Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/756

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SIXTY·SECOND CONGRESS. Sus. III. Crrs. 118, 119. 1913. 733 rating with whose places they ill. If the master shall fail to *° WP'! explain in writing the cause of such delicienzim crew to the local mspectors within twelve hours of the time of e amval of the vessel at her destination, he shall be liable to a alty of nit dollars. If the P°"'”*"" vessel shall not be manned as rovidedxiii this Act, the owner shall be liable to a ppnalty of one hun<£·ed dollars, or, in case of an insufficient number of 'censed officers, to a penalty of Eve hundred dollars." Sec. 2. That the board of local inspectors shall make an entry in “m“”“ · the certificate of insplection of every ocean and coastwise sea·go° merchant vessel of the Pnited States propelletdl by machinery, aid every ocean-going vesse carrying passengers, e minimum num r of licensed deck officers required for her safe navigation according to q¤Ii:°d?°d mm °° the following scale: That no such vessel shall be navigated unless she shall have on "“°'· boragld and in her iervicealonp dulytllicenseg master. d an at every suc vess o one thousand gross tons an over, ropelled by machinery, shall have in her service and on tri:-dl mr mm _`c§1;sed matesievshpughall stcalpd insdthree watches while spgh vessel is mgna , esssu ves isengagedmaruuo ess four hundrzlfamiles from the port of departure to the port of final destination, then such vessel shall have two licensed mates; and every vessel of two hundred gross tons and less than one thousand gross tons, propelled by machinegy, shall have two licensed mates. That every such vessel o one hundred gross tons and under two ¤¤**'*•*· hundred gross tons propelled by machinery, have on board and it1;a§er_servlip¢-istrip hcensed  ;£ut if sutih vessel m ra; e m w c e u e assage m e po of departure to the rtmgf destination exceeds twenty-four hours, then such vessel shall have two hcensed mates. That nothing in this section shall be so construed as to prevent local l°°”••• •°*“**•°· inspectors from increasing the number of officerson any vessel subject to the inspection laws_ of the United States 1f, m their judgment_, such vessel is not sufficiently manned for her safe navigation: Provided, That this section shall not appli to iishing or whahngves- sels, iachts, or rnlottgr boats as defined m the Act of une ninth, nine- vol. . p. an. teen un an n. Sec. 3. That it shall be unlawful for the master, owner, agsuti or d gbvxcn other rson having authoritg-I to permit an officer of any vesse to take chearge of the deck watc of the vessel upon leaving or muncdiately after leaving port, unless such officer sh have had at least_six hours off duty within the twelve hours immediately preceding the time of sailing, and no licensed officer orrangxocean or coastvnse vessel shall be required to_do duty to exceed nme ours of any twentg-four while in port, including the date of amval, or more than twelve ours of any twenty-four at sea, except in a case of emergency when life or property many M vim is endangered. Any violation of this section shall subject the person um or ersons ilty thereof to a penalty of one hundred dollars. h Siuc. 4. 'lggat all laws or parts of laws m conflict with this Act are *=• *•· hereby repealed. Approved, March 3, 1913. CHAP. 119.-An Act To extend the authority to receive certined checks drawn lg"; on national and State banks and trust companies m payment for duties on imports and internal taxes and all public dues. ( · °· Be it enacted the Senate and House Re esentativee of the United States of Ameriiiz in Congress assevnbleldi Tliiit it shall be fog m°;?‘°§°°°£°:.°`?; gu collecting officers to receive checks drawn on natio an State banks and trust companies, during such time and under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe, in pay-