Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/766

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SIXTY-SEOOND CONGRESS. Sus. III. Ch. 142. 1913. 743 sentatives; in all $41,250, one half to`be disbursed b Sccmtary of the Senate and the other half to be disbursed by thdlélerk of the Hguse of Representatives. · °" °°¤tmg°¤l* *¤P6¤¤¤¤, $200 one half to be disbursed °·>¤¤¤••¤¢¤¤v¤¤•¤· Secretary of the Senate and the ’other half to be disbursed $: Clerk of the House of Representatives. » Jomr oomurrmn on PRINTING. ,,·',¤i¤*, ¤¤¤¤¤i¤•¤¤¤ For clerk to the Joint Committee on Printing, $3;000; °“"‘· For mspector for the Joint Committee on Printing under section ¥',§,"‘§°,§’,,'3¤_ twenty o the Act to lprovide for the public printing and binding, approved J anuaryi twe th, eighteen hundreddandininetrfive, $2,000. _ or erpenses o comp1lmg_ , paring, an in exing the Ce ,,,,,,,,,.,°°""_"'*""' '”° Blom! Directory, $1,600; m all? $6,600, one-halt to be dsbms$.§ ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤.·e. the Secretary of the Senate and the other half to bedisbunsed by the Clerk of the House of Representatives. ` nousn or nnrnzsnnrarrvns. “Q<:¤¤¤¤¤1¤¤•=¤¤· For comggnsation of Members of the House of Representatives °‘,,,’ ,,,,°° "°""’°"'· Delegates m Territories, the Resident Commissioner from Porte

 the Resident Commissioners from the Philippine Islands,

, ,5 0. . For mileage of Representatives and Del ates and expenses of ““°•¢° Resident Commissioners, $175,000. cg ‘ ` For compensation of the officers, clerks, , and others in n °”°°”'· °*°'*'· °'°· the service of the House of Representatives, namxz Omen or run Srmxmc: Secretary to the Speaker, $4 000; clerk “’°"‘°"’ °”°°· to the Speaker's table $3,600, and for preparing Digest of the Rules, $1,000 per annum; clerk to the Speaker, $1,600* messenger to the Speakier, $1,440; messenger to the Speaker’s tahle, $1,200; in all, $12,8 0. ~ Cnarnamz For chaplain of the House, .$1,200. °*·•P'•*'*- Ormcn or rim Cmmx: Clerk of the House of Representatives, ,,$§§_",$f,“‘° ”°°'• including-l-rcemiiensation as disbuising omcer of the contingent fund, $6,500; e o horse and wagon for use of the Clerk’s office, $900, or so much thereof as may be necessary; ¢ll18f_6l0l’k,_ $4,500; °ournal clerk, and two reading clerks, at $4,000 each; dmbursing clerk, h3,400· tally clerk, $3,300; le clerk, $3,250; enrolling clerk, $3,000; chiel bill clerk, $3,000; assistant to chief clerk, and assistant enrolling clerk, at $2,500 each; assistant disbuxsing clerk, $2,400; stationery clerk, $2 200; librarian $2,100; assistant file clerk, $1,900; two assistant librarians, and one clerk, at $1,800 each; three clerks, at $1,680 each; bookkeeper, and assistant m disbursing office, at $1,600 each· four assistants to chief bill clerk, at $1,500_each; stenographer to Clerk, $1,400; locksmith, who shall be skilled in his trade, $1,300; mcssengefin chief clerk’s office, and assistant in stationery room at $1,200 each; messenger in file room, messenger m disbursing office, and assistant in House library, at $1,100 each; stenographer to chief bill clerk, $1,000; three telephone operators, at $900 each; three telephone session répgriators, at $75 per month each from December iiret nineteen hun and thmeen, to Jime thirtieth, nineteen hundred and fourteen; telephone operator, $900; for services of a substitute telephone oyiarator when required, at $2.50 per day, $200; two laborers in the athroom, at $900 each; two laborers, and page in enrollin§ room, at $720 each; allowance to chief clerk for stenogra hic an typewriter services, $1,000; in all, $92,825. _ _ {Fauna Snrnnmrzmrzm or nm Carrror, Bm1.nmc mn Gnomms: °‘“°‘ °“¤“'°°’· °°°— Chief engineer, $1,900; three assistant engineers, at $1,300 each; 87618°—vor. 37-rr 1—·—49