Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/254

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 253. 1912. 231 Willapa Harbor and _Willapa River, Washington, from Raymond to the sea, mcluding consideration of any proposition for cooperation on thpqpart of local mterests. asel North, and other streams entering Willapa Harbor, Washington, with a view tqsnafing the same. ` _ Channel connecting dmiralty Inlet with Crockett Lake, Washm n. §?>otenai River, Idaho, between Bonners Ferry and the intema- rms tional boimdary line. Saint Marys and Saint Joe Rivers, Idaho. Channels rom Catano Biity to San Juan Harbor, Porto Rico. P°¤°¤*¤¤ San Juan Harbor, Porto ico, with a view to improvement in cooperation with the local government. In all cases a preliminary examination of the river, harbor, or other °" "‘“"" proposed impirovement mentioned shall first be made, and a report as to the advisa ility of its improvement shall be submitted unless a survey or estimate is herein expremly directed. If ppon suclipreliminary ,,,§§,,"{‘§,,,",§’,§0‘,§‘,};}§f “ examination the prolptpsed improvementis not eemed visable, no further action shall taken thereon without the further direction of 8 M Maw Congress; but in case the report shall be favorable to such proposed tis. ' improvement, or that a survey and estimate should be made to etermine the advisability of improvement, the Secretary of War is hereby authorized, in his discretion, to cause surveys to be made, and the cost and advisability to be reported to Congress. And such reports con- ’*°••°¤¤¤¤ ¤*W°*¥- taining plans and estimates shall also contain a statement as to the rate at which the work `should be prosecuted: Provided, That every {'§§,"‘$,,,, M, ,,. report submitted to Congress in pursuance of this section, in addition ¤¤**•°*¤*¤l¤¤· to full information regarding the present and pro?ective commercial importance of the project covered y the report an the benefit to commerce likely to result from any proposed plan of improvement, shall also contain such data as it may be practicable to secure in regard to the following subjects: _ _ hmm, mum,.} (a) The existence and establishment of both private and public xulpcuszm, terminal and transfer facilities contiguous to the navigable water °““‘°’*°°°‘ proposed to be imiproved, and, if water terminals have been constructed, the gener location, description, and use made of the same, with an opinion as to their adegpacy and etheiency whether private or public. If no public termin have been constructed, or if they "°°°*'“"°’·°"°‘ are inadequate in number, there shall included m the report an opinion in general terms as to the necessity, number, and alppropriate location of the same, and also the necessary relations of suc proposed terminals to the development of commerce. _ _ (b) The development and utilization of water power for industrial ,,,,°,;¥,‘,${ ’°"°' °°'°'° and commercial purposes. _ wm mmm (c) Such other subjects as may be properly connected with such umm. · project: Promlkd,. That in the mvest:§ation and study of these ,,.°°f’,,';"g,,,}{‘fm,,,{',{f_" questions consideration shall be given o y to_ their bearing upon the improvement of navigation to the [possibility and desirability of their being coordinate in a logical an proper manner with improvements for navigation to lessen the cost of such improvements and to compensate the Government for expenditures made m the mterest of Hewgation, and to their relation to the developmentjnd regula- hmmm to uw tion o commerce: Provvkkd further, That the mvestigation and mgw¤n¤.••¤. study of these questions as provided herein mayggipou review by lil16

 of   for Rivers and Harbors w called for as now

P1'¤V\d¤d by aw, be extended to any work of improvement now under way and to any locality the examination and survey of which has h8l’9l'•0fo1`8 been, or may hereafter be, authorized by C0¤g1’0¤· mma; ,,,,0,,, All 1'¤t£0l’f·S on examinations and surveys which mafy be&t:P¤1'¤d durmsmn during e recess of Congress shall, in the discretion o the retary 87618°—vor. 37-11- 1-27