Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/1111

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INDEX. 2053 Public L¢mds——Cc¤tin¤ed. Pun Pablfe Lunds—Contin hea delicieggr appropriation hir Edwin G. homestead entries, pm to be given after ‘0rAn €mlD··: ---· · -------. .. § t]:rwegyg3r5’t;g:§¤cg______:i______ IB for claailication, etc., Northern Pacino marfdead . YZ ,. 123 grant .. _ ... 600 ntlidavim required .. . .. 123 for surveyor gener·al, Anpom .. 6N leaves of absence allowed .. . 123 lor hearings rn land entries 1 .. 6M, 936 commutation reipiiremsnla . . 123 for surveying .. . . 620, 624, 924, 938, 938 proof required in case of death of en¤·y· for surveynngaaorest reserve! 62) mam ,_,,_ _ _ _________,,_,___,_____ IQ for restoring ds in national forests. . . GZ), 624 area of cultivation required yearly . 124 l01‘ Wendt! V. Hall .------ . ... 924 brquhrgedlurmgtgadentrig, ,',~,___ ]24 for E. D. M. Fowle 924 not apphmble tp Nebnah arhi land, for Charles F. Head . 924 or irrigation entris. . . 124 for reproducing plats of surveys . . . 936 nmperfected entries included .. .. . . 124 usa mass, aaaauonn gsm to colorado ¤¤¤¤e of M te be wed e•cb entry- under Carey Act ... 38 u{*“ agecwd ····-··•·····•·······- 124 cos.1 laiids in Annan;. opened to mace 90 °”g{g°h';f °°"Y'¤*¤ °° P°"°°*··¤¤**¤’ 124 disposal of surface to Stats, and in iso- 1°°ddt§ut:evg;t£;|%1u°x°°:t°ubb’h '°“ 124 hwd ¤'¤¢t¤· ¤“i·h°n$°d:· ······ · ···· lm Period to begin {mm dau `.°cm°° :11;; ¤¤¤vey¤}¤§e¤ pn U;¤i¤¤ _ P¤=¤¤¢ R•i1¤¤•<1 m dence. .. 124 tn 0 wa egued . . extansjo ‘ daertglnd entrie: uchwalla Yalley. 130 sicknelis, 124 . exemp twn-·· choice of rentrym toperfect and No Verde lien. Cel., exempt unasygnner nw.? .. me _ fromcencellatwn · , -. 1008 failure to give notice hr reduced term 111 ¤’¤$\¤¤¤ P¤>l¤¢¤» ¤¤l8¤¤¤¤¤ P°¥• not to prejudice rights under former ..-...”:‘.‘£aaaz··a·.·.a ·‘·‘ ma., ‘‘··· w aaxaa “°° - ,-.,,‘*,,.'·.;,;, ······ ,..,.- ·········· · ·=··· ,.,., ···· . ··,-. ‘·“ 0f rn n ro vision Larimer Counties, (Edo.; ... 56 ing lgggnbpzr ,__,_______ _ 25; within irrigation Pmlectsy 1¤¤B of Pit- of 320 acres of nonirrigable lands authorents. etc ... 610 iaed in certain States .. 132 desert lands, entrymen allowed further of 640 acres in Nebraska, qualifications timehto make final progf .. . . 106 of former homesteaiil) entrymon,...i. 400 enlarged om , n en es, on irr' tion ro'ects Benjamin' . teclmicall defectm, vlggdated 506 arid bjcrluz Hanson, valipreference riggts of entry, extended in dated . 1026 settlers on lands ¤¤bi¢¢¤ fo ----- · · - - 267 homestead settlers allowed additional time provisions modified . 666 to pay for Cheyenne and 1A·:£abos exchange of national forest and, allowed Reservatxpn,0 la.,cedsd 33 for conveyances for Calaveras Big allowed additional time, etc., to pag lor Tree National Forest Cal .__,,,,... 108 Kiowa, etc., ceded lands, kls» excluded from Fishlake National Forint, homa..._ .. Ol Utah opened to entry...- . 1077· allowed additional time wry for lands expenses of work on survey: witlun land on ceded Rosebud ln aan R»eeervats allowed hom posits ... 924 tion, 8. Day .. . ... _ . 2 1 Fort Eslrthold Indian Reservation, 8. allowed extension of time for entries on Dak., ceded lands opened to entry.. 1693 former Umta Indian lands, Utah. . . 196 Fort Niobrsra Reservation, Nebr., unreq allowed leaves of absence in certain served lands, etc., opened to home- d.gstn9ts z. , 23 stead and arid l.aud_entnes . _ . 651 on irrigation progecm allowed time to ry- grant toulilebraska agricultural experi- 651 eitrblrsb reetdenceafter wateravail- 105 men station . . • 6 ····-······-··.··-··-------- . . . Valentine Nebr ._, 651 - on Wind River Reservation ceded lands Stephen Gilman. . 651 may commute entnu . . ...: , 91 chad, H, Cornell ,,,,.. - gk isolated tracts may be soldlat aacitmn lims 77 granttoAl 0kla.,forarmorysite ... mstallrferousrrirningexpgzrs n,e ., - Ctlifggniing Redwood Park ,,____,,... 134 lowed in_ lands withdrawn under Canon City and Boulder, Colo., tor- pub- _ conservation Act ... : .. 497 uc park ____,,,,, . 325 eil and gas landsixgecnrltural entries per- “courthouse reserve" to Pond Creek, mltted of s of classified ... 406 Okla .. . . . . 76 p• ted hmm W. Chnsman ml; Jesus Silva, ir.; reservation ·t¤r Bw egrClark ._ ... . ... 1246 Grande reclamation project 242 patents lands m Oregon to estate of T. Michigan, in lieu of State lands our- EgentonHEa; . .. :.. ees veyed for national forests ... 241 topurchaseu of Umatilla Indian Nee Perce (&o‘r;n£ty,fgd.IllD, fotkschcolm. . % Org., surhble only 665 ° ’ “'P°°°'- 8¤·”·"8· ·. ··-------··~--· ; -··—·· Wisconsin, of islands in lakes for phosphate and oxl lanrb, selection by forestreserves . · .--. 324 Pin RIid&•la>0f;¤rfacs;Ih Z ... 687 Wyommg' , in exchange for ds e _ an to Fort Mackenzie ... ’ .. 438 tions, S. Dak., ceded lands, opened Yum. Ariz., fer publw 1>¤r¤¤•e¤ ..·---- 325 te e¤¤·y ······---·----------------· 1601 87618°-—vor. 87-rr 2-—76