Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/1026

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1968 nmmx. N¤vy—C4mtinued. Pan. Navy—Co tin ed. P appropriation for uma md armament; pay, all:>!un;¤t. for pa§mnu¤·¤’, etc., clerks ln none of sums br "Incmea¤e of the for1912, amen ed . . 3 Na " to be used for Department pensions ior90days'•ervicein Civil War.. 112 dem, etc .. 855, 912 for- 60 days' service in Mexican War . 113 specific authority required for all De- uscofNat.ionn1l’»edCr¤a¤intime of warby, for pargnentexpen¤eeculgoft11i¤Act. . : .. 90 penmm . , tnuspo on an eubnswnce - deémh riatienj him; nielnd .. . .. 91 {ord2nI::’·;!ru¤nc:!·ll£r?or¤e ;ves· aupplieewbecarriedbee ... 91 Nh W ·····- · ···-----·--·-···--· w3» 921 Navy Approrrinnbn Act for 1912} for s¤¤¤¤¤ ·¤¤¤¤¤¤ of ¤d¤¤¢¤¤ -···--- 603. 921 pmvision omnowmce or payments gmk -···- = ··-·· tl N’9»6l9»624»”2»W5»;g8 on conuncu, .. 38 Cqiga""""""""""""" l` ·

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` °°*·°2°·°2‘·°22·°°·°35·°“° rm- soucivér `````````````` s90°7s7 for Bureau of Supplies and Accounts . 603, • . • ° ‘"‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘* • wgsm ammzs 935 for clerknNetc., . : 390,767 he Bureau or Medicine ma sugar} .. im, °“°°6¤*‘!** bam? R°*’°“*°¤- - &· gg?] · ~¤¤=··¤¤·¤2¤·¤=»¤¤ J°"".r.1‘“*'ti‘G.m°‘¢·e»ar ······ 3 w i4¤BunauafYar<l•andl{\ochn .,. 009, udp v°°*. . °° ···· 9°· 88 w4,6w624921923935938 BlI.@\l0fN8V!§¤l¤. . 390,768 ru nm: Academy .. fm; ml mi 935 Nm! !¤°¤*“8¤¤¤¤ °¤¢¤ ·--·—··-··- ='»9°· 768 mr Bureau of Ordnance .. N4,w4, 6% 624 B°'“° °t E*l'“Pm“m* ·•······ · *··· 3°°• 768 fwnmuudsulmmigh .. ,. um £urHydm%¤plucO!Ee• . . .,.. 391,768

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