Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/111

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SIXTY·SECOND c0NGREss Sess. I1. cu. 141. 1912. 1125 iUnited StsteauE2evg.1lry, a. pension gt the rate of thirtydolus rmen m euo e1snowrece1v¥. Tlifnnme of Job Moore, late of Qompeny_B, ighth Regiment Illi- "°° °'°‘”" peas Xoglugsteer Cevulgheiiil pay; htilxntsg pension et the rate of twenty- our o mon m euo exsnowmw . p..,. V The 1L1t.r;1e:%’°Dovie VXnoe,_l1elplet1;s dep:1$eng;__:h§ld ”°'*• V•¤°· mee, o m an Thuteen en u-gms o unwer tlgfentry, and ipeyyhei a pension at Ee rate ofezwelve dollaus per m0l1 . ]>gg¤· q-q 'The na.meofEliW.Bradfomd, lete ofoompsnyD,FourthR°?in1ent ****-**1%***- flown Volunteergqtvallry, e pension nt the rate thnty ollsrs m e ns meemng. The nl;:neul>(lnGeo gldwerwine, late Z?H¤mp.m1.s A and G, Second °°°'*° °°"°”""°· Regiment Cqliforniigaolunteer Cavalry, and peylhim a. pension et the · rate of thirty dollars lper month in lieu of that e is now mmm The ntme ofn(L.l:1&l'Q8 E. letedof Coxlniplnny D, $1xty-t uw °""’°"~""'°“· 18 &D 8 PGIIBIOII 8 rate of twelve dollars per month. , Psy _ _ ramen inereaaed Pr;1>'he;na1ne of Nitolaen Shipnysni (lgmpsnlyiufgl, S1xth_Reg1;n;§g "‘“‘“‘ “’¥""“· I 8 Q . ' rate qi twenty-four del1a1·`:npe1• mental? inplzn oi that hgnis new » mem . - R£?*,i*·*·s11..a·f,J"»‘¢*1m M *·.1¤P**·‘,.zi:;*·"*· mw '"“‘""‘* ll o , nn y s pemnon _ mmf thirtyéfdglganp ilpoiizh intl?;u 1:; tggohe is noi I wp n smm . 0 I-

 Volunteer tlnfsutry, and peing pension at the mm

ratleheg thirty pg- glointh ilgtlgen} of that he ii now receivting _ (NWT mm Mme · 1 ¤ WY E¤8}>*·¤¤¤ , **9* ‘ ment Ohio Voluntgr Infarlgzy, and Compeny H, Sngth Rxment United States Veteran Volunteers, and pay hun a pension at rate ofthirtydollen mentl:inlieuofthathe1snowreoe1§i1 _ ...,"‘°v‘$""°...,..,,,...°’ ’}‘%,,.°?°"w.1..."‘° °’ .°.‘:.1"*’““1%"°",,..,1,,.’ · lm ""‘ ‘ °"°‘ I · Q •

  • ·‘<1·—..·:‘..*'·*·*w'l.:.·’·1,e*11.,..¤········**·, t1;"*E‘2·1··c:m·* "i’1,"s.m..."°" "ssm me M

. - ¤¤P·¤Y " $ttI3mVohn‘leuI££entl?&§dtg£yhl;i1n•pumonis;t'gthenhof mon m m now rece: . _ Thx name o¥°YlViIlinmH. Zetler, lnk ofG>1}lP\¤yA,_$¤'¤¤*h 3*0* 'm""”·“°"· ment MisouriVolunteer Cavalry, and payhigsnapensonnttheratn ofthirtydollun monthinlieuofthsthemnowreoeiving. _ The nazedegogge B. Wikzoxzi lete_of Filid B•`f}¢4;1’.Y»tg;>rW(;·:~`¤E·1;¥ ’°'°’·"“°°'· gngnuy sum Regment owe o un


now mem-mg. The nam]: of Asa L. Bushnell, late of Oegilpmy G, Twenty-fourth A-¤~¤·¤¤·¤•¤· Regiment New York Vehmtee: Infnntry, peyclnm s pemnpn et thernteofthirt dollsrspermonthmheu ofthat 1snowreee1v1n% ·1n¤m¤¤lm»1-eB.M¤c»¤»y,l·u¤fo¤m§¤yA· 0¤· h¤¤dr¤ ’°*··**"°°·**· and sixty-third Ohio Netnenal Guard entry. mm! hu? spensionetthe oitwentydolluspernnonthinlieuof hem new teeex . 'I‘hena::ge{Jame•H.Chadwi:hin}ateofo¤mpmy¥¥,Fif¢¤¤l3¢h ’•¤·¤¤·••*¤¤ Regiment lhmaohusetts Volunteer muy, and psy hun a pension stthenteeftwentydellampermomthmheuutthethemnow The mg of T. Skeet, late oi Commy H, Nmsumgh m¤:·¤¤·r.¤¤¤. Regiment' olnntk Infantry and ° a pensio et the rateofthi:tydolkrapsrmonthinlie1iofthl:·tyheisnowreeei1ving.