Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/117

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‘ SIXTY ·SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 142. 1912. 1131 The name of Adam Chronister late of Ca tain Fichthbfh,8 Com- *°•¤ °*·¤=¤*·¤·¤· pus-ny, One hundred and first hejment Iyennsylvania Volunteer antrry, and `pay him a pension at the rate of twenty-four dollars pc month m hen of that he is now - 'Ihe name of Hiram Russell, late of Com any H, One hundred and ¤¤‘¤¤¤¤-=11· fortaeth Regent New Volunteer lnfantry, and a him a pension nt_ rate of thirty dollars per month in lieu ofthat he is · now receiving. The name of M. Hurt, late of Com any E, One hundred and ¤•*¤ ¤· Hm fifty-third Regnnmt Indiana Volunteer &.fantry, and ay him a pension at the rate of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that e is now The name of Jo Gooden, late of Com any A, One hundred and J¤¤¤ ¤¤•¤·=¤· Eftyjsixth Regiment Illinois Volnmteer lgnfantry and pay him a pension at rate of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that he is now · · The name o Hen? H er, late of Com an E F1fty' -5fth Regi- ”'““" H°"°'· ment P vania oluiiger Infantry, anld phy a pension at the rate of dollars gmonth in lieu of that he is now Thenameof B. ,lateofCompan_yE,Seventy-iift1nBeg1- 1·•¤¤·¤·¤¤- ment Illinoh Volunteer Infmtsjy, a pension at the rate ofthirty-sixdollarspermonthmlieuo theisnowreceiving. The name of Georne W. By, late of Company B, Thirty-second °°°‘*°`”· ”°•Y· Regiment Illinois Vo unteer anxiland ay him a pension at the rate of thirty dollars per month in of thht he is new The name of Thomas Cothrm late of Comp-nrnly A, Third REI- '*"""'""°°‘*"“’· ment Missouri State Militia Cavahz, and tnay a pension at e rate of thirty dollars month in eu of at he is now _ The name of Charlg A. Gaither, late of Company A Tenth Ilegl- °'*“"" *·°*'“·’- ment Pennsylvania Reserve Volunteer Infantry, and panolnm a pension attherateoftlnrtydouuspamonthmheu ofthat isnow receiving. The name of Elizabeth J. Marshall, helpless and degendent child §,$",;"&{,, _,_ ua of David Marshall, late of Company D, One hundred an forty·§ourth M1- Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of twelvedollers per month. _ The name of Wilson F. Ball, late of Colrlnlpany D, Nmety-second ,,'",,*:",;”;_*gggf*¢ Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry, pan a pensnon at the rate of thirty dollars month in lieu of that e is now The name of Charles E¤Peironnet., late of Company E,_Eleven ,j,¤·*‘*•• *· *’¤¤·¤· Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and gy him a pension nt the rate of thirty dollars per month in lieu of t he is now reoeivnng. sum The name of Stephen Sutton, late of Compang K Fourth Regiment °°°""°" . Indiana Volunteer Cavalry, and Company_ , Bnguneut Veteran ReserveOorp;`land.'p‘:yhimapension nttherateo thirty d0llarspermonthin' of theianowrecelvmg. _ mm The name of John Martindale, late of Company G, Twentieth ’“‘“"“" Reg1mmtIndianaVolunteerInfantry, and payhnn apensnonntthe rateofthirtydollarspermonthinlieuofthatheisnowreeeivmg. Q The name of Hurry C. Wallaee, late of Company K, f1‘went1eth “""” "“"°" Regiment IowaVolunteer Infant.1-Lands? hun a pension nt the rate of thirty·doll¤• month in u of t he is new receiving. _ The name of Johng?Ponee, late of Compnny I, Fxtty—mnth Regn- ‘°‘“"”°°°* ment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and pay a pension at the rate 0ftwenty-fo¤rdollarsp¤rmonthi11heuofthathe1sn0Wr*g¤e¤§ J I E I ThenameofJonathanH.Boar¤d,1ate of Company K, Thirty Regiment0hioVoluntos;·Infanu·_n{’;nd§h1rnape¤¤onntthe rateofthin·tyd<>llarsparmonthin of themnowreeexvmg.

 name   Daniel Jacobs, late of Company H, Eighty-fourth """"’°°°"·

Reg¤nsntInd1anaVelunteerInfantry, andpayhnn apumon nt the rateoftlurtydollarepermonthinlieuofthathemnowreeavmg.