Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/273

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250 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. H. Cus. 270, 273. 1912. ¤¤¤¤¤>*°•*•¤°* °° No member of the association or of any assignee or successor of the gzrmwm in °°° same and no stockholder or officer of any corporation securing any orallof therightshsremgrantedto theassociatronshall become interested, directly or indirectly, in any contract made by the association, its assignees or successors for the construction of any part of the railwa or for the su ply of, its rolling stock. · ""°"‘“'*°'“· °"" Sec. 18. That this may at any time be amended or re- ‘ pealed by the Co1§ress of the United States or by the Legislature of the Temtory of awaii, with thepsproval of the Congress of the United States· and the rights, pn egcs and powers y this Act conferred shall, not be construed to be exclusive. __ - ¤¥y°l'$£T:rd»?»$5°{{‘§ Sm. 19. That the Territory of Hawaii, the county of Hawau, or v¤·¤· v•¤¤¤i¤¢¤~ any litaical subdivision thereof, within or including the district of Soutllio Hilo, ma at any time after the eapiratron of twentybyears · from the date ofy the passage of this Act by e_Congress of the _ nited States, and upon six months' notice in writing to the association, given pursuant to proper authority, accgire by purchase all the property o the association, subject to the eu existing charges thereon. $5,:,%,, ,0 ,,,, The amount to be paid to the association for such purchase_shall be ¤¤¤¤i¤¤- determined by a commission of three persons one to be agmlnated by the association, or in case it should ail to do so within y days after requested to do so b the purchaser, then by the chief justice of the Supreme Court of one by thelsurchaser, and the third b the twoso appointed, erincasetheysho dfailto agreeupon the térdmemherwithmthnlgydays, then butsuch amount shall m no_case exceed the actual cost of property and twenty in addititp: thereto, less the wu gereon. Appeal from use- . er eassocratronor purchuarma a to e me "°"· Court of Hawaii from the decision of suchycognmission a written notice of appeal with the commisdon within five a r ¤·•¤¤g·_":*¢·· i¤ the decision is ren ered. It shall thereupon be the duty of th: com- °°°°°”°° mission immediately to certify up to the supreme court the record of its proceedings, shewinag in such certiicate the valuation claimed by the association, the v uation claimed by the purchaser and the valuation as determined ·by the commission. Such certificate shall be accomlplanied by copies of all papers, documents, and evidence upon whi the decision of the commission was based and a copy of such decision. Upon anfy such appeal the sugereme court may, in its behalf, take or require urther evidence to introduced by either srt . ammo. P six months after the determination of the purchase price, as aforesaid, the same shall be paid to the association. Approved, August 1, 1912. ‘ s. mz. cnn. 273.-An Act To establish a standard 1 and llgfuig-·¤*°°·l when packed in barrels, and for other purposes. bm standard grades for apples Publi 1%.252. [ c' I Be it e·nac¢ed_by Senate and House of Representativcs of the United Appxss. States of America ·m Oongresc assembled, That the standard barrel for “§{{_',f;;’§0}f‘”°‘ *”‘ apples shall of the following dimensions when measured without drstentron of rts parts: Length of stave, twenty-e` ht and one-half . 18 mches; diameter of head, seventeen and one·eig`hth inches; distance between heads, twenty-six inches; circumference of bulge, sixty-fourinches outside measurement, re resenting as nearly as possible seven mm. _ thousand fifty-six cubic inches: Provided, That steel barrels con— 8*°<=*°•¤'°*· tamrng the interior dimensions provided for in this section shall be °¤sm;ds*.°emP%ms6 times; emesesesfabvsheq mc. _ . a e s an ar gr or a ples when acked in barii’arJ*$$., mgriigg. rels which shall be shipped or delivered ¥0l' shipmenlt in interstate