Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/225

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sus. II. Cns. 187, 196-198. 1912. 1239 CEA?. 187.-An Act To correct the military reccud of William Z. Norman. -H¤I¤;_¤?&g·2j Be itmadedbyfhc Smale and House Repreeentatioeeo the United [Pf|v•¤•.No.m.] Slam of in That in the adnjfinistration Y,{}{,‘$’;};§ of the pamon laws Z. Norrnan, who was enrolled in the MM- servxce of the United States. on the eighteenth day of January eighteen hundred and aixtg-two, at Spencer, Vir%¤.ia, andassignsd as a pnyate to Company , Eleventh Regiment argue Volunteer Infanta, wluehjregiment afterwards became the eventh Regiment est Virginia Volunteer Infantxg, shall hereafter be held and consxdered to have been captured byu e enemy and shot and killed onorabouttheiirstdayo Decem ,eighteenhundredand sixty- two, while in the Hne of duty: Provided, Thaf no pension shall §.Z,°{,",,'$;,,,,,,,,,,,_ accruepriorto thepaasageofthisAct. Approved, June 26, 1912. CHAP. 196.-—An Act For the relief of the heirs of Robert 8. Gill. JvEgy%.$9}2. Be itenadcdbytJa.e»Seriatca11d H0’llB¢0{.I'g>€KI'68¢1l#l¢‘iQJ£8Qf#]I6 United rrnvmmaav.1 States of America in Congress are , at the Secretary of the §};Fg&gi§éu_w_

, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pa(£to the mrsnauma ·

heirs of bert S. Gill, of Memphis, Tennessee, out of any fun in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise appropriated, the sum of twenty-five hundred and twegtly dollars, to com ensate them for injuries received by Robert S. while in the emplgy of the Government on the Panama Canal. ` Approved, July 3, 1912. CHAP. 107.-An Act For the relief of Sarah A. Waite. mg 24232- Be itenoded tJ'•cSe·na¢ea·nd Houeeo Rc eaentotibccof the United tPr1v•¤·.r{<>.¤.1 States of Ameri'}: in Tgt the Secretary of the §,';';§,¢,,}"§‘g°· ,0, Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and to ay, out ¢••¤¤ <>¤¤¤•¤•¤%· of any moneyin the 'l‘reasn1%not otherwise appropriated, to Sarah A. Waite,widowofGeorgeB. aite, who atthetimeofhisdeathwaaa iirstsergeantontheretiredlistof theUnitedStatesArmyangla civilianempl eein theQuartermsster’sDe tof theUnited States sum of one thousand and dollars, as compensation orthedeathofaagdGeorgeB: a1te,reeultmgIrogn mjuriesreceivedwhilein thedasehargeofhisdutyasatsamsterm theem oyof thepost ua:-termasteratVaneouverBarracks,State o!W ,cnt.hetgirddayofDecember,mneteenhundredand seven. Approved, July 3, 1912. @A!.1¤•.-AaAc•F¤nbere1idofDe¤;laB.Th¤¤p•¤¤- 1?xg;&•i;. Be itenmded th¢Senateand House R eccntativee of the United [1>¤v•¤,x¤.u.] · States of Ama·i‘; in Oonqrue mt the Secretary of thenw¤ms.m»v is heeby authorized and directed to pay, out of angmmoney riymm uq, an-

not otherwise apgopriated, the sum of one mend 3*****

ive hundred llars to Douglas . Thompson, late an employee in theservieeof the Isthmian CanalComm¤s¤10¤, fo1‘ th? I0! of'¤‘l6g l·¤d consequent physical disability incident to said sauce. Approved, July 3, 1912.