Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/1095

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INDEX. 2037 Post Ojcs De · •ppmprintic;L:r£¤rSec0ndA¤1¤t•¤t' Pcs¤¤s· hl PY 0,”—cph&mm*?¤u°d` ’ h. terQsne¤.l,clerks,etc .. 402,779 Ppmeqm mwhnm 'lhhmnkiyx for sggzennvendent nilway sdjushnenbioz Tn fiq: clgyki ,h'"¤'m' 3: W, .,,4 f¤¤¤1>¢ri¤¤¤¤d¤¤• n¤•¤g¤‘ `nl " `BEEZZ 402, m iw ¤...,§°“° :.`°,{*:',,,°’°¤,",,",,,,, ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ lossupenn¤endentinspec1.ion,et»c 402,779 for msih, dnird and gint]; for sué>eri.nt.endent equipment, etc 402, 779 c eices. 544,, ng for enersl §uperint.endegt Railway- int unuusl  :.-...1:. · - · • · · · H4, 794 Mau semce. ew mm me ¤x»·¤;1_¤va¤», umu cli; fos Tlurd Assistant Postmnster Genenl, restncuons 644,794 cnms, em . . mm allowmes `````'``````` 644,7K

 divisbn of •tsmp•,4m’_"· £¤H¤¤t·,ligl1t,sndhisl,6‘)isT,sec¢nd,snd,.
. ... '. Ih]|d° hg°@g• hg; hw Q;

for superintendent. division of nuance- 402, 779 for nist and second Tx [or superintendent divisbn ei classifies- 0tiicu· amount for g . _» _ 0q\¤p¤mn 544, 796 tum, etc 402, 7W int canceling mscluns; mah} cannot hr chiei division of xjedemption, ek:. , 402, 780 leshicted ... . ... 644,796 f¢¤s1!:lp·eJin°t::ndentd1v1n¤nofregist¤e¢§027s° for andlsbosqviug ds- , ..·..-.. , vices ..--.-·..-.···-- - ··- '°‘ €‘5£QI"5;2"°“‘ ‘“”"‘°" °‘ "‘°°°{m m ,.,,"‘.25.‘*£,,‘“°”*°·°· ’}};;;_¤¤,·=,-_-?`&_m

 80 { t¤¤a»:hi¤ ;  mm

clerks ,,.., . .,,.. , .. 7 ‘  ». ... kx su rintendent of rural nhqwhamusi 7* msli, etc ... 402, 780 rqulé gpg; qw lm six;-erintendent division of deed htm, no for_experiment¤.l villqe 559, qw ·gfg__,,,,__,,,,;, .,,,... · W br superintendent. division of supplies, sewn cla¤o&:es . .. QQ etc . 4(B,780 c1erhiniirstmdsgmnd¢lg¤,n0gg°q;;i;‘d for topogmpher, dmltsmen, enc ... 403, 780 to work more thm _ 554 forepntingentexpei¤ss.-.:...:- .. 403,780 suvice not $0 extend qgneq fortenmgiursing expenses of inning bondsim gg? ld cgnse¢·ut1v•;_°l:¤u¤, ._ ...,,__ _ ________ $4 reu .. , psy gvqmme qw; _____,_ . 56; i¤r0t’:icia1P mlGuid .. 408,781 compensto tim uio B dn yu-k__ lor post mutewmaps T _ . 403, 781 of, %¥syt¤:z,u1!40,?· •uu;s¤. 55. pcsteleervicee pmprationsunttobe _ wed .. . ,. . ..,,____,,,,_ 545 used [or the lgepsrunent. .. 404, 781 dimes of employees in delivery of p°¤j¤¤· for priming end binding 482 en' mail . . _,,____,,,,_ 3]; for Assistant Attorney enersl of . 404. 781 int and second clan, not to beepsn int d•- tor pcsul service . 539, 791 livery of mnil on Sundsys ... 543 for rgtimbunsiug Ordmnca Department 588 iil'¤$sl”?‘• 794 arms, etc., , •P to deicienc ropm' do I posts! ssrvi . 50, , SUN . Y wp n or B13, 623, 332,925, M1 puoumgscslur June w 1918, st Ent cha m i¤rPotogm¢1§lsc¤·ic ?owerCo:nIn•ny... 613 ohcsswlhhgnds 704

 lmkggghcquyi cking m4 P”‘II$@d0hD0a¢Q\0l|>¤|\hpI&•.. DI

»s••»·••-.-..•..•.·»»-·.. IW`) hazing wg! invstigstions ol, ordered MM fo f ceggfitlnns ol, pun . . . . _ vsry.. . 551 Post Ojicqbgparament Building, Old, _ ¢¤¤¤¤¤•d .. _ ..._ . . _. ¤ aprmprntign lcgdempbwlzéugrebzf, etc. 896, 97:28 1¤PNV‘:|g'9!3»§O; ssesrmn mcrssas ol tem- an one lming walks c .. Pod 0p¤$°1~p,¢¤¤° emmintiuunaintnsnesinexceaoflmsl sppmpristion torelaisf, clerks, sac., in Post expe¤ditum  : .. . ... . 55 h:0BceDgp•r¤nmt ... 452%.773 ¤V¤1I§i0G0vernme¤tmope¤•ti¤gdemhn] ,,. . .. , . . an aeetcmmmmasunqmmupdm, M0 \¤·:c1vE¤;,b•bi¤¤¤i¤¤¤¤¤p¤r¢i=¤sp¤¤d- an o ... - -··----.-..- . . .. brpsrdigm; sllowances when tunptr €¤¤bl¤•l¤¢¤!{¤'•q¤i!¤¢|fI•¤8¤%•,•¤¤-. nrily absent from home, etc .. 540, 791 eumjilwuucn , ... BB iurclerks, etc., division headquarters. 540, 791 IlP€|'YH@ of expsndmuss by Seus- ¤T$‘J.S',"f.‘;.2"°““’“° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ $*3} ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ai °'”

 540:791   ...   ·-..-··--- U!

br mwugls, gu: .. : 540, 791 ; uumberof nuleumpuoved; ees, brsec1mngmior¤»¤¤z¤,etc . 540,791 etc ..: .. .- EB '°°.',€",..,,,..,..,.."‘°"· - ".},,,,.,.,...,... mm "’°"""‘““"°°"' ¤w¤,,..,,..¤°‘“””'£¤‘E.”S.,.‘* ,,2 Lmm tgzmmm, ` w ¤¤¤¤e_ umH_ mmm m,;n»§ chu . . 541, 792 .. Z .. . .. 55: fu¤·elsrh,4poe.,i:stsndsec<¤1dch¤ f¤l ifde¤nsdhsibls ohms, ,,,.. . . 541, 792 t sppmpnsion inn piomotkms provided br 543, 794 the Tiesnry .,,,,,. an 87818°—vo1. 37-—n 2-76