Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/246

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1260 SIXTY·SECOND CONGRESS. Sims. II. Crre. 219, 225. 1912. on the jiension roll, subject to the provisions and limitatiorm of the [IEDBIOD awe- _ _ _ "=¤¤¤¤¤- The name of Fred F. Travis, late of Company B, Eighth me r mm. . . . . . ' Calrf VluDt80!IDf8Ilt,W wrthS¤¤»¤¤dP*·¥ * pensi:>I:1:t tl; rate of tvvelverllrollargrper mens:. _ J¤¤¤ J- *’¤*¤*· The name of John J. Proilit, late of Bette G, Second Regiment U 'ted St tes Artill and pay him s pensigr at the rate of twelve nr a ery, d ll th. _ _ _ j’°_gf;>g;g§_Fn¤;% ·°Th·?ri:i1mnJames Henderson, late of Company D, '1‘hn·tretb Begi- ` ments United States Infantry, and gay hrrnapensmn at the rate of fifteen dollars fpér mont; 'eu of go ag ge is now _ at P¤¤•*¤¤~ Th . er a o ompany 'nr Regime °°°°° L BW"` IllinoisnVId1l$rr(iteer‘?0Irr§f°mtry, with Spun, and phy him a pension · at the rate of ht dollars per month. '““·=¤ D- °“*’°’* The name o?$Villiam D. Daniels, late of Co$pany_C, For·ty·6fth Regiment United States Volunteer Infantry, ar- wrth Spam, and payhhim a pension at the rate of twenty-four dollars per month. "• "·°'°'*°’· e name of Ida M. Cr0ssley,_wrdow of Charles Crossley, late hospital steward of the _'l‘hrrty:erghth States·Volunteerllnfaintilriyés War wrthepalrgaarrd piayllgzrza pension- tl of t mon , two o month. ro on avgeovrrht gif eaehcrlif two minor children. of $...1s.. until they rqmctively reach the rige ofpixteeérigears. _ _

or rr°:5‘°’2‘§d‘§.’£%2.?"ir..§'L“‘¢*'%“" ·...3`{.J’*¤}Z¥‘§‘°kp.»..l?;‘.}“l’f3»'i‘6 £

e m a - MM gtwergygm dollzrs per mop? ihdlguhoxi that she is now I `w¤••i•¤¤ wid at' theventote thesFlanmga.n‘° e °°:ggmm°‘ less andkiependlient ion of said Patrick Flanaigan, the additional Rmmw cum 0,, pension herein {suited shall cease and determine: And can simmer- farther, That in the event of the death of Anne Flannigan, the name of said Charles Fl shall be placed on the pinsion roll, subject to the provisions tations of the pension we, at the rate of Krslvemiollars per- month from and after the date of death of said }’;,'**{j*;°mn Tile name of Ida M. Hoffman, widow of Edward Homin? late of Company D, Seventh Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, ar with Spain, and phy her a pension at the rate of twelve dollars per month, with twledgo ani p}er· mizirgrh on accooufrt oicriactg of tw.; minorc' reno teso un' yrespecti yre eage sixteen years. Approved, July 8, 1912. 1 rua wh] QA!. 286»-AnActFortherel,iefo£d»'l‘urnerIIar·dwareCo¤\pany.

r»¤m.,z<».¤r1 Be itenad¢dby the8'o1udeandHou•er’%f ¢gf’t7wUvsit•d

c°'¤:;:¤·*¤¤¤StateaqfAma·ieaia0ongr~g•a _ attheSecretaryotthe r·.y¤’é¤r rms Intenor_be, and he hereby rs, authorised, and directed to pay, out of °'°°" ""‘F“ ‘“ any available funds in the Treasury of the United States belonging to the Creek Nation of Indians, to e Turner Hardware Company, of Muskogee, Oklahoma, the sum of eighty-six dollars an;l.$hty-one eents, ml! paymuiergt of an arécpgrnt for Hzrpplies $1:11: by kt: superm en o Colored ’ me in nine hundred and two. yea Approved, July 9, 1912. .