Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/604

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sue. II. C11. 391. 1912. 581 medicines for horses and mules, icket ro , blacksmith’ too and_materials, horseshoes and blal):ksmith’sP?>ols for the Cav ls servrcedi and for the shoeing of horses and mules, and such additidg expen tures as are necessary and authorizedby law in the movements

 operations of the Army, and at military ts, and not expressly
 to any other department, one milliiiir eight hundred and “"°““‘·

ergflzity-six thousand dollars. ossns rox Cavamr, Aamrmr, Euermrmm, arm so roam: 'if’f,.,$,°,{_°,,, For the urchase of horses of ages, sex, and size as may be rescribed ` by the &•:retary of War, for remounts, for officers entitled) to public mounts, for the Cavalry Artillery, Signal Corps, and Engineers, the United States Mihtary Academ , service schools, and staff colleges, and for the scouts, and fgr such Infantry and members of the Hospital Corps m ield campaigns as ma be required to be mounted, and the e§genses incident thereto, and, for the hire of employees: Provided, at the number of horses urchased under this appro- "i°u•i‘{°°'¤¤¤•. priatron, added to the number now onlliand, shall be limited to the actual needs of the mounted service, including reasonable provisions for remounts, and, unless otherwise ordered b the Secretary of War no part of this appropriation shall be paid out gn horses not purchased by contract after competition dulg invited by the Quartermastefs Department and an ins%¢;rc£ion un er the direction and authority of · the Secretary of mm en practicable, horses mo mare a t tsorstations,w n edata maxiridiim price to be lixeldylilymthe Secretary of War: Prdoided s°°°m"°°”°°' further, That no lpcart of this agpgropriation shall be expended for the purchase of ang rses below standard set by Arm Regulations or Cavalry an horses, excgpt when purchased as remounts, or for instruction of c ets at the nited States ]ldilitai·ly.BAlcademy: Provided further, That the accounting officers of the ury are S¤¤g¤&¤¤¤¤ ¤¤ •¤- hereby authorized and directed to remove any suspensions or disal- ‘&°$sa. h°"°°‘ '°' lowauces in the accounts of quartermasters for the fiscal years nineteen hundred and ten, nineteen hundred and eleven, and nineteen hundred and twelve, for the purchase, care, and foreghag of horses, because of age, sex, or size, and for the_ purchase of see , machinery, and for labor and other expenditures in connection with the raising of forage at remount depots, from zgppropriations of the Quartermaster’s Department, three hundred ousand dollars. Banaacxs arm quanrnssc Flor barracks, ctuarters, stables, store- ,,§_"""""‘“' "“"` houses, magazines, a.dmm1stration and office urldmgs, sheds, shops, and other uildings necessary for the shelter of troops, public animals, and stores, and for administration purposes, except pertaining to the Seacoast Artillery; for rlepamng public at military posts; for extra-duty pay to e xsted men and lure o employees; or rental of the authorized allowance of quarters for officers on duty with the troops at posts and stations where no public quarters are available; of barracks or authorized allowance of quarters for noncommissioned officers and enlisted men on duty where public quarters are not available; of grounds for cantonments, camp sites, and other purposes, and of buildings or portions of buildings for occupation by troops, for use as stables, st0rehouses,_and offices, and for other military purposes; for the hire of recruiting stations and lodgings for recruits; for such furniture for the public rooms of oflicers’ messes and for oftieers’ %`ua.rters at mrhtary posts, as may be approved by the Secretari of ar; for wall lockers mpermanent barracks and refrigerators in arracks and gluartcrs; for screen doors, window screens, storm doors and sash, an wmdow shades for barracks, offices, and quarters, and for flooring and framing for tents: Provided, That no part of the moneys so apgiropriated shall be paid §,§'g,,,Y’Y“,f‘,,¤,,,, ,,. for commutation of fuel or uarters to o eers or QIll1Si»6d' men: ¤¤'*¤¤¤¤·· Provikcl further, That the number of and total sum paid for ClVLlJBD CMB-¤ ¤¤P1°¥·¤-