Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/124

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1138 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 142. 1912. _oeb¤;¤ w. ems- Thcname of George W. Cornelihs late of Company K, Second Regi-

  • ¤¤· mam; Iowa Volunteer Infant;-1ly,:and pay him a pension at tl;¤_!¤¢• of

twenty-fom- dollars pei-mon _ m lieu of that he IB now receiving. Joseph aaaezua. The name of Jose h Enderlm, late of Company G First R¥unent United States Cavalli, and pay a pension at the rate 0 thirty dollars per month in neu of t t he IS now receiving. _ seems a semi. The name of SRBristol% first aug uartermaster egimen clugan 0 un . a , gay him a pension at the rate of thirty-six dollars per month ID lieu of. that he is now receivi?. _ Jonathan 1. sm:. nw? 0$J¥l18 . Hdoyym, late of lf. Elezwélith Rtggii m t ons oun av ,au a nsiona era 0 for? dollars per month in lieu of thaliliza is samue1H. uw. name of Samuel H. Law, late first-class boy United States ships North Carolina and Cl].lQ0 , United States avi? and tgzy gm a pension_at the rate of dollars per month in eu of t _1s now receivmi. ‘ J¤•a¤.w•¤¤¤ar. · The name of Jos ua Westbrook, late df Com K One hundred and thirty-seventh New York Vo£nmtZer lnfau and ggéliignha penaionat K rate of Ldollars per mend: iglieu of IIOWIBGGI . ;`·" " ·‘ 1 ' ni me rv Liga ina sesmpmy ··11my· an nep: umm An ment°Indiana°Voll1i1uteer Iniy:nt:ry, End pay him dpenéon at the rate of thirty month in lieu of thatphe is nowhreoei ° . xmaaeamn. The name of ason Densmme, late of C¤mpanyG,‘Ten t Vermont Volunteer Infantskmand Ky a jpenaionat the rate of .. W ... "“£’. i‘.%¥’§'.$$“v"? ‘i*va°i.a ”}‘<‘3.“...,“°" ’2°$§‘R$·... eury . . . , 0 , t Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and pai him a pensionyat the rate foggy dollars per month in lieu of that e it now recei ' John a. mmm. P 'l‘he name ol;rJ•fhntg}l;Iainter, late of Compiany Regiment ennsylvama o un e Arull ' the rate of realy dollars per iluvgxth in qhzixfoluthsitgge is n:wP1;!:i°l! af ¤¤=!•¤1¤ ¥ ’¢¤· The name o Benjamin F. Feit, late of Company G, Seventy-::51 Regiment Pe _ Volunteer Iufantxy, and pay him a pension at the rate of dollars per month m heu of that he ia new reoenvmg. _ “"“"°""""‘ R.,..."*‘° “:“i..‘I§...°""““»¢’.£»:.’.;..'5.*;‘i#...‘.T.§°..;." "’°'°“‘*°““‘ the rate of thirty dzlarsémer month in Hopi of ia ndwprzlrnpvling ,°§°’•°°_ R ¤•¤“· The name of Horace . Hamilton, late of Company L, First ment New Jerseaxgilunteer Cavalry, and ay him a pension at e (mn win nm! thirty doo" pg: month tgienp Egtgat he és gow name o en 4; Reggmn New Hampshire Volunteer antiz, andmllguhini a at th: rate of thirty dollars per month in eu of that he is now reeei . seem L. emma. mghp mntgute mag! George L.tG5lh%erI5_la]*e of D, One hllldlgred _ · Roglluen ational him a pension at the rate of twenty-four dollars per molityli lg mms thath he 1s.nowgei:;ivi¤§t0ddud .k . f 00 _ e name o_ was _ , te , - ‘ Regiment II;1d1mavVplunu§rc·Infmtry§n3ndmI;J§•li|i7pdn;°lE,¤ D. 0 IIB , him rate ofiftydollarspernnonthinlieu of ’“""”°*"*¤'¤’* mghe name ofllortiinpr glanfulklate of Company B, One hgndred gauiea 2 and F, One hundred and eighty-fourth ··?metrI’ unt Ohio .i.°¤i‘£§°,$.?.I{.‘.*.T‘.'I3’i;.‘¤'§.Y'.'.¥?'»'?»i1';¤T."““°” .2 "’°·"‘° """"‘°"' “‘““‘·"“‘°°· name of Sarah A. Hilton, Jams F. Hilton late oaptam Company A, Fiftyinth Regiment New York Voluiiteer