_ the interests of navigation, at or near the mouth of the Little Missouri River, and not arther south than the south line of towmhi one hundred and forty-seven north or farther north than the north ` line of township one hundred and fortg-eight north, of the fifth rinc1pal_ meridian, m the State of North akota, in accordance the provisions of an Act entitled “An Act to mtu the construction of V°'·’*· 1*-**- ndgis over navigable waters," approved h twenty-third, nine- ` teen undred and six. Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby ""“"°'“°"" expressly reserved. _ · Approved, May 27, 1912. ·» GRA?. 138.-An Act To authorize the Northern Railway Company to con- ¤|ructabndge•cm¤theYel1cwst¤ne]11v•a·, intI1ecountyotD•wson, Stateof _Bei¢enadedby theSenal¢a1ad House of R{€:am£ativea of the Unded States cj America in Congress_assenzbZed, t the Great Northern (l§;‘§{,,""§*3°:,',‘3,l§,*§§';, Railway Company, a corporation organized and existingeunder the wvhngwmx laws of the State of Minnesota, its successors and assigns, , and they nadeatrutaam. are hereby, authorized to construct maintain, and operate a bridge and approaches thereto across the Yellowstone River at a {point suit- ¤·¤¤•¤¤¤ _ able to the interests of navigation, to be selected b the said _ company and apgroved by the Secretary of War, either in kenzne Countthy, North akota, or Dawson County, Montana, m accordance with e _ provisions of an Act entitled “An Act to regulate the construction of "°'· “· ““· rid? over navigable waters," approved March twenty-thu·d, runeteen undred and six. _ _ Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby ’“"°"°“°'“* expressly reserved. Approved, May 27, 1912. CHAP. 184.--—A.u Act To authorise the Becre of the Treasurytosell certain land ¥• W mi to me rmt sapaa cams or mymtua, maauihem. 0. Be ite1urctedby theSenateand Home of vesof the United State: of Arner-ka in Congress assembled, at the Secretary of the °¤{¤¤m Treasury be, and he is ereby, authorized and dnected to grant, tauartgue, mma relinquish, and convey, bg quitclaim deed, for and m consnderatnon "’“" ‘"°"‘ of one hundred dollars cas , to the First Baptist Church of Plymouth Massachusetts, that (portion of the Bru·n’s lot included in the Federal buildinlg site m said city, to the south of the continuation of the southe y boundariline of the next adjacent property conveyed to the United States y said First Baptist Churc , and to deposit the proceeds of such sale in the Treasury as a miscellaneous receipt. P¤¤•°°"*· Approved, May 27, 1912.