Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/241

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sus. H. Ch. 218. 1912. 1255 The name of Abner K. Gray, late of Com any D, F'irst ent *‘*'*°* K·°**¥· Maine Volunteer Cavalry, and pag him a pengion at the rate o thirty dollars per month m lieu of that e is now The name of William P. Gilbert, late of Company L, Eighth Regi- "*”'*¤* ’· °“'*•** ment Indiana Volnmteer Cavalry, and pay him a pension at the rate of thirty dollars month in lieu of that he is now . The name of Davenrport late of Compan A, One undred "‘“’°* D“°"’°'¥· and forty-second Regiment ew Tork Volunteer Infant , and ay hun a pension_ at the rate of thirty dollars per month inrlieu of tlhat he is now receivgig. _ The name of esley Hunt, late of Com any G, One hundred and "••l·¥ ¤¤¤•~ second Reghtiiuent Illinois Volunteer Infangry, and Battery B, First Regiment ois Volrmteer Light Artillery, and pay him a pension at the rate of thirty dollars per month m lieu of that he is now receiving. - The name of Sue B. Merrill, widow of Sherman M. Merrill late “‘°’·“°”'”· chaplam One hundred and seventy-seventh Regiment New lYork Volunteer Infantry, and post chaplain, United States Army, and ay her a pension at the rate of twenty dollars per month in lieu of gist she is now _ _ . The name of Godfrey Hammarberg, late of Company H, Ninth ¤¤¤•* Regiment Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, and painhxm a pension at the rate of dollars %r month in lieu of that is now The name of ose h S. wing, late of Company F, Tenth Regiment ’°'°1’“·"“’*· Iowa Volunteer Inilantry, an pay him a pension at the rate of thirty dollars per month m lieu of that he is now The name o Mary Ann Babcock, widow of George W. abcock, ‘“"’*“”•*°••*· late of Company F, First Regiment Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of twenty dollars per month in lieu ofthstsheisnowrecei' . ._ The name of Henry ljilugunlkp, late of Comgany D, Second Regi- ”°°" "· °""“1’· ment Pennsylvania Provisio Volunteer pay; Artillery and Com any B, Second Regiment Pennsylvama olunteer llleavy Artillery, and pa him a pension at_the rate of thirty dollars per month rn lieu of ist he is now receiving. Pm _ The name of Clyde W. Duvall, helglxess and dependent son of Clyde%. mv-11. Jacob B. Duvall, late of Company I, e hundred and Qlghhbbllbh Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the nameo . ar , 0 11 , 011 of 5,,,,, ’“·i£Zf °"°"° iii "°5 ’?¤°“b“2‘. ne i Sm 4 sm., vm t ·· ········· cm Volunteer Light Aerllgery, and a pensiqn_ at the rate of fifty mq? dollars per month in lieu of that is now The name of James S. Evans, late of Ce}-rsipany , One hundred -‘·¤··¤¤·¤· and sixty-ninth Regiment Ohio Volunteer mtg, and pay him a pension at rate of twenty-four dollars per mon in heu o that he is now . The name o Levi Wilt, late unassigned, One hundred and forty- *·""'“*— ninth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, and cfpaylhim a pension at_t.he rate of thirty dollars per month in heu t he is now receiving. _ , Hmmm; The name of Hamilton E. Turner, late of C9111P8¤Y P, Tl111'l·Y-i‘l1‘¤l¤ ‘““"" Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and pay a pension at the rate of ty dollars month in heu of that he is now reeexvmg. H uw The name ofpllirrancis M. Berry, late of Company G, One hundred ""‘°*‘ · · and tenth Regiment Illinois Volunteer pay him s pension_at the rate of forty dollars per month m u of that he is now m°°• Harem Connelly. The name of Marcus Connelly, late of Com any E, One hundred and thirtieth Regiment Ohio National Guard liifantry, and pay him