Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/374

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 335. 1912. 351 four quartermaster sergeants, twelve first sergeants, four gunnery sergeants, eighteen sergeants thirty-five c%?>orals, four drummers, four trumtpeters, and three hundred and teen privates; and the number 0 enlisted men shall be exclusive of those undergoing imprisonment with sentence of dishonorable discharge from the service at expiration of such confinement, and for the expenses of clerks of the United States Marine Corps traveling under orders, and including additional compensation for enlisted men of the Marine Corps re — larly detailed as gun ca tains, gun ointers, mess sergeants, cooii, rnessrnen, srgnalmen, orilxolding good-conduct medals, pins, or bars, mcludrng interest on deposits by enlisted men, ost exchange debts of deserters, under such rules as the Secretary of) the Navy may prescribe, and the authorized travel allowance of discharged enlisted men and for prizes for excellence in gunnery exercise and target practice, both afloat and ashore: Prmridul, That the gunnery sergeants of the f{,‘fY.',§§;y mmm, Marine Corps shall hereafter receive the same pay, and be entitled to the allowances, rank, continuous-service pa , and retired ay of a first sergeant in said corps. In all, two 'on eight hundred and sixty-six thousand three hundred and sixty-two dollars. For pay and allowances prescribed by law of enlisted men on the R¢¤¤¤¤¤*¤*~ retired list: For two sergeants major, one drum major, twenty-five iunnery sergeants, twenty-five quartermaster sergeants, thirty-five rst sergeants, i;ifty-two sergeants, fourteen corporals, twenty firstclass musicians, one drummer, one trumpeter, one fifer and twenty- six privates, and for those who may be retired during the fiscal year, Eng hundred and thirty-seven thousand seven hundred and eighteen o ars. Undrawn Cl0f.l1l.I§. : For a entto disch edsoldiers forclothin U¤•*¤W¤<¤¤¢¤i¤8· undrawn, one hun red and fifrfiy thousand dh-Ilars. g Mileage: For mileage to officers traveling under orders without Mileasewomrem troops, fifty-five thousand dollars. For commutation of quarters of officers on duty without troops q_f;‘;t';?1_‘;"g,;;j:Q;,Q'it$lf whine there are no public quarters, thirty-three thousand five hundred our rrooris. dollars. PAY or CIVIL Foxes: In the oitlice of the Major General Comman- ""“ *<>*¢*‘· dant: One chief clerk, at two thousand dollars; one clerk, at one thousand four hundred dollars; one messenger at nine hundred and sevent *—one dollars and twenty-eight cents. In the office of the paymaster: One chief clerk at two thousand dollars; one clerk, at one thousand five hundred dollars; one clerk, at one thousand two hundred dollars. In the office of the adjutant and ins wectorz One chief clerk, at two thousand dollars; one clerk, at one tlrousand five hundred dollars; one clerk (in lieu of one clerk in tl1o office of the assistant adjutant and inspector), one thousand two hundred dollars. In the office of the quartermaster: One chief clerk, at two thousand dollars; one clerk, at one thousand five hundred dollars; one clerk (rn lieu of one clerk, Washington, District of Columbia, or San Francisco, California), one thousand four hundred dollars; two clerks at one thousand two hundred dollars each; one draftsman, at one thousand six hundred dollars. _ _ In the office of the assistant quartermaster, San Francisco, Cahfomia: One clerk, at one thousand four hundred dollars; In the office of the assistant quartermaster, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: One clerk, at one thousand six hundred dollars; one messenger, at eight hundred and forty dollars; in the Quartermaster’s Department, for duty where their services are required, three clerks (one additional in hen of one clerk in the Philippine Islands), at one thousand four hundred dollars each. u In all, for pay of civil force, thirty thousand seven hundred spd m'°""""” eleven dollars and twenty-eight cents; and the money herein specifi-