Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/222

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1236 SIXTY—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. IL Ch. 180. 1912. J- ¤ *•¤* UVl”8‘ Th {J. H ard Li ton, late of Com any B, Seyenth °°°°' 0 Regirhelhhlligegv Jerse§vlfolun antK, pay ham a gension at the rate of thirty-six dollars per mon m hou of that e 18 now receiving. . _

  • ’¤¤·*°¤- The name of Louisa J. Lohr, widow of George Lohr, late of Battery

Louisa J.I.0ht. » · · · • ‘ d Regan t Ilhn V l tee ht Artillery, and pay her ii), eriS•:1%Iir at e r?.e of tvlr)§lve0d\<i§ars(xipeLi·gmonth.

  • ’¤¤·*°¤·*¤°*°°°°°- The name of Henrietta Dorow wi ow of Henry Dorow, late of

H°m°m Dm"` Com any K, Eleventh Regiment Wisconsm Volunteer Infanhrgmand pay her a pension at the rate of twenty dollars per month m of J¤•e1>h¤¤1d¤ Th; iialirrleioxf 59:31 h ‘ields, late of- Company D,_Twenty-second Regiment Kentuckyalllolunteer Infantry, and paylhrm a pension at the rate oftwent dollars er month in heu of that e IS now recexvxng. ¥•¢¤¢• V*··¤·¤¤· The name of liiatilda Vereeland, widow of Garrit Vreeland, late of Company K, Twenty-fifth Regiment New Jersely Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pensron at the rate of twenty dollars per month m lieu f th t sh ' . '•¤$•*¤*¤ *°"'*· 0 Th: naih;8 diovlgelncizaehrvihdlg Fowler, late una¤i%;l, Twenty-second Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and pay a pension_ at the rate_ of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that he rs now mum; The name of Eli Hovis, late of Company K, Fourth Rgment Pennsylvama Volunteer Cayalry, and Ky a pension at e rate of thirty dollarplper month mlhepgg f gh: 18 nriiv _ t Jeromeheneh. nam 3 , 0 3 tary • , · 6g|,m¤| New York Vdlunferg? Light Artille , and tpay a pension at the rate of thirty dollars per month in You of at he IS now receiving. m¤gg¤¤ ¤· V¤ The name of S lvester B. Van Duser, late of Company F, Second ' Regiment New Ygrrk Volunteer Mormted Rifles and fpay lum a pension_at the rate of thirty dollars `per month in lieu 0 that he is now F¤*¤¢¤·¤ !¤¥¤· mlllhhmrgame of Farington Ferguson, late of Company F, Ninety- °°°’ eighth Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry, and Company M Fust United States Cavalav, and pay him a pension at the rate of thirtyix dollars per mon lieu o that he is now ·'¤•·v¤F·V¤*¤- The name of Joseph H. Varll, late of Company E, Eighth Regiment Connecticut Volunteer Infantry, and One hundred and fifty-mnth §,’··..;·a·:e S.zz°s..B::‘·“°.r;..‘;Y.:*r;:#,E:¤;*;:.£°.;Pr.;·¤2.P.r1.**%,¤: .: “"°"' ’·""“°" °°·i~°'r.'Q°$.$r Marcus F. Nesmith late of Company G, One hundred md £‘.e·*;*:·¤.r...* —’“;“s*:rE:";‘;$··;;:.‘.:1*.¤.;*r..:¤.*& *2:.%.*:.:*: pens: _ _ °•°¤¤W- '*'*·°¤•* ¤°'lYhe nanvi:%f George W. Thomas, late of Company F, Tenth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and ¤ pension at the rate of thirty-six dollars per month m lieu o t he is now "”“·¤ ·'- °-"°P•· R The nam6rvofW'1H1a%.{. D. Pops, late of Crzimpanyulg Thirty-ninth egrmentrsconsinounteer a`aensiat Am the rate of twenty dollars per month intgir of thlritlre is nowpreceiirling. 1 ““' Thename of Ann_Fagan widow of Terrence Fagan, late of Compang E, Thirty-Efth Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantrz, and Company , Fifth Regiment Veteran Reserve Co , and {ray er a pension at the rate of twenty dollars per month inxggu of t at she is now ,,'L",‘T"" " mm" The name of Samuel W. McElderry, late of Company I, Forty- fifth Regimmt Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and xpgy hun a pensron at the rate of twenty~four dollars per month in of that he 1a now reeervmg.