Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/292

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ons. 281, 282, 284. 1912. 269 below the present established grade of the surface of the street at the intersection of the center line of Broadway with the center line of Pagk Placerggltentidedéoc Dm nc. 2. the ret of the Treas be and he is hereb °° °° °‘°' authorized to execute andrzcknowlegge iirlgro , form for recoryd mm. within the State and county of New ork, and dgliver to the ublic service comm1ssion_for_the first district of the State of New Ygrk, a deed or deeds to said city of New York as authorized in this Act. Sec. 3. That this Act shall take effect and be in force immediately. “°°** Approved, August 9, 1912. CHAP. 282.-An Ac Providi f ’ A¤¢¤•¤9. 1912 du at Perth Amboy, Ngzw Jemyngl or the sale of the United States unused pest-dliee [E L nm] _ . {Public, No. wo.] Be at enacted the Senate and Hm1.sel;Z1i’1e£resen·tatives dine United States of America ·in_ Congress assemb , at the Secretary of the §;'{§*‘,,,%§,?‘,Z,5§;,# Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed, in his discre- “°**¤“¤*¤¤ •**•· tion, to sell and convey the United States unused post-oflice site at Perth Amboy, New Jersey, at such time and on such terms as he may deem to be to the best mterwt of the United States, and to deposit the proceeds in the Treasury as a miscellaneous receipt. Approved, August 9, 1912. cnn. 2s4.—A¤ Act · a memrcrae nepuuaenz cr 'cultuze ·*°¤“***°·"“ f¤rthe&e¤rlyearending e’:hLpnineteenhundredmdthirteen.Ap1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, g§•..$Y‘$€°°{;'pm,,°£ and they are hereby, appro riated, out of any moneiy in the Treasury “* of the nited States not otlihrwise arilpropriated, in ull compensation for the fiscal year endin€June thirtiet , nineteen hundred an thirteen, for the purposes and o jects hereinafter expressed, namely: DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Sauams, Orrron or rrm Sncnsranr or Aaruomrrtmrz: Secretary $$,1* °°.§{§,°f¤‘§{j of Agriculture, twelve thousand dollars; Assistant Secretaiiy of Agfa °'°’l“· °*°· culture, five thousand dollars; solicitor five thousand dollars; c 'ef clerk, dthree gliousand dollars, and five hundred1d<gl6a::rs:tdditi<i»nal as custo 'an o • private secretary to the re ary o Agriculture, two thousan Svc hundred dollars; stenographer and executive clerk to the Secretary of Agriculture, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; private secretari to the Assistant Secretary of Agriculture, one thousand six hun ed dollars; stenbgrapher to the Assistant Secretary of Agriculture, one thousand four hundred dollars; one_ appointment c erk, two thousand dollars; one chief of supply division, two thousand dollars; one inspector, two thousand hw duh ___ seven hundred and fifty dollars· one law cler , at three thousand dollars; two law clerks, at two thousand five hundred dollars each; one law clerk two thousand two hundred dollars; ten law clerks, at two thousand dollars each; eight law clerks, at one thousand aight lnmdred dollars each; three law clerks, at one thousand six hundred dollars esch• one telegraph and tele hone operator, one thousand six hundred dollars; two clerks, class lhur; six clerks, class three; ten 0l€1‘kS, class two; eighteen clerks, class one; iight 0101*3, at 0110 thousand dollars each; six clerks, at nine hundredollars each; one clerk, eight hundred and for? dollars; twelve messengers or laborers, at eight hundred and forty ollars each; ten assistant messengers or