Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/162

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1176 SIXTY-SECOND comumss. su. 11. cm 110, rr; 1:912- late ¤fInd¤p•¤d¤¤i=_ B•**°*’.Y °“‘ sylThenm§:le£ ;0P:mm!»¢ un thm- 013.;, . th ° ¤ "°°°’. "°€· . mud l•t•0fO0mp•ny§,SxxthReg1- (iharldlillmid. The Inf"! ’{¤d of thirty dollars ;3e1il:noI1it°1::ht?eu oflt§.:t.‘1&o gonow r9c¢i1V1i1_§ty_£nh mm · Rcqgxgaent Peuznfsylgmh Volunteer infantry, and pgklg ;éR;¤:;¤: att{1qr•te0ft.h1rty-sixdolanperumnthmhau I _ ISOGIVIDQ. - ‘ ._ mth . ¤»¤n,n¢e¤:c¤ _ GTv¤¤*¥ M" mm ugh: cme venmm inren¤Ei·nd&§m1• 1;•¤¤¤¤¤2 at W ntenffortydounnpegmanthxn of _ heunnwmcenfgul lnqixlhmnr. Thgn3,mgo{H¤?·C. an Regimenq V unseee Inlznqy, 5 Wwlgw, rsteofthnrty-sxxdohanpumonthmlmuz; Em _ dm m¤n.¤¤s¤»¢. Tpo name nf spemiou “


W¤¤•¤¤¤•r· Th0llllI.\|“%nluilD ,l•¢¤¤f . ninth Regiment P mu Volunteer mtg a¤ddp%th¤n:;•


»...¤.¤.¤. ;:·Yh u¤g;m chnsuqm, mw ei nope-e Minn., late ge puny ¤h¤¤dr•d '“¤°*!·••°¤•J B°U'“""* °'“"71"““‘ Voiuunteer 1'nfmtq, md pay hem- • panama; of twenty . d0l1usperm¤nthmlieuc{that¤he1•n¤wf¤¢¤lY¤8- , 1 . J•nn'l‘.B|4•tz•. ’1Lh;eTus.m¤ of Jgrxgles T. Stgston, Imc! Ae wm l gizeefauixtydohnnpermqntbzaieuofguztheinnqwroceiviug. ¤¤···¤-¤¤·· Thenem•e£And;ewSmuh,le¢edCop¤pmyH,_NmthR¤s¤m¤¤‘:; m • ?£';‘°‘2f.,‘uS""" “‘}.?.’325’.‘§."‘¤2`a ?.'2‘}s’&’¤'1“£ ¥..¥$“‘°r.¤..'*$‘».‘“° "‘° ‘···‘°‘·· ...?,°‘£·:.,,*······1,§J.’······]B,.,;..,E °::·····»}::: ·%..1...t.,°‘······i.¢· °·· 3%**% — ew w spgxsinnpg the1·•tec{thirtyd¤Il•.npern¤¤1th·!1;Frg;u0f&t _ as now reeemng. _ ¤~vl•¤·*·¤•· The nemo of Lewis H. Wdbr, into of Oumtnunay G, Fm·ty-thm[. Reg;men' tl|.i•¤uriV ___Inf•¤try,md ’ penn] _•tthe r•¢e_c§tw•nty-four%$=:rp¤·um¤thi1x§’1cl:h•$hnpncw

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