Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/1033

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INDEX. 1975 0emulgecR€ocr,Ge. Pen Olean Anny—(b¤t·m' ued. Pen approsglauou lorimpsuvementof ... 2188 nirictiouon naicr, Oconee 1:*67,66., _ unlea preecnbed time has been appr0g;¤ntionlor1mprovement of ... M8, NB saved underpumanaitconm&n Oco1uo,_ _ u.,_ _ _ _ _ mteppliubbhhmnahnlun g;qu,u·:g:1tg and qgcung ligblm bmlding 876 ...,_,,_,,,..., E3, ,,,,_ 571 , .•»--.,,,.,,, u]Q Olgerheed ligat and buoy authorised at 1018 1, R4 . . :1: . . . 2 571 I, glbgc ., duty . _ .; . 571 Oxfusronincreassd ... . IU9 servncewrthtrocpspnortobeosrsberlh, I, A. (undone), 1912,asreg11nental,etc., inl ulcer, mn . ...,..,.,. 1427 deemcdlineduty. . ... · 7N . _¤y , tsmpcnrynrnceasquartumaateuab ,iu Enum . _ . . .. . 1155 caseeof•bsence,antlna•hed...i-.. 7N O' _, [umn, Ofssn, Carpe, oepeneion increased ... . 1259 appmpnatioq for pay .. BU]! weuihlouu, _ _ _ _ number increased .. . 950 acquiring site 5:: public building at, au- for retired · .. $50,9B themed _ ... 878 for mileage _ .. , ,,,,,__ 35 IM Ojioc o/ Stations (eu Agricultural for commuhtmn of quarters without

t8tauons)._ ‘ _¤oop• . :  351,¤

Ofc; ofI Ajax-; (ou Indian Oiike), with tmop._ .. :. . , . $R,I10 Ojocrs, Army, _ for remains of, d ' nppmprmtmn for pay of the line; lon- nb  : . L.; . . . IB gevio? 1 . ; 571,1N alb•nncei¢¤,dyxgrgirilirnsolduty 829 for pay sud; longevity ... . . 578,7M reqult ol own misconduct excepted .. 329 for payohetired; longevity .. 574,7IB children to receive if no widow; ... 8¤ onactive service; longevity .. ...- 574,709 increaseof yandallownncaaforaviatiem -. for commutation of quarters, on duty _ doug; restrictions. . ;. 892 withouttmopm. ... L . 575,709 nrvrce as cadets or midshipmen not for mileage .. 576, 709 computed hnealhr as longevhy for 10 per cent increns, on foreign serv- for ...; .. .. ... 801 ice .. ,_ .. Z 575, 709 Ojovs, Navy, Canal Zone, Hawai, md Porto Rico apgrpuistnonfogpey .. $$,801 excluded. . , .. 578 remains ol, d ' gorsislrlagont-1:; payofbdymgin service. 576,709 d ab ... Emi {$44,902 or 'tio , furmshmg' ‘ c appropri.a'on or . ..,,. 519 own .. 577, 710 advnncedvinpgn-age since laprg 8, 1999, no ior_disp¤sit.ion otgernaimof . 440 have pay, etc., bum date ol comdeiicrency appropuatwn forpay .. 501, 892 819, 919, 938 allowance tor, dymgin liueelduty .. 829 for mil .. 819, 935 resultofmmconduct •xc•p••d ... 829 details toegnenl Stall', mediiied ... ... 594 children to receive, il no widow 929 limitation on details; assistant to Chief of below commander to be suqaended hom Bureau of Inmlar Adair: witbnnk pmmotaonforuxmeuthsilhilingin of colonel . .1; .. _ ... _ Q 571 In- . . ... 713 cmnmandingofficer Regimen n eicnnined . gf Inhnqy ,,,,,,., 571 dropped with one year’s pay iffniling on chief or anistant, Philippine Co¤st•bu— reexammatron. ... 73 , lary ... 571 effectrye from January 1 1911 .. 73 may desig¤ate_ou pa accounts to whom detaib to duties gerformed by civilian incheck may be grown .. . .. 577, 710 ¢1’¤d4l?ubgV\l Academy, Januuy payment of check to be full acqnittance 1, 1913, addon . 908 ol account .. 577, 710 increase ofxy andallowanceaior aviation pay and allowances, increased for aviation d · restnctmua. _ ... 892 duty ...,. , ,.,. . ... 705 incxeandruik, etc., wheunrvmgsschieb detsi1¤.¢tc 705 ofburesue, repealed ... 329 pay deducted Iorabsennzeresnxltinglrom nopresentcognmaicnsaqected 829 personalmisconduct .. .. . 572,705 hn- appointments hda regiments], etc., sui officers tolfpalcsm hiehnealterrepealedn: . an QuartcrmuterGorpsduty° noi- mo p¤B¤•d:1¤•d_I¤·l0%c¤lmod1£admcap cer of Corps t . . . _ _ 1-..: .. 892 restriction on determine, below major, retired, duty m time d unles prescribed time lun been P¤¤•¤ v¤p•y,etc.,d¢£cq·¢ served under permanent eunrnis- nuaennkmactnelitnz . Q im _____________,, , ...,,,,,,,,,,,. 571 not to exceed pa _, etc. ol benamrane, totake•¤ectDecemba·15,1913 .. . 845 ssntxgrads;5mitati¤n ¤ P•!.e¤c.,t¢1rleitedbysuperi¢¤e¤ca· retlr•dtocna¤asva¤ndss,tohsvegr•de qgniblaiulxdnibnteddehch- 571 lndthreoiourdtsespayolginde ¤ M ¤••••¤•••*••""*’•••*••••••• • _ '."'*••*"""*•••""•*' period' sensyned. . . . 571 ¤v1ce•sm1ddi1p•ns1n¢!¤d•tsne¢c¤~ not:glicab1etoJ¤dt§eAdvocateGsn- lm 0 _ ;¤tsdh•g·esltcrasloanp¤vi¢yi¤ Q1 | ·•••••••.•.•.•.. _ _

  . .. 571 appaoprmunnh-psqvuing .. .; . ll,781