Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/1022

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1964 mum National Forut•—Continued. Pan National Mmrurunb-Cendnued. Pan exchsnlfleyofolamréds authorised within Pau- 200 dednite locatilgn dewrmined of lewis and lm . on ... exchange of timber at P N. Mex. {ur net adds Cdlorado Cold . . 1681 private land toadd wkungkim 328 pen! Pcstprle, Cal 171l indernmthnsclmol selections by unia Nahanni _ of ds born Inyo, Gal. _ for qlanes, fixtures, etc 439 and Nev., rescinded 1774 lighting, etc 4M Kem, Cal., rescinded-; 1774 for |J|'£VI¤g, etc., collections. QB landsexchanged with Jehu L. Bahdfq fornewnfe . . . 4M addition to Harney, 8. Dak . 192 for repai:·a,_etc: . 436 lands in Pike Colo., reserved for wat: ierprinhngmdbmdmgfor 481 grpply éolondo Spring; ... 084 fqmltalling water meme in ... 963 Kamtoq ,.. : ...,... 685 deicumcy appwpdatim for preaervntion 1¤¤¢|•ma¤¤¤ eff·;c°t_P•&£|i¤· m4 N _ gfgecicm ·----.-...·.·--··-·-- @2.988 mm g*:r·..·.:.···*...·;·*Z`..“··***····- ..:.5 ·········:.·.:······ ...4** ‘“··=*·······` ··°°*···· ... _ m m¤¤su1¤n...IIf.`.`.ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 441 timber matured,etc.,tobe•0ldate¤stto . 442 llcmestnaden and farmerafcdunep fu Vrchburg ... . . 44 uc ues .. . ,, 287 Umm Naval Monument .. 4d trauafer of Olmstead lands, North Carolina, fu Yellowstone. ... . . 442, 4N _ .,,.,, IU ‘ t¤CraterLake 46 Nr¢g¢malGuard(•ee Ozggnned), _ i¤rYosemits . , 4Q NaqonnlGu¤·d,D. C.(••e D. C.), uammatmn of San Francesco water

 Duabkd V Bel. fuszlpplycentnnued .   .. g

_ , uma. .. . for Da Obie., 40 I General Grant. . ... 4U °Wl’Ell»?¤°Z», wu . ... 4m 5cnu uu. nn Tcgus, lie .. . ...,. 450 for lien Verde . 4m Iligvmptnu, Va ... . ..., 442 .. g venworth, Kms L .. . . or lacns Santa llcigésa, Cal 451 f¤rPlatt. _ . 4M liancn ... .. 451 ; co¤d1¤nn° .. . .. 582

 i_ . 451 !or” , salary cl commitu N

enn ... 452 ... - Bamsjiountain Sanitarium, 8. Dah., 452 Chickama and location of ’ for clotlrmg, all branchea ... 452 bulmgh Fort gastin. 119 fe¢•lanesandexp•nsee,boardotman· expenditures cl uldings _ agen ... ... 452 require expres authority of Ocudeiciency appropnatmn fu Leavenw ps . ... . .. 4N I .. , . gs cme, um., maanwn ogllanda br M or o , enn . ndminisuaaive . for Hot Sp S. Dak. . . . U2 Mount Rainier, amount E protection ci, I J. Parrish .. .. 002 ctc. reduced .. $9

 Ohio  619,985 vaeanciealoccurring in commhim in
orT`w•¤£ee,W’¤ .. .. 2; h chgeoI,n¤ttobeiiIled 442

Of (Kill, 0 .-.·... . . . =»· V\¢ll.1¢1B 0¢¢\¤' {or gauglfiu, Ya:E·.l .. YW beeéndme lurthtgydutixa 442 or an omca, .. , ., elumnatien ¤ppoi¤°.¤;x3j¤&n.Bcardof1lanage1¤,dGe¤· 38 titlestolgde in".; ... N . Barry. . pruervation tees |0un¤g' ’ ' payment ofnseusiuu duewinmatesnot made ... N _ aEec_ by Act 313 uleofma•.ured,•ec. timbs ... 81 Natrona! Imwuu of Art: Lsuca, D. AC., Natimurl Sdooifor Bap, D. C., inporpanted, 060 appropnatmn for manntenanee of in- In on

ri;uo¤ for expense; of meeting . 434 ff;     . . ’ g

011%} Uvwmmon, naknes expense ... libn.ry0f,].¤ade$*t0fI:ibra.ry0fCc¤gr¤, gz dfor·_care,etc . :13 . :£. . GD pnatmn moving ... eduen a pnaunn cred; an wm tina! report January 8, 1912 .. 30 _ ccculnpglig. W. Cuniden . 9% autlmnz fur, nsaealed, to take elec: National ZYq¤m&Scb0olf¤rG1?l•, D. 0., 31, 1 12 30 ap Hatrnn experi; . 171,966 ptoviion fg continuation and cernpsrm. 30 d gsm buikling ... . 171 dau repealed .. . e6c1e¤cy' prra.¤¤n‘ rnam’ tenance, Gvvernment on be paid in GD gab .. ; .. . ... gl O¤nmmr¤ne;¤ on gdvyhility of In ® .·.•·.. 2.. me•c.,of,ard¤edprlnt•d ... 1457 In ¤••¢l¤¤¤nid»d' , t0lym Wal;. 1787 Nd•u••al' #•t•·a•q•"mm0¤aa••a•ae••,·••·.`:~:"-umnlm 1l•vsie.Aris . .. 1 783 Inrexpeuasaineuued .. U! resnnen runs, Aria ... 1718 at beets, chan; ate. il!