Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/289

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266 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. H. Cx. 278. 1912. “Q,'},*',_‘["""'*’“ man to g. patent, and all purchasers of water-right certificates on reclamation shall be entitled to a final water-rilght certificate wu prpof of e cultivation and reclamation of the and to which ··~·~· r..»£°§?.‘£€;‘32£¥H»m"“’m“ thPm¤a¢a°°¥mtmi1ii°dbdth°arrlil°imeert¤nctiqnAi:; · : o su a o a e¤P1:•’<?¤‘ m nm n` shall issue xmtil sums due the {United States Ida account of such xd or waterdoright at the time of issuance of patent or certificate ve been u,,“,‘:,,§',:,'_'°‘ ‘° Et every patent and wpltierirdglggdcegnincate issuedhunder y reserv to m tates ri r ' _ %e lartd patent? or for whichowaggi iight istpcrtiiiedr wa er a urtenant onging ereto, ° to other liens clsrpdemands vyliatsoever for the paynldlnpgilodll sums due or to due_t0 the United States or its successors in control of tl;. 1rngation project in connection with such lands and water ····*"i'·"·‘”·°’·’·“-’*'·~°" @$*32 °¤i.E1%‘2’;L.‘;§;‘:?;’..$‘?..‘1.E.;'.1’.r.."“°.2‘£’..£f’.."l"t.";‘1.‘.i I ri%t of the defaulting debtor or any mortgagee, lien·hdlder,]judgment de for or subsequenlélpurchaser to redeem the land within one year U., QM after the notice of su default shall have been given by payment of .4, "°'°' all gnomgys due, with eight per centum interwt and cost. And the United tates, at its option, acting through the Secrets? of the Interior, may cause lan to be sold at any time after such ailure to mdeem,tandffro:i1nBt1l1e proceegs of thesale there shall be paid into th; reclamaion un moneys uqwithmterestasherem ro , »······ K°$tiie'ri1hE¤}§°ld`:€e?e°fth1isrl°m°°°d°’ KPmuumy*°bmrlis:thl;PmPi>r:t’;·:ii ,, a r or asigneez t ' Uriiigecslsrgs In by after failure to_redeem under this section the United Sltiahgeshall bg authorized to bid in suchland at not more than the amount in default, u M mm mcluding mterest and costs. _ _ V param:. Sec. 3. That u full and inal ayment be1ng made of all amonmts ‘ due on account cme building and betterment cha es to the United States or its successors in control of the project, thhgllnited States or 2‘ft2“°‘$.?°"’ °€h."Z‘° °”° “£°’} {li'? b..¤.¤l.‘?'§‘° “.l’°b‘I.{°"t.“°“..2“ °°’““` ce ying a en o e an char? in full has been mad}; agri that the lien upon the land has been so :· satisfiaed and is po longer tpf anydforce or effect elxcept the lien for nw; annu chargesoroperaonan m`ten : `,Th M- Numan. person at any one time or in anyuriannadiéaexcept as hereirldftieg otherwise provided, acqE;re,_ own, or hold irrigable land for which °.2.$HJ5§‘L{‘$33l’£¤e$Z11’i'L4’}.‘?t}1 h"°ell?;?‘im?i’.2d“d3't‘h° “‘S mne un an

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an chgyg shall have been made on account of such land in excgslsm cl? one far; unit as fixed by the Secretary of the Interior as the limit of area per entry of public land or le ownerslplp of private land for which a water right may be p respectry y, nor in any case in excess hm mum W of one hundred and sixty acres, nor shall gvater be furnished under 4.,.,.,...;, said Acts nor a water nght sold or recognized for such excess; but gnygsiileh land acqmred at any time molgood faith by descent, ywumew Y NY I 0¤'¤¤ ___¤f&¤yl16¤m¤ybeh dfortwoyearssndno ¤¤•¤¤¤¤¤ longer its acqmsntnon; and every excess holding prohibited as aforesaid shall be forfeited to the United States by proceedings instituttzdltby the Attorney general for that puaose any court of comptgd wgt°r.uH8d1¢t1_ ton, an thnaprovisp) shall recited m everydpatont Pmvisi0m:I83hAct· ytheUnitedSt•tesunerthe