Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/328

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1342 SIXTY·SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Gus. 402, 403. 1912. ’°’*¤·*·°*¤*¤¤¤- The name of John A. Shannon, late of Company I, Second ment Alabama Volunteer Infantry, War with pam, and pay him a pension at the rate of twelve dollars month. °¤¤"••B·8'*¤¤¤· 'l‘he name of Charles B. Swinney, izre Compqiy B, Sixth Regiment Missouri Volunteer Infantry, War with Spam, and pay him a pension at the rate of twerity dollars per month. _ _ '¤*•°*°¤ "· sm- The name of Theodore . Swan, of G, Sigth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantg, War with Spam, an pay him a pensioph at the rat; of twelvzdchars pei morglr. E L Hm °•¤¤'•°·l“¤¤•· e name George . rmes, ate any Thirty Regiment United States Volunteer Infantry, Vgar Spain, and pa hiin a pension at the r ·.te of twelve dollars per month. w"“"" K "°’°°" The name of William H. Mercer, as de dent father of Grover C. Mercer, late of United States WabaaEnUnited States Navy, and . payvhhim a pension at the rate 0 twelve dollars month. }'g_*;*g_¤k*,{ge¤;,¤f¢ e name of John S. Scheerer, Late Unitecixgtates ship Wyandotte, United States Navy, and pay him a pension at_ the rate of twenty-four dollars per month nn hen of that he is now receiving. ¤°¤•*“*’· V°*°** The name of Ronald B. Veach, late of Company A, Eleventh Regiment United States Infantry, War with S am, and a him a pemion at_the rate of eighteen dollars per monthin lieu otptgatheis ,,m,," now receiving. mmwunuamm. The name of Clinton L. Coleman, late of Company L Tenth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, War with Spam, and pay him a pension at the rate of thirty dollars r month, '"“*·¤·* ¤···*· ran name or wimnm M. Hanks, has or cunpnny c, N`mth neg. ment Illinois Volunteer InfantrHA'ZVar with Spain, and pay him a pension at the rate of twelve do per month. ` m¥;j"°¤°° Z· H°"‘ The name of Lawrence Z. Hoffman, late of Compan F, Tenth Regiment United States Infantxi, War with Spain, andy pay him a pension at the rate of twelve dollars month. ‘“P°"““* The name of Rupert Haas, late oiwéompany E, Sixth Regiment United States Infantry, War with Spain. and pay him a pension at Jmbmdmm the rate of sm dollars ppt month. ` The name of Jacob andelbaum, late of 'I‘roo H, Seventh Regiment United States Cavalry, War with Spain, and) pay him a pension Pension anmnx. at the rate of twenty-four dollars r month. ,,§“"°°°‘ °· * The name of Elizabeth S. Titisgy, widow of Alfred M. Tinsley, late of Captain Bennett’s company, First Regiment Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, War with Manco, and tpay her a pension at_the rate of twenty dollars per month m lieu of at she IS now receivmg. Approved, August 24, 1912. a 24 im . . . . W 2 ‘ CHAP. 403.-An Act Gnnt.1 nsrons and increase of muon; to certain ld' [ ·R- 4602.] ¤8P€ P0 no rers ——-<—— and milors of the lar Arm and Na and ce ' ' [P'""'· °"’· ml other than the Civiliiwailr, and toiiridows ofvaiich d num of wu! Be·itenadedbyt}neSmateand House 0 Re eaentativea the United "°’“'°"‘ States ty America in Coriqgees the Secreqiiary of the Interior be, and he is here y, authorized and directed to place on the pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension E awai·»Q°iix°i¤°Emm. The name of Fran}: Newman, late of Company G, Sixth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, War with Spain, and pay him a pension at nm I ud the rate of twelve dollars for month. men v ` The name of Mathew . Ledwien, late of Compan K, Fifteenth Regiment Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, War with gpain, and pay him a pension at the rate of eight dollars cr month. ""'“‘ x '“’”""*"‘ The name of Frank E. Lyman, junior, liite iirst lieutenant, Si? nl Co , United States Army, and pay him a pension at the rate of ty doiliirss per month.