Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/289

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SIXTY·SEOOND CONGRESS Sus. II. Ch. 353. 1912. n 1803 11.% “t':1°..1‘£"°"1.1.."‘”‘*£z1"*° °‘1.1°.§’.“‘:’“‘,..." "· ‘°""""""" thirty-aixdollara mortskinlieulletfthetheaenowmeoei . ` The name ofl‘§na.• B. Anderson, late ofCompan Gv§ty-third .1?"" B' "°°` }}.°$2“%>.1‘.':.‘?..°:’.““1‘3.?"’1}*,~"“°1"““""?1&‘..““ ‘°""&""‘.1i’:‘**"“"*.E1 an , an e a pension t _ te twa1ty-four dollars szmonthjn liguyof thatheianowieoei _ I I W mu The name of. W. Pnee, late ofpompeny D. - ‘ ment Maine Volnmteer Infantr_§_ and ordmary eegman, United States

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ThenamecfSam1I;•l?l-H. Hulse,1ateofOompanyE,TenthR.eg1inent °"""m‘H'""‘ New York Volunteer Infantry, and ay him a. pension at the rate of thirtydollara monthinheuoftghtheienowreceiving. ,,m,m¤m‘ '1‘henameofV·Vil1i.amM.Kix§,1eteofCompanyI,Onehundredand '· ' sixty-seventh Regimmt Ohio ational Guard Infantry, ancmy apaunonatthereteotthnrtydollarspermonthmheuot there °°·Y11?°°°111g°6¢ 11. 1111.1.11, late tr c11111p111y A, s.v.111..11111 “°"’ "·’°"""· °°.E‘§“J1Y‘P2%2¤;°L“”L.I2'&“12Vu.%“2?.£{.”1‘T££§$“}2.“£‘·‘“ re'l’he namgot Rebecce%?Shy widow of Andrew Sh -, lete of ¤¤¤··=¤£J-shy: Kealny K, Sixty-third Regiment {Indians Volnmteer Infxntry, and pay The name o; I?.‘S':1%l;e:·dlate ofP(§ror!:i;":nty‘·E, One hundred wall}.-°??'1Ji'°'°°w1¤°°l‘}Z and ninety·£rst Regiment Ohio Vhlunteer Infantry a.u¢gfp•y him e pension at reteof twenty dollars per month lm hen that he is _, °°·i·'u. 111111.%: wma.111 11. P1111., 111. .11 ce111pi11y F, <11111111.11 111.1 "***’·*** **'· *"***· GreenCountiee1[i¤0uriHomeG¤nrds, and eylnmepensionatthe rate of thirty-six dollars month in hen ofpthnt he is now Bm H_ mu The nemo of Susan Hgaintler, widow of Henry H. Butler late of Commrny A, Seventh Regiment Tennessee Volunteer Ceveiry, end pay e pension at gate of twenty-four dollere per month in hen °£Tu£tname.h° i°.}`.°i' '°%$'1.&. trot y 1, my-•11111‘ 11.g1111.1111 **"*°•*‘°*** ’ amen , QH New York Volunteer lnfentxy, endlsalyfsm • penmon at the rate of thirty ager month in hen of t dm now www hum ¤_ cum Be'g*1:nent and yVoiuntee°1¥Infantiry, is pension at the rate of thirty desist per month in CII 0 ll DOW l'w8lVlDg· _ _ _ yawn g¤dw_ nam; Reno Clin- , late of C0 Ks mth -·£·Y.'§.7.*.··<·:.·¤·.·i’.’.‘*:~·-—····‘·*= *.:*;·°1¤» ·1*·:1·:z€E'*.%`.°E.z*.**·...*·* 1* ***· *·*· 0 y 0 I' 111011 ID GU. 0 _ _ • _ y°_ g¤.;;y_ Thnnsnneoflgo Hemle,lnteofCo yI,Sg1xty-sixthReg1- mgnt Illinois Ve1¤n·e:er Infangry, and pegéli-fra.: pem¤1qn_et the rete of “"F.’L ".°“"‘.§’°.§1.“?.?1§’.2‘i1” '§£l‘..‘*.$."i2L .1‘?1.§‘.§’.‘.§.‘.T;·’°i»“'?•*E;. 1...11 ¤·········¤······—

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F, Begunm' Ohio V lunteerC• , and_pey ZG a _' at the`rqteoltwmt;1fo¤rd:llnsperx1:¢:a¥’;.,hinheuo¢tha£g1:unow l§VlDg. . _ has I. Chilton. 'l`h•n¤n¤ofJam¤H.(11iIdnl•t•cfo¤mp¤lyC, N`mthBqtI¤nVohmt•¤·C•v¤hy` hi¤?•P¤¤¤*!E**l*¤*•°‘ tgzltydohanpementhinhniuof theheanowxeoavug.