Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/335

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312 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sus. II. Ch. 301. 1912. ¤¤~¤¤1¤*¤¤ · F f d f examrmng' ° eons, pensi , for services °°ii$a In rmxigreélewmgflhin fiscdl year ninetezirrirundred addmthirteen, two h » th » g¢¤¤** ¤¤*;g•·m_M_ ul•`1oresalari>el;S£df1eigl(iteen agents for the payment of pensions, at the °r °°v°° rate of four thousand dollars per annum each, during the first seven months Cpfitge fiscal year nineteen hundred and thirteen, forty-two thousan dollars. ¤i·¤¤‘·*¤¤=*°'*· F salary` f o disbursmg' cle k for the a ent of pensions, to mm; mm be szllected afid dispointed by th; Secretary{’of-The Interior, at the rate of four thousand dollars per annum, during the last five months Awmmmt of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and thirteen, one thousand six lsrndrielii alrglrt doollags and s1.xt_y·s&w:1nhcents; anddfrorn and te e t — anu nme un an , therle shall bexme cleglgin the Bureau of Pensions to be A mmm appointed as aforesaid and who shall receive a salary at the rate of n.°s°:`:E. ms, aha, four thousand_dollars per annurn; and section forty-seven hundred

  • ’¥*’“·”’· "°’°"°‘*· and seventy-eight of the Revised Statutes of the United States

authorizing the appomtment of agents for the payment of pensions, and section fortsy-seven hundred and eighty of the Revised Statutes of the United tates authorizing the establishment of agencies by ,,'f,‘l,g‘,T,*°,,_°°15§”,°_‘°" the President of the flmted States are hereby repealed to take effect from and after the thirty-first day of January, nmeteen hundred and §irteen,da5rd the existing pension agencies are abolished from and ter said ate. . °“’*""‘·°°°‘ For cle k hire, and ther services at eighteen' pension agenci during th;. seven mldnths of the year nineteen hundred aned thirteen and_m the office of the disbursing clerk for the payment of mom during the £ve months of the year nineteen hunand thirteen and_mclud1ng not exceeding ten thousand dollars ,,§""""" '°°'”°'• for expenses of consolidating and removing records and equipment of pension agencies, three hundred and seventy-five thousand dolmm. lars, or so much thereof as may be necessary: Promlled, That estim{§g{'*°°"°*’?'“"' mates m detail shall be submitted for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and fourteen and annually thereafter for clerks and others employed m the omce of the drsbursing clerk for the payment of Y k pegsrons andfthe amounts to be paid toYeach. ¤¤¢· Nv °* or rent o pension agency at New ork, New York, during the °"°°" finst seven months of the fiscal et h dred d th'rtee twotsthousand folarrhhundred andY%elf11|g*-girl; dldillars anad sevfzntedii cen , or so muc ereo as may necessary. ¤g·_¤¤;%_¤*‘~ d {•l`:rmstatronery and other necessary expenses, twenty-Eve thousand III 0 . péinihzdismpadpiil Sec. 2. That the Secretary of the Interior is authorized in the ' payment of pensions to arrange the pensioners rn three groups as he may think proper, and may from tmne to time change any pensioner or class of pensioners from one group to_ another as he may deem P_ym¤“q¤m¤_,y_ convenient _ or the transaction of the public business. _ The pensioners m the first group shall be paid their quarterly pensions on January fourth, April fourth, Ju y fourth, and October fgurth of each year; the pensioners in the second grow? shall be paid ¥m•;rthqu:;3e1f}:)§:’eI;s£grri_ on February fourth, May ourth, August , _ . r_ ourth of each year; the pensioners m the third group shall be gud therr quarterly pensrons on March fourth, ,.,m,°n, NT Jug}; Ourt , Septem r fourth, and December fourth of each year. mms _¤ Secriagrry of the Interior is authorized to cause payments of gnsrzlr to made for the fractional parts of a of uarter which may morphcre necessary by the transfer of a pensioner rom one group to heck: without I ,,,,,,,, mum ,0 Sm. 3. That not later than January first, ninetee h dred d "°°°¤*P¢¤¤*°¤¤¤· thirteen, pensions shall be paid by checks drawn, undgr tlfg direcgbln