Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/1015

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INDEX. 1957 lliuourt Rivrr—Oontin¤•d. Pen Habib B•2C•ntam:hl Celebration Pan. preliminary exammation of, to be made at ecknowledgnent by Congrem of resolu- . City . . . 229 tion y Alabama Legislative relating examination modilied . . ... 825 to 1453 Saint Joseph, Mo . 229 Hooley, Howard, alien Hound Elle, reconstruction of bridge over, Sibley, Mo., nsmn increased - ... 1267 authorised . 55 iaagley, James, time extended for bridging, Council Blum, increased 1228 Iowa- . , . _ . 123 y·ry, Weldon Springs Landing, Mo ... 1014 Hpenston increased . ... 1145 Yankton, S. ak; . 2 ..., 357 oblo, George, cha; George Cook, 1%'ss0uriWe:¢ernIudt¢iqlDia¢ne¢, Ipensionincressed =... 1129 counties constituting; division; .. 52 0uelmy,_Pgtv, terms, Chillicothe ... , 52 aspropnatxon lor reimbursement to .. 524 ged]?-son City . co, Cal.,“f bh bm] op acquiringln or pu 'c dmg' at, author- Kansas C't ... 52 iaed .. Z 877 san: Josglpgi .. sz um Jvageqmx pm, ca., ‘ Spnn¥§?l . gg Hzppgolggztnon for maintenance, etc., of.. 284, 840 offices o c er ... , , marshal . .,.., . 52 union increased 1045 Jfitchcll, A. C. , lat¢aReprtsmtati1zs€n Congress, £,;'att, Gqoryc, deiicienfy appropriation for pay to widow 616 .. 1307 o . 0 att, W . , yudlell, A 3,, pension increased 1413 nsion 1051 l'¤tt_, Samuel, Mpeghell, dlvira F. (widow), {muon inueased 1222 nswn increased 1356 0}% AROUM W, ymjwll, Aww 17;, lpensron increased 1182 Ensglon .. _ .. 1079 oja, 1:1;:; (wiobu), · 1214 , -, M10 _,,,...,,_______,____,__ .&&.,1“°‘2’°J‘“..,.”;§°“1‘$"·‘?‘z‘a;2"T1 ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ “°” ”;¤..»"’·°£°{.?"¤»··.r¤`"’ me 'IL , .•·-••-•»-••-.··•-·•-••. ¤¤ié¤mcré»5'? . mz ¤1u¤,Jorm11. Hpughell, Jmm, Ohio National Guard, Ipsmmn increased . .,. . 1102 mnsgm ... 1226 ok, [cfg, 1221 gm _ on .. . . ·’ ·em.,d,{ ,,..,...,,_,.. was · ,;, y.5$,1:;£n};*?,,j3,;d 5_, a propriation for compensation in lieu of.. 434 nsion increased 1034 Hogelumne Eivrr, Qui., lair, Jacob U., appropriation for improvement ol .. . . 818 union increased. . . ...,. 1097 Jreliminary examination ol, to be madsu _ 825 1£ .Paroon B., Qridg¢_C'ornpony, nsion increased ... . 1357 may bridge muippi River ... . 310 lgzeon, John C., Holim, Ill., _ _ _ _ _ _ nsion increased .. . . 1133 bridge authorised across lhssrssnppx River, lvm; ‘ to Bettsndort, lowa ... 310 ’ pim" ("”d°'”)’ mz rama Jam w peusmn .. , _ ., N nbnali est, N ., nnontncrgssed .. .. 1205

0p:i‘.¤tionfo;,rmaintne11’a¤ce, etc., of. . 284, 840 irloruy, [amok,

Ip;-oclamatien modifying boundaries of . 1722 xpenswn mcrnsed. ,...,., 1031 bf » U ·, _ _ . ¤Mh¢¤_ . _R¤\¤d. gn1agem:ntelpub1iebuild1ngat,auth¤r- 869 1203 labile, acqui] niteand erectingpublic building approprnath on for improvement ol bar.. . 211, 810 at autbgzed , 876 or nm vement ol hubcr ... 211, 810 Commmon, Nctgonol, for pom building . 422 hbnry cl,_l¤qde Fart of Ienbrary of Congreg, 364 uma; ol cost increased, public building". 866 ‘¤1>p¤>1¤¤•*-3 —----·--- I- ·- 1% preliminary llt0b0¤'|ldBd 824 1'¢P¤f¢.€§¢~·d P¤¤ -··-·-·-· 30 harbor and ·-·--... _ ·..~... ‘ I , D. C., uternmolcourtatu.; 600 ¤·n¢yI4’t»•;!l:\{“i_“i¤8H- I fmewust rorlationdor t¤ing,ctc .. 127,872 moretlunepacsntrntssst .. 657

 Ala %nq0nd¤·{Di¤ision,Po•g0,ferD¤par¤r••n¢,

apprepzition lor improvement of chanel appropriation for superintendent, claks, ‘ oouneetingllisiinippi Sound and. 211, 811 etc, . , . Z 402, 7w project medlned . lfzney im Snu, 552, 800 .»¤.?;.’c“駧.'{‘.f.?Id’.L€'a“.'.fa ¢¤...§".¤...;i;a .¤‘i‘22?.."3?». M 231 as;.;.3q,1m, for bridges, etc., Dauphin Island. . . 137 not to be , etc.; retention as 1>~1i¤¤i¤¤ry ¤=¤¤¤i¤·¢i<>¤ ¤¤ 1>• ¤¤•d· fw rewd ·----·-·--.--.----·--··- 915

 waterway from Perneula S23 Honeypgigfasnq, 1168

Y ...,..••·-••-••-•••••••¤ ••·.•··.-··... 87618**-·vox. 37-rr 2—-N