Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/304

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srxrr-snconn ooNem=:ss. sm. II. cs. 284. 1912. 281 District of Alaska in which said forests are respectively situated: Provided, That the exportation of dead and insect—infested timber only ,,,’§’§,°f,,‘,§·,S"'_,*},§§,';_F` from sand Black Hills and Harne National Forests shall be allowed until such time as the Forester shall certify that the rav es of the destructive msects in_sa1d forests are practically checkedriut in no case after July first, nineteen hundred and fourteen; to transport and cm °* °“h· ‘“* care for £sh_and game supplied to stock the national forests or the waters therein; to emfploy agents clerks, assistants, and other labor “°"“· °'°· requ1red_ rnupraetrcal orestry and in the administration of national forests, m e city of Washrn',5tr>n and elsewhere; to collate, digest, report and illustrate the res ts of experiments and investigations made by the Forest Service · to purchase law books, to an amount not ”“¤’P“”· °"* exceeding five hundred dollars, necessary supplies, appsaratus, and office fixtures and technical books and technical journ for oH·icers of the Forest Service stationed outside of Washington; to pay freight express, telephone, and telegraph charges for electric light and power, fuel, gas, ice, washing towels, an official traveling and other necessary expenses, including traveling expens for leg and fiscal officers wlule performing, Forest Service work; and for rent outside of the District of Colum ia, as follows: _ For salaries and field and station expenses, including the mamte- §§§*,°,'f,f,Lf§’°’§f*§,,, nance of nurseries, collecting seed, and p anting, necessary for the use, maintenance, improvement, and protection of the national forests named below: Absaroka National Forest, Montana, eight thousand two hundred “""'°“· “°“'* and thirteen dollars; Alamo National Forest, New Mexico, six thousand five hundred and “““°· N· “°’· thirty-five dollars; _ Angeles National Forest, California, thirteen thousand five hundred *“‘°’°'· °"· and sevent -eeven dollars; Apache National Forest, Arizona, thirteen thousand and eighty- *l"°"°·*"'· eight dollars • Arapaho National Forest, Colorado, fourteen thousand seven hun- "‘l""°·°°'°· dred and iift -eight dollars; Arkansas National Forest, Arkansas, fourteen thousand four hun- *“*‘“"'· "'*· dred and two dollars; Ama Um md Ashle National Forest, Utah and Wyoming, four thousand four wya. y' hundredv and thirty-four dollars; . Battlement National Forest, Colorado, six thousand five hundred ’•“'°¤°“*· °°‘°· and ninety-three dollars; _ Beartooth National Forest, Montana, eleven thousand eight hun- ’°•’“’°“‘·*'°"'— dred and eight —nine dollars; _ M mw, uml Beaverhead liational Forest, Montana and Idaho, mne thousand ,,,,,,,{,,,,,_ · seven hundred and sixty-nine dollars; _ Bighorn National Forest, Wyoming, sixteen thousand mne hundred ¤*¢¤°m· WW- and eighty-ei§ht dollars; _ mm H t Bittermot ational Forest., Montana, twenty thousand one hundred ”°°°’ °“ and fifteen dollars; _ Bun"` I t Blackfeet National Forest, Montana, twenty-one thousand mne °“ hundred and eighty-one dollars; uk Hm- S Dm p Black Hills Ngational Forest, South Dakota, nine thousand one hun- ° · ‘ dred and twenty-eight dollars; _ mm md. Boise National Forest, Idaho, ten thousand five hundred and mne- ‘ °‘ teen dollars; _ BOI!-DBVIHB National Forest, Wyoming, three thousand nme hundred B°°"°'m°*w’°· and ninety-three dollars; Bridger National For-est, Wyoming, three thousand six hrmdred and ”"""°'*w’°‘ thirtpjerglit dollars; _ _ C3 1-Yléli National Forest, Montana, twelve thousand eight hundred C‘b"‘°°"u°°°' and forty-seven dollars;