Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/391

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368 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 350. 1912. <>¢¤¤*·¤ ¤v<¤¤¤ Orncui. nmroarnas: Six omcial reporters of the proceedings' and debates of the House, at $5,000 each; assitant, $2,500; in all, $32 500. J•¤¤¤¤· Flotiil janitor for rooms of oihcial reporters of debates, at $60 per mon , $720. ' m;•;,°!g*·•" '° Srmwoeaaranas ·ro ooinrrrmns: Four stenographers to committees, at $5,000 each; in all, $20,000. _ _ ·'*°*°°’· Fqlriljanzigor to rooms of stenographers to committees, at $60 per mon , $ 0. ·

 ,,,*2:,, ,*,1; That wherever the words “during the seaion" occur in the foreaan going paragraphs the shall be construed to mean the one hundred

and twenty days from l)ecember nineteen hundred and twelve, to March thirty-first, nineteen h and thirteen, both inclusive. c¤¤nu•,¤¤¤•¤ Omar man, Mmmmxs AND Dnnnoxrms: To paiuesch Member, ""*°°1°"°°" Delegate and Resident Commissioner, for , necesarily ernp oyed by him in the discharge of official and representative duties, $1,500 per annum, in monthly installments, $618,975 or so much thereof as may be necessary; and Representatives and Deletes elect to Congees whose credentials m due form of law have Even duly filed wi the Clerk of the House of Representatives, in ¤·¤··*°¤·¤·P-°· accordance with the provisions of section thirty-one of the Revised Statutes of the United States shall be entitled to Eglysment under ,,17r¤;_§·¤· mm,] this a propriation: Provided, 'l`hat all clerks to Mem , Delegates, ermpmyeea an en mmisioners on ero o em oees ° dKIiisidtCo" shall beplacedthllf of the House and be sulggct to be removed at the will of the , Delegate or Resident mmissioner by whom they are appointed;

  • PP°*¤¤¤•¤¤ and any 'Member, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner may aiipoint

one or more clerks, who shall be placed on the roll as the clerk o such Member, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner making such appointments. ‘ §g,¥‘_§*,§y,;}{,,,,°'P°,,’{’°* Commosm mxrmwszs, Naicmx: For wrapping paper, pasteboardnupaste, twme, newspaper wrappers, an other necessary materi for the use of Members of the House, and for use in the Clerk’s office and the House folding room not mcludi envelopee, writing paper, and other paper and materials to be printzd v¤1.¤s,p.m. and furmshed by the Public Printer, upon uisitions from the Clerk of the House, under the dprovisions 0 the XR a plroved January gwelfth, eighteen hundred an ninety-five, for the pulh 'c printing and indmg` , 10,000. F¤r¤1¤¤¤- For urnitine, and materials for repairs of the same, $10,000. P•¤¤¤a b<>¤¤·· For packirif boxes, $3,500, or so much thereof as may be necessary. "g_;·gt:¤1•¤¤<>¤· For misce aneous items and ex enses of special and select com- ' mittees, exclusive of salaries and llabor, unless specifically ordered by the House of Representatives, $75,000. ` ¤¤¤·>¤·¤· For stationer§_ for Members of the House of Representatives, Delegates from erritories, and Resident Commissioners, including $5,000 for stationery for the use of the committees and 0$cers o the House, $54,750. """"” "“"*"· For postage stam for the Postmaster, $250; for the Clerk, $450; ger the Sergeant at gm, $300; and for the Doorkeeper, $150; in all, ,150. ¤¤¤¤¤¢<>¤¤¤¤·* Lrsmnr or coxoarxss. ¤**¤**·¤·¢¤¤· _ General adininistration: Librarian of Congress, $6,500; chief assistant librarian, $4,000; chief clerk, $2,500; Librarian’s secretary, $1,800; clerk, $1,200; clerk (assistant to chief clerk), $1,000; stenographers end typewnters—one at $1,200, one at $720; messenger, $840gdun10r messenger, $360 ; photostat operator, $600; in all, $20,720.

              • 1** °¤¤*•=¤‘· M and delivery: Assistant in charge, $1,500- assistants—one

at $900, one at $720, junior messenger, $360; in all, $3,480.