Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/1024

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1966` nmmx. mm: nmzmme-mmm. Pm Nomad RM. Tw-. PM mmstructionauthorizedo! onoeupplydxip; ml Nprelin2n§rye¤minnionof,tobemde.-- 227 cost ... . .. uvwub WMM, battledni t0bebui1t' .. . 911 ' ti 'tation uz. ai ' 1. J3 be built 1.‘“..*i$`§",".‘.3’. if con- "‘""E.1‘.*‘...‘T7.‘}’.., ;1.‘€1...=1.§1...??}f'?¥ 309 tnctorscembinetoprvventhircrn- Navigablo Stream, Wageraheds, of (ou Conser-

 . 911 vation of Navrgable Waters;.
 for construction and etea¤;“’ 912 Ncviga¢12:.dBureou, Department of

{ bmarme` torped boats .. 912 proprh 6orCommission¤ deputy. ggrrglucetcolliua . Q 3512 q; clegks. ...’ ... jg/4g ' t. . . , or eso eommmmh .. , z1°:°11$;`$%E¤11¤11,..n . msu nu ¢16!kI, oGc§”3shipping commis- N¢nalG•n Findory, Washington, D. C., ... . 1. 409,785 mpriation for machinery, etc ... 335,896 forcontxngent expenses . . ... 409, 785 ·P£rnewfou11dry 335 for apsgiancee for admeasumementotves- NavalH€r¢orySode¢y, . C., Tk, ,etc . ...· _ 409,796¢$ornzed;object,et¢ . 322 - for motor boats to enforce mvxgatnon Nual o¤u,PI£:d'¢lpbia, Pa., 334,895 h laws zteeggg nation mam' tenance . . inrd' ,

 bcndciuiea for extraservicea 334 deficiency appropriation lar radio-comd@4g1olunclsimodpmpatyofdeceaoed _ municatmu expense ... 614

inmates ... . ... 335 Namgatson, Naval D. L'., _ . ‘ appropriatmn for deputy, clerks, . 408, 785 app nationforimtallirgwatermetenm 058 autlurized to name of stcamu

 Ofc: .N¢wyD¢parts•q•¢, "Arthnr H. wgood'¥ to "Jo•eph
 for dah, etc  390, 768 .Block"...- . . . ..  69

Nicol '_ _ 1.· - _ - ‘ ::goet¢misEt•;, . lg Il,I\Iu1Gi|G! .. sw ··su°:Z11&1cs¢y IZZZIZQZZIZZIZIZI 74 Naval Indian! School, D. C'., ·1 "$·racuee," steamer . .. 1w appro tionforiimtallingwatermevtenin 953 " . B. Woodfud"to"N.F.I.eo_§ld". 62

 M _ und _ _ 836,897 "Wiklism_%. Hawgood" to ‘ . L. 73

nation arming . gan: .. lpgoghieiclezk, etc.,o!Bce91g 771 authorizedtogn:EAm¤-ifzurzegisterte um m ,,,,_, , ,,,..,. . . .·.. stQmy|ch ‘ Drj ..,. ,,,,,.. ,, Naval MOM, to consolidate enrollment and license of appropdauon for chief etc., pagable donutic vaela in one document. 70 hqqémnngandequippnng ammm to grant regis to steamer In wm: 11 1.¤1¤1:,"`r*{¤w»1¤p ````°`` ``'`` Far, mum List £E`u¤1111¤ ``````` {WH °```

 _ bngillt unrigged wooden vsaelsrgi

nppropnauon for bmngg portrait d ctn- 442 N _ jmnd, •t¢,•. ,.,., ; ,,_,_,,__ ,,, ,,,, 18O mandcs . 4 · amg¢umLm•., . Naval Oh¤·¤alaz}D. {I., appropriation for enforcement of 409, 7N

 mamtamnceolgmnnda 942, 901 Navy (nu also Naval Eatsblisbment),

"· cr••¤•¤¤¤,•¤ ·-.-.··---···-·-··-· 392,769 appropnat1o1rIorpay;_ . 828,81 forcomputauons, booka,•pp•ntu,etc 892, 189 lnueao nn PaL.0¤rp•; lnmtauons., . 828 mg&>nnngemiz:x1;en¤.._. .. ;_... 392,709 dmllowancee vpdaymenta tohospxtal 328 ’ . . . $42 inernretind tonne`,.--vacanm¤,~··-..:.-.99 Nasal , _ L have grade and three-fourths Bet usepermittgglfcrgencalpnblncbtmnen;. yotgradothonhold ..,, . ... 328 Fwd ccndrm .. _ . SUI ¤• 2

for clerks, etc.,0Ece0f..- 390, 767 gran ...,... 1:   ... 329

or8 l1¤¤on..· .. 990,757 ingreuo ot pax, em., to heads of 329 de§ciency_appropg·hti¤¤ for .. . .. 624 pay and Naval 1'nnsug•g8ta¢•o••g, _ perlormipgactivaduty .,.. 329

 .. ..@,& dnspogloiuselespapuaonvtels; 32,

mcqarnxa.ZZZZZZZZZZZZIZIZIZZE whos appmu ¤11¤£¥1ié&1§¢§`iii§ii1éi&1Z lor_8amt Helena,. 895 any aa dmhl surgeon, rank, ply. de§c1mcy faRhod•IsImd. 620,935 etc . .- ..-· $91 §orGnat ; .. 985 acvice of middaipmm at adets not NavalWor0ollsy¢,lZi>¤¢¢•H0borIshsnd, compntedIra·lo1rgevityinNavyor R- L. · Hanna hcnafta ·--· $91 _ ' .. 994,§ 1 tppmpnatuntur . @995 quinrsuaaealsa .. & Nsnsou, _ ., _ ence shideus. .. •=¤n¢r¤.»:¤¤no¢pul>hcb¤n1ding•utlh¤ia•i an Q lor avhtim duty; details, an I•••~T};3•»•••••A•¤•••••••--••• ,,,-;•i.•...•..•••••·•••~•·• ' liN•¤li¤n•¤h¤h•aa. .. . 101I allowed PTI . U!