Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/261

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SIX’1'Y·SECOND coueimss ssa rx. cm. zaz, zso. im. 1275 The name of Henry Randol h, late of Com an G, Fort -seventh ¤°°’7 *·*¤°°'W*· Regiment Volunteer lgfantrg, and al; a penshm at the rate of thirty dollars Jer month in eu of Ent he is now The name of Allen . Webster, late of Company F, Sixth 4¤•¤ V~W·¤••¤· Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and paihim a pension at the rate o thirty dollarspermonthmlieuofthat eisnow ’° . rum. The name of Manerva Eveann Dealey, widow of 5ohn Dealey late ,,,,"?,°"‘ "°""‘ of United Statesship Richmond United States Navy. and pay her a ` pension at the rate of twenty dollars per month. Approved, July 10, 1912. vans!. 289.-An Act Gran pens1o` ns and increase of pennh certain' Jul! N12. emu me milora ts are iugufrgamry me mvy, me ¤•»a1¤_»1a1e¤ ga ante W- *1,*****1

ldwa.rsotherthan the C1vilWar, andtewrdowsand dependent relatives ot such soldiers [Private, ile. ae.]

Be itanded tIe8¢na¢¢¢mdHousé t71¢Un€ted Sfd¢¢3QfA1iI81'I€‘g‘€|ICbR§f¢Q8d88¢W|»bl¢$’; ttheSecrgaryof theP·¤·¤¤¤¤· Interior be, and he k hereby, authorized and to plane on the pension roll, subject to the provisions and of the pension laws- ‘ . him The name of Hugh J. MeKane, late of Company F, Seeond HMM- Henna ment Misnaitpgoi Volunteer Infantry War wi Salam, and pay him amionat erateofeiggliteendollarspermon . name of Kate C, G. Ewing, widow of Lee M. Ewing, late of ¤·*•¤·¤·Iv|¤¢· Fourth Company, United States Volunteer Signal Corps, United States Army, War with Spain and pay her a pension at the rate of twelve dolwr month, and two dollars per month additional on account of _ of the minor children of the soldier until they reach the age of sixteen years. The name of Mattie J. Sarver, widow of Doctor E. Sarver, late of ¤•¤¤•J.a¤v•r. Companti G, Second Regiment West Virginia Volunteer Infantry, War wi Spain, and pay her a pension at_the rate of twelve dollars per month and two dollars £er month additional for her three minor children, Uelen M. Emg? ., and Glema N: Sarver. _ The name of William exander, late of United States ship Iroquois, Willhmalexanuer. United States Nag, War with S£am, and pay him a pension at the rate of twenty do am per mont . The name of Thomas M. Davis, late fireman, first class, United '*'¤°¤•• ¥-¤·**•· Stat?L N avy, and pay him a pension at the rate of twelve dollars per mon The name of Catharine Pggh, widow of James Www of Captain Samuel Cartsr’s eompany, nrginia Militia, War of teen hundred and twelve, and ayher a pension at the rate of twenty dollars per month in lieu of that she is new reeexvmgo _ _ hmm The name of Frank Shaver, late of ngpany F, First Re%1:Ent rmksmve. West Virginia Volunteer Infantry, War wr Spam, and pay a pension at the rate of ”twer$·four dollars per month. The name of Catherine erner, de dent mother of George C. °•**·•¤¤•"•¤·•*· Werner, late of Company M, First mmm. Georgia Volunteer Infantry, War with Spain, and pay her a pension at the rate of twelve dollars perrnonth. · _ _ resseaisemaa The name of Manville M. Palmer, late of Comgany L, Third Regi- ¥·¤*¤¤•¤~P¤¤¤ ment Missouri Volunteer Infantry War with tgam, and pmhm gpenaionatjherateofnfteendollarapermon mlieuo. the I 1101 rgcavllif, Peudena. The name o Simon P. Kiefer, late of Company B, Twenty-eighth ""‘°° "· "°"· R¢ment United Stats Volunteer Infantry, ar with Spain, and payhimapendonattherateofsijitdollarapermonth.