Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/265

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SIXTYgSECOND CONGRESS. Sus. II. cs. 247. 1912. - 1279 The name of Samuel Heath, late of Com A, Sevent -seventh ¤•¤¤•'¤••°· Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and pg? a pensign at the rate of thirty-six_dollars per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. The name of Salas Ebersole, late of Company K, Fiftieth Regiment “““ '“""°'°· Illinois Volunteer and pay him a pension at the rate of thirtydollam°par-monthmlisuofthatheisnow . The name Anna M. McCartney, widow of Jose h S. cCa1-tney, *¤'*•'*·¥°°¤¤•!· late captain Company H and Major enth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Cavalry, pay her a pension at the rate of twenty dollars per monthmlzeuofthatsheisnowreceiving. Nm · The name of George C. Buclmam, late of Company C, Third Battery °°°¤°°·'°°*¤•¤ Masaa.chusetts_Volunteer Light Artillery and pay him a pension at ‘ the rate provided by law or loss of hoth hands from disability iuftuned m the military service from the date of the passage of this- The name oi James T. Taylor, late of Compzzny A, Second Battalion Jams r. Dktrict of Columbia Infantry, and mgalpxy D, Third Reilment Peuusylvania Volunteer Cavalryisand pay a pension at the rate of twenty dollars aHer month in u of that he is new receiving. Dm The name of Marsh Dillon, late of Company F, First Regiment mmm °“ Ohio Volunteer Heavy Artillery, and psy him a pension at the rate of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that he_1s now receiving. The name of George W. Forsythe, late of Company G, Thirty-iirst °’°"°'·’°"’“'°· Regiment Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a musica at the gte of thirty-six dollars per month in lieu of that is now recexvmg. The name of Wesley C. Harve§ late r and second master w°'l°’°¤‘"°" United States steam ram T. D. orner, `ppi Ram Fleet, and pay him a pension at the rate of fifteen dollars per month in lieu of that he is now _ _ _ num, Godwin The name of Annie . Godwin widow of William T. Godwin, late ' first lieutenant Company A One Hundred and eighteenth Rgiment _ Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at e rate of twenty-five dollars per month in lieu o that she is DOW_I`6CBlVlI15:; mmm vnu The name of William Yeake , late of Company C, Fifty-e%h _ ` Regiment Illinois Volunteer Iuilantry, and Comprirg H, First {gliment Missouri Volunteer Light Artillery, and pay _ a pension at e rate of thirty dollars r month in lieu of that e is now recewmg. m“_ The name of Jose$ne Owens, helpless and dependent daug ter Josephine ones of Mieajah Owens, late of Company F, Forty-eighth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of twelve dollars r month. _ _ p.,,,,,.,,,, ,,,.,,,,,,,,_ The name olflohn W. P late of Company I, S1xth_Reg1ment ·'¤¤¤ W·P·s··- New Hampshire Volunteer wmtq, and pay a pena1on_at the rate of forty dollars per month in hou of that he is now receiving. The name of James Lewis, late of Company G, Third Regiment ·'•"'°"*"'* North Carolina Volunteer Mounted Infant;·y,_ pay hmm a pension at the_rate of twenty-four dollars per mon in heu of that he 18 now receiving. The name of Samuel Randolph, late of Cbmpuuy 5;, Tenth R¤£i— mw h°d°i°h' ment Michigan Volunteer Cavalry, and py him a pension at the rate of twenty-four dollars per mouth in lieu that he is now receiving. hm m , - nt ew un an , am “"‘“é °‘T».*‘““‘..,Jm}§°°'°°I..g,»..."‘°°¥'¤ °‘ '}.L"‘££‘“i‘r..i’· &'“*"..§‘ and Igalyyher a pension at the rate of twenty dollars per month in lienofthatahensnowreoaiving. · umm The name of Marvin Qapman, late of Companyig, Forty-second °""“""'· Regiment Misouri Volunteer Infant1&uandt£y _ a pension at therateofthirtydohanpernaonthin of hensnowrecenvmg.