Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/201

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178 SIXTY—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 182. 1912. to M tros P k, d to condemn any private interest in the land in Ii:—;leis' lianaerl 'm between land taxed as parcels tlnrty-mne-ten and thirty-nine-eleven, and Montrose Park from T Street southerly to R Street northwest as shown on lans filed m the office of the engi- ¤¤•*•¤- N ·_ neer commissioner of the District of Columbia: Provided, hqw¢veg·,That ..2S'.f?,'.°2_, nw entire amount found to be_due and awat{·”del;lnl:iyt°thbe,]ury m $:31 iis provided :219 R2 of the hereundershall be dby thejuryasbenéts. ·*"“*""““‘ “' There is hereb appropriated entirely out of the revenues of the expenxgte. _ , . DiStt10£0fC0lum£1& asumsumcienttopaytlaecnmtandxensesof ·“""" the condemnation proceedings taken pursuant hmeto, for the " pg entof theamountsawardedasdamages,i51eanmuntsassessed asiiglzieiitst when collected, to p e to the District of Columbia ?'°'*••~,m mn `t fthe ° _ ¤ » ¤;¤·• ¤¤¤¤•g of ¥lnginele·i1YmTil]$t§d States Army, is_h¤·e directed to

  • °m*L°` u—nns£¤·to the]iu·isdiciionof theOommission¤·sof Districts!

Columbiaforhighwayp somnchof1[on¤·oseParkasr& maydeemnecessaryforig connectinghighwayhereinauthn ¤::n6mD’n'i°z{°`"°‘ FORT DAVIS AND FORT DUPONT PARKS, AND SO FORTHL ,,,.,¤,,,,,"""*€.‘}§$,[°“' TLBCOIDIHISSIO. nersof theDistrictofColumhiaueh¤ebyauthorizedanddirectedtopmpareahighwa plmtochangetheloeauon ind widthdof Azgnluieo vmue an e , Su ¤h¤-¤g¤¤ f ’ tersec treets may be n to provide conmhfutem mm iiecliion witthntglig new ligation of Alabama Avenue: ’·u.r¢ha·, "'$f,"g_°§_‘{,_*‘m_ That under and in accordance with the visions of subchapter one of chapter fifteen of the Code of Law fg:) the District of Columbia the Commissioners of the District of Columbia are authorized directed to institute in the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia aproceedinginremtocondemnthelandthatmafybeneceesaryto preserve the sites of Fort_Davis and Fort Dupont or park purposes, and to provide a connecting highvég between these s1ts_b_y widening Ala_ ama.Avenue to one hund and fifty feet, comprising m all approximately forty-oneand twenty-five one-hundredths acres of land, as shown on plans filed in the office of the El1glIl€61'·C0l111I11SS10H(Bl' of ·*PP’°¤**·¤¤ '°’ the District of Cogimbxa. There istrsheregy appropnaged amémnt `tto teecess cose exnsesosai conemhationmbrocegdy tdlken pxuant heileto, aged for the payment of s.?£.'5‘§"""°°" amounts awardlgfsas damages: Provalled, ltoweoer, That of the amount found to be due and awarded by the pim said pmceedmgs as damages for and in respect of the and to taken ui the condemnation proceedings herein authorized plus the costs and expenses of thejproceediiri, not less than one-third and all in excess of twenty-one ou- D°"°"'* sand ee hundred and thirty-four dollars shall be assessed b the jury as benefits, which when co lected shall be covered into the 'geasury of the United States to the credit of the revenues of the District ml I h of Columbia and the United States in e ual parts. mee: extensions. Herealter the United States shall notqbear any art of the cost of d,°,:°"·""'·"'**"*’“" the acquisition of land for street extensionshbut wli)en the condemnation of ang land for such purposes is authorized bylaw the total cost of the lan and the expenses of the condemnation proceedings shall be

g§_";§‘,2g,"}';{ 5 as benefits; in any case where land is condemned for a park-
    • · waly, mcluding a street or streets, where such parkway is of considerabp length Fvitéi relptgg tezlsts width, not lessftliim one-half of ge

cos o e_an mc_u_ g esame r tion t { p•2i1Z°.ii•m¤imi»eg·‘ condemnation shall be assgsfsed ag beifedbtlgigea-ifisig an; °°" case where lan is condemned for a public park, not less than one-