Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/679

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656 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cus.23-25. 1913. l"¤l>r¤•v! 3. lil!. CHAP. 28.-An Act To amend subchapter two of nineteen of the Code of i& ***1 Lew for the umm or cornmeal [mine, nd my 1,.,,, H Be it nacted ¢heSenateandHouse thelhvited com Mw States q;'A1r•eri;lin Congress aesembkdjgqhat the Code ofoiiew for the .;.:2.1*- P- "“· District or ceiumbis be surnam py wang to subenapm two or “‘ chapter nineteen the following section: ¤'_{$_;‘;'¥_,y,*c¤,;_°°••°‘ Sec. 826b. Unamurommn usr: or vnmousr—Any person who, mnmsne me. without the consent of the owner, shall take, meévcgglerate, or remove, or lcimse tothlge ltnilpzn, usedi_l:perated, rem from a W, sta eoro r dmgor manyp orlocalixyona u c·•u· privatb highyvay, park, , street, lot, field, in_ osure, Idr space, an automobile or motor vehreg, and ope1-ate or dnve, or cause &e same to be operated or driven, for lm own proiit, use, or dpurpose, sha1l_be pumshed by a line not exceeding one thousand J ellars or rmprisonment not exceeding five years, or both such fine ami rmpnsonment. Approved, February 3, 1913. ww CRAP. 24.-YAn Act To amend an Act entitled "Au Act to reincerpomte [Public. N0- UT-] {blown :s‘i]h:h(§ 3 the ¥§i:·icl;1‘:1f‘12}cotl’umb1a.” .Be it¢naetedbyt7¤e8e1•ateand11ouaeo Repneeenlativesof the United ,,,,°""‘°‘ °‘ °°;""' States of in (gyrus assembled? That the Act entitled "Au _u*;*{ _¤ Act to rerncorporate preserve all corporate franchises and

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‘ _ um aono_ ‘ o umia,"aprov on the srgtg day of February, mneteen hundred and one, be, aliid the 2?.'2.“`3.?°r».3.°£i’A`2‘£°€‘¤.‘}.?’§l.i'i.¥...*".g“¥"·" ‘° ‘“"’ “““"‘“g “ *’“° °‘ ‘°°“‘°“ ¤¤·r·i M ¤¤¤=¤>¤ "And the said German h ·As l Asoci ti fth Dist ' of Columbia. may_hereaftg·r£xjulimi{ Trl-`d deterdrilis the n?1m];>e;1$>l

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o and the number of its said directors maybe decgeasxaolr incredgddogd provrded by any constitution or constitutions, or an amendment or amendments thereto, which the said association may lawfully adopt." Approved, February 3, 1913. [:l ,;i; Digg; 3;-5i.Atl;£t¢§I‘é>0$•:ne}r:;iasection eight hundred and ninety-five of the Code C, 0. . _ Be it enacted_by the Senate and House of Representaf th U l ' m;>iJ£;r or c¤1m¤· States America in Owe osnernbled, That sectioiimdiglit iiun7d'i·t;1l L¤ye.;L£2_ ,53;., and mnety-five of the_ e of Law for the District of Columbia mesmquuetus '£*;l?;’§Oh!¤'b?¥‘ ¤‘6§¤l¤¢¤~>¤¤, is hereby amended by adding ghembé $: K&·i;;§1; of ;§;c;§1S£fa.03'i1i§;1§t Elhell be unlawful for any owner gr Occupant _ pemm or mm to c, t );h1In(;rste$o)r captam of any vessel, or- an sand, ballegi, dirt, oysat;r’shellsTbr eslie;sHirii(t£(dS:la*tb11?7`St0¤6' gravel: 2116 tlgotegac River or its tributaries in the District o&dRzin}i>i;.·t gi pu e emerge of saliddrgv-<;r altialov;) wg;-gvaing mal: urglesg for the the Commissioners of the’District·0f Cmllrmbia fo: 0 tamed from · - . th t

 Ygigzfvzghzlljgslsumcnendy mclosed and secured so as top t