Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/1129

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mmcx. 2071 Roiggzggxf, Lozina L. uuidmr), 1;::-8 Rowe, WZ, PIII- m,.m_ ‘;‘¢>.ze,z;.4·(;;;;,; ·‘‘··············· R.?;‘Z"}’.,‘Z.‘,§‘».°’$‘f°" ························ “°° ension ...,.. 1411 Increased . . . . Rdjwzuald and Brollur, E , y_ (,,540,,) um refund of duty to 1292 pension increased ... 1323 Roger, (u·i¢;¢;3, Rowell, Hom, pension mcrc .. .. 1332 creased

  • ·;,~;..<2:.:M· <··~*#··~>» ...6. m'·*?`i>'2.,·¤,. "”

Rm, ... . R , H., 0 son . . ... 1861 pension increased .. . . 1206 pension increased ~ 1412 Rosa, Edwin J. A., Rmolq, Ahh: L. (widow), pension increased . . . . 1224 pension increlsed 1179 Roca, {cmg: H., Rowley, George W, p6¤¤10¤ mcruscd 1436 pension iucrgggd ,,,_,,_ _ ___,,,..,_,, lm pei1sIg?>i‘:3lncreased 1136 _____________,,,,,,,,__, U51 _1 _ G n mild F., mlililz l8C0l'd c0l'f€<‘¢0d ··-· . 1379 pension incrased ..,.,,,.. . .. 1416 Rau, W' hm E., Roy, Thomas, mmm incr?sed . . . . 1052 pensign . . . .. . . . IW Row, iam ., Royal, D., pension increased 1127 pensioialtfcncressed ..,..,.. MB: Rowell, Silas, Rable, William H H., pensugnohincéessed 1175 pens1$>n_ incregsed . . . 11(D , ·n . Ruby t, ·., pension incrésed 1063 appropriation fgxnsixitensnce, etc., of . . 285. 841 Rover, Willekzm F., proclamation establishing 1747 pensioxb . ... 1213 Rudisell, giiuul, 131, Roeeuzr, , pensi n mcressed pensgnéncreased .. . . 1155 Rudolpg, étamuel LT, ua Rouml , ., _ _ muon increased ..,. acquiring site lor public budding at, an- Rd: Jwph, kthenggled . . . 877 R p;_n;|}:,1;Iix;Icreased . . .l 1206 pgggim; iscréggd ,,.,,. . . 1096 R:r`;:5i.¢;u iuggeaged ..,_.,,,__, Q ,,..,,.. 1423 , C S'. S. . , R°"’°"’ .:§»’§';,,,,f€T"” “""“" °·’ penggooriuincreaped mo Thanks of Ccrigras to, mdm0Bcq¤ ang RUN. _°n iac 1355 g;;:¤_:§c»»gf ______ T ’ _______________ $39 Rahim, Léut. Georg}, I I I . l _ _ l modal in be presented to, by the President . 639 deiciency appropriation for credn in sppmprimion for . .. 639 ¤¤°°¤¤¥·°··» - •···-···· · ·-···—--···- 602 Roswell N Ma:. Rui" lam? C" » .· . v bl. b ud. . 424 penguin increased _ .. _ .. 1 299 agprxpugzign for pu ic u mg .. Rub Dfw g0u';°0f&m@w‘,m’ DW", 0/565 Hq » . . · ro rm .,... .

 ··‘‘‘'‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ °' law   splprcigxdiatiron {gr preparing . . . 2

R(w;gl¤;;zf·¤r17g_? Z-, -·-· 5 ·-—-····-····· *352 R`gZ5.`{%‘;'i§€;em4..?Z 1174 . ¤ R . ., p°““°" ············‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘ ‘’ 1309 'zzggtrructiiin of public building author- R°m'°¢· S“m'“l A·· ized at. . .. 871 peusygn incgzgfd. .. . 1220 Runge Aura: ' Bmw M, ~· ’· mma' . . ..., R;ppr0pri2.§i0n.iora;1;p;0vment of .. 815 R';P;‘;¤(Qr‘;¢g$wF‘jUni(;m; ·dc·’ Eumlfanl . · 1250 mama erma, 1419464, ppm ti e uses 0 communion appropriation for mi¤i¤fA¤‘_¢¤ ·-···· - ---·-· 95- 688 · pt:>mco§;eri(:;e iirpstudy, etc., of ... 855 or geczitslry of IQIUOD Sm'] c¤¤¤¤l96 688 diplgmgdq courhgsies requested for com- 1026 gen .,.. . ... -; ----- » migmn up mvemgnu ,,,..,.,_,_ Round., mm 11. (widow), Rml Delivcqv. Powe! Serviq. , , pension ingrgggqd _,,,.. . . 1411 appropriation for nmproving conditions of gow, :4,,,, _;_ (,,,,1,,,,,), wz roads mdcggnecum vnd: . . . pgngwnlpug‘;gggQ__,,y...-..-···· 1 gryemen --····· -·-··- 552

 ... ’ ... 1400 contribution by Stats or locality re-

Rwu M,,,,,,,,,; pam, .g0;o_, quired .. : .. 552 appriopriation for maintenance, etc., of. . 285, 841 p¢;;t ._ 552 Rzucnsion indrensed ... . 1328 wsgntiegxst, etc; . $52

  . ... 1423 for cooperation with states, etc.,

Rowdzn, Isaac D., for umform lugbway regulations, pension increased ... . HB2 etc ... 562